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Opinion No: 7 ~ Fancourt[LJ] & Vos Follies

Opinion No: 7 ~ Fancourt [LJ] & Vos Follies
Hostile actions at the Court of Appeal at a Glance:

• Hostile Political Forces ~ The Bugler and Comrades;

• Is there a difference between a Bee and a Bull’s foot?

Fancourt ‘Approved’ Judgment with the Bugler’s key views.

Hostile Political Forces ~ Bugler and Comrades

Before commencing the jousting at the Court of Appeal it was clear to the Bugler and his Comrades  that they were not to be allowed to succeed lawfully in ‘due process’ at the Court of Appeal by hook and mostly crook . The corrupt and controlling political forces ranged against them had already identified themselves by their prior hostile actions .

The common quasi political thread of Freemasonry which joined these ‘hostiles’ together had originated in Lancashire but continued to grow cancer like all the way up to their right wing Conservative Putsch Leader Sir Iain George Duncan Smith M.P. and his smugly controlled 1922 Committee.

A thread which  discounted the Truss ‘ 50 Day WonderWoman’ but whose implementing and controlling arm included a tiresome and malignant self serving former Minister of State at the Dept of Works and Pensions[DW] Called Dr.Thérèse Coffey PhD M.P. chosen by Smith who had been for 6 years a predecessor at the self-same DWP.

By now a Cabinet Minister, first appearing in the Smith Putsch Controlled, criminal PM Johnson’s Cabinet. This Cabinet  Minister was carefully selected by Smith/Johnson because of her insatiable greedy ambition and her execrable reputation for cruelty, for example, to more than 74,000 married women and widows who were/are owed a £23,000 windfall each after being underpaid their state pensions due to admin blunders dating back 30 years which would have included Smith squirearchy.

A former Convent girl and human being from Crosby Merseyside near where the Bugler served gone entirely rogue. She was accused rightly of hiding 9 DWP derogatory secret reports . A creature of the darkness who regards others longevity as a problem, though still has the longest record on the acquisition of freebies in Parliament including her free cigars!

Most people like this take themselves off into prostitution but in her case she has taken herself off into political prostitution finally Truss appointing her as her Deputy Prime Minister but not before Smith chose her to control and direct the senior Judiciary at the Court of Appeal in the person of a more than grateful and indebted recently ‘appointed’ Sir Geoffrey Vos PC the new Master of the Rolls and controller of the Court of Appeal where he was told the insistent answer to disabled Firefighters and their Beneficiaries was always going to be NO!

It was during her tenure at the DWP that Dr.Thérèse Coffey PhD M.P. developed a practice which became a Conservative Government Policy which is colloquially known as ‘Withering on the Vine of Life’ a cynical iniquitous practice which with time has become a major plank of Conservative Party policy when it comes to legitimate monies owed to its Citizens which  the UK English government are adept at using without a hint of genuine remorse.

This picture was taken outside a Whitehall Government Building Coffey having just been unceremoniously sacked by the new PM Sunak. No doubt she will now experience ‘longevity’ at first hand in the wilderness?

Bee & a Bulls Foot ?
Is there a difference between a Bee and a Bull’s foot?

This Profound Question greatly afflicted these two Court Jesters, Fancourt and Vos, who simply have no idea between them, judging by their insipid grasp of UK Jurisprudence what, if any, the difference is?

As Jesters are meant to be, they are in combination, a laughing stock and when the ECHR Judges pick themselves off the floor in Strasbourg after having a fit of hysterics of laughter, they are bound to ask?

Is this what Brexit British is at its very Judicial best ?

In the interim Vos received, as he was meant to, an unlawfully obtained email intercept from the Bugler to Minister X via BT Belfast. MI5’s McCallum duly reported to Vos and no doubt in more sedition to Duncan Smith/Francoise/Cash/etc that the Bugler intended to block Vos et al  from TMB.

This caused much panic at 04:01hrs in the morning because Sir Geoffrey could not find the correspondence would have to quote from in response to any Judicial Review which the Bugler might be place before him.

The expression ‘hoist on his own petard’ also springs to mind because this devious Knight gave instructions to both his Registrar[if he was?] Cobourn and his colleague Choudhury[who it seems bizarrely was also a Registrar?] to return all the Court fee paid documents submitted and using an almost anonymous a third party, to destroy all the remaining  contemporaneous digital records the Appeallant had placed  before the Court of Appeal. Thus Vos had not a clue what had actually taken place or what  his corrupt assistants did when they collectively destroyed the Court evidence in  a complicit act of corrupt criminal fraud.

These co-conspirators seem to remain unaware of their Sovereign’s intense interest in his disabled Firefighters recorded by the Bugler and in the antics of these criminals and their unlawful activities though unfortunately for them HM has a little more time on his hands these days to study their activities.

But Dear Reader let us remind this International Readership exactly who Vos, Fancourt, Cobourn, his ‘echo’ Choudhury and this third person Yobi Oba really are in this den of fraudsters… So let us drag them into the light of scrutiny.

Sir Geoffrey Vos PC [Privy Councillor], thus advisor to His Majesty King Charles III [does one hear more ECHR chortling?] is The Keeper, or Master of the Rolls and Records of the Chancery of England, commonly known as the Master of the Rolls [MoR].

Vos is the President of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales and Head of Civil Justice, such as it is, under his shady ‘Leadership’.

The Appointment of the MoR, made by the UK Sovereign and Parliament, is done with the clear expectation that His Majesty will be presented with a suitably qualified Subject who is expected to be a personage of exemplary Honesty, Integrity, Decency, and of Common Courtesy, to the highest standing and standards within the English and Wales Judiciary.

