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Legislation – Guides – Official Documents.

Legislation – Guides – Associated Official Documents.
Comments:   Listed by Year:

Please note there may well be documents contained in the Libraries which may not be linked to any particular page but may well be posted to the Libraries just for general information.

1992-S.I. No: 129

The Bill(Order) which led to the enactment of the 1992 Firemen’s Pension Scheme Order, Statutory Instrument 1992 No.129 was laid ‘on the table’ under the ‘affirmative resolution procedure’ on the 7th February 1992 . This meant that, unless an objection is raised to it, which there was not, the Bill is not debated either in Committee or on the floor of the House of Commons – its passage to law is thus a formality.

This Bill was authorised by Parliament as an Order and was enacted on the 1st March 1992. Go Here. (Page 188).

Key Critical Documents.
The 1992 Firemen’s Pension Scheme Order.Statutory Instrument 1992 No.129.

Here. The Full Statutory Instrument.

In Parts and Schedules(Highlighted).

Here. Arrangement of Rules and revocation of previous pension Schemes;

Here. Part A – General Provisions and retirement;

Here. Part B – Personal Awards;

Here. Part C – Awards on death – spouses;

Here. Part D – Awards on death – children;

Here. Part E – Awards on death – additional provisions;

Here. Part F – Pensionable service and transfer value;

Here. Part G – Pensionable pay and contributions;

Here. Part H – Determination of questions and appeals;

Here. Part I – Servicemen;

Here. Part J – Special cases;

Here. Part K – Revision and withdrawal of awards;

Here. Part L – Payment of awards and financial provisions;

Here. Part M – Transitional and other matters;


Here. Schedule 1 – Interpretation;

Here. Schedule 2 – Personal Awards;

Here. Schedule 3 – Awards on death – spouses;

Here. Schedule 4 – Awards on death – children;

Here. Schedule 5 – Awards on death- additional provisions;

Here. Schedule 6 – Pensionable service and transfer values;

Here. Schedule 7 – War service;

Here. Schedule 8 – Purchase of increased benefits;

Here. Schedule 9 – Appeals;

Here. Schedule 10 – Servicemen- increased awards;

Here. Schedule 11 – Special cases;

Here. Schedule 12 – Transitional and other matters.

The 1992 Home Office Commentary.

Here. The 1992 Home Office Commentary Complete [Large File 394 Pages].

Here. The 1992 HO Commentary ill-Health Rules Synopsis (First use Synopsis, then if necessary, appropriate Sections).

    The 1992 Home Office Commentary in Sections:

     Here. 01-Index.

Here. 02-Amendments to Commentary-2002+;

Here. 03-Commentary-Title Page-Foreword;

Here. 04-Introductory-Table of Contents-How to use Commentary-Background;

Here. 05-Part A-General Provisions & Retirement;

Here. 06-Part A-General Provisions & Retirement-Rule A1;

Here. 07-Part B-Personal Awards;

Here. 08-Part C-Award on Death-Spouses;

Here. 09-Part D-Award on Death-Children;

Here. 10-Part E-Awards on Death-Additional Provisions;

Here. 11-Part F-Pensionable Services & Transfer Values;

Here. 12-Part G-Pensionable Pay & Contributions;

Here. 13-Part H-Determination of Questions & Appeals;

Here. 14-Part I-Servicemen;

Here. 15-Part J-Special Cases-GMP;

Here. 16-Part K-Revision & Withdrawal of Awards;

Here. 17-Part L-Payment of Awards & Financial Provisions;

Here. 18-Part M-Supplementary Provisions;

Here. 19-Annexes.

Here. 20-Index.

Here. Key Dates in the History of the Firefighters’ Pension Schemes.

Here. The Shawcross Doctrine
Here. Firemens Pension Scheme Order 1973, SI 966. This Scheme is  similar to the ’92 Scheme in respect of ‘what you would/could have earned by the compulsory age of retirement had you not been injured’.

Here. Annual Pay Settlements 1977-2009.

Here. NJC Pay Scales 1977-2005.

Here. Air Florida NTSB Accident Report.
Here. The Limitation Act 1980.
Here. Travesty of a Fatal Firefighters Investigation ~ ACO Livesey.

Here