Embarrassingly and to the crushing reputational detriment of all those who strive to serve decently and responsibly in the English and Wales Judiciary to such aspirational values, the Justices have now become aware that the current Master of Rolls and some of his leading Civil Servants are nothing more, nor less, than corrupt common fraudsters.

His published actions continue to beg questions. By the common knowledge of his shady published maladroit activities Vos’s overriding values esteem to the acquisition of personal wealth so he can play with horses the ‘sport of kings’. Now whether or not this is for favours granted remains to be exposed. Much of Vos’s Mother Lode it hidden away in offshore depositories e.g., the Cayman Islands, and whether or not tax paid is yet another moot point to be pursued by HMIRevenue and the Serious Fraud Office?

Vos knows little of, and practices even less of the Common Law, and in this instance, particularly Pension Law. His demonstrated lawless actions, which are observed and imitated by his immediate subordinates including Fancourt and his fraudsters Coburn and Choudhury set an appalling example to those aspirants of higher values and standards in the Judiciary.

One cannot mention Vos without including his ner’ do well lickspittle Sir Timothy Fancourt LJ, commonly known to disabled Firefighters as the ‘parachutist’  who at a moment’s notice can be parachuted into a tricky situation to do his Master’s bidding. No doubt for favours all round, in whatever form it may eventually come to pass, whilst of course assisting his Master.

Fancourt is ideally qualified to adjudicate on matter pension his earlier days having been spent in the Court of Chancery[Chancers] working on property, land leases, and the litigation like.

At the opening of this Appeal Court Hearing done by Skype on the 3rd July 2020 Fancourt LJ was clearly lost but in any event in the modern idiom he decided to ‘wing it ‘anyway. He had not graduated from the Court of Chancers without an over exuberance of self-confidence for nothing. Indeed he is on the transcript at a very early point as he struggled to acquaint himself with this technically challenging Pensions Case where he states to a startled Appellant disabled FSV-FMG “Well, this Clause 5 [he meant Paragraph 5] takes some reading”… This from a supposedly well read, experienced,  Lord Justice presumably specialising in Pensions Law?

One supposes that Fancourt thought senior Fire& Rescue Officers are by and large quite backward.Arrogance dictates his thinking. Now whilst this may be the case today, due to their lack of professional education, that was hardly the case in the Bugler’s day. One is sure Fancourt will be interested in the impression he left on FSV~FMG which became the subject of a contemporaneous  ‘Note For  Case’ which usually found their way regularly into Coroner’s Courts. Perhaps what we are looking at here is a career corpse? Go Here.

Fancourt’s name is synonymous with the term ‘Mr.Fixit’. For example, one is driven out of curiosity to ask what role, if any, did an ‘arm’s length’ Vos and his participating ‘parachutist’ Sir Timothy Fancourt LJ , because we know he was there, role play in the recent media moguls’ case of ‘hacking’ HRH Prince Harry private communications and for what inducement?

In this Pension matter of obstructed ‘due process’ Vos, Fancourt, and his Registry gangs’ malignant fingerprints are all over this chicanery also.

Indeed the outrageous sacking of Lady FalkCBE [J] was simply barefaced brigandry of the highest order because they knew, or assumed wrongly, that they would get away with all this disloyal brutality just because the Lady Justice had a mind of her own.

But,  as with ‘DDJ’ Burrows in Preston Combined Court, long runs the fox, and Rule 43 is the only rightful place for Vos, Fancourt, and their gangsters, Coburn and Choudhury at the Court of Appeal Registry.

To explain Rule 43. HM Prisons usually have a block of isolated cells; one person per cell where the inmate is placed in protective custody from other inmates where they remain for 24 hours a day with the exception of 1 daily hour for fresh air exercise.

Naturally inmates of the calibre of sex offenders, the Police, and Judiciary are placed in these ‘refuges’.

They are entitled, and the Bugler should know, because of his former State appointed role as a Member of a HMP Board, to petition a Board Member including in the watchful ‘wee’ hours in prevention of suicides or attacks.

It is unlikely, based on this experience, that Vos, Fancourt, Coburn, or Choudhury will take kindly to such a confinement in such a hostile environment, and if for one moment they think that the remainder of the inmates will not know they are present, then once more they will be wrong.

But of course when the time comes, as it will, to ‘set the example’ they will have no choice in the matter. One should never forget the execution of Admiral John Byng…Pour Encourager Les Autres…

Sedition was formerly a Capital offence in England and still remains on the Statute Book with confinement for life. Such is the price of the abuse of Judicial power, Human Rights, and treachery to the Kingdom…

Fancourt ‘Approved’ Judgment with the Bugler’s key views

The problems for Fancourt [LJ] in dealing with this Application were simply legion. He had been handed a poisoned chalice by his ‘Master’ of the Rolls Vos, another ‘Knight’, and he was duty bound to start at the bottom of the problems and work backwards from the imposed resolution which was on the only single Judgment ever given in this pension saga; all leading to “Application Denied”.

Neither the Law, logic, rationale, nor not so common-sense were to be allowed to intrude.This is a prime example of a boosting up by handshake of a third rate Kings Counsel with a Land Registry background attempting the impossible which was to understand complex Pension Law within the Court of Appeal whilst already having decided No!

The Appeal Against the Fancourt[LJ] Approved Judgment was firstly by an Irish farm boy, a Pupil taught by a ‘Master’ for over 12 years. Go Here.

For Opinion No:8 ~ Barrister.  Go Here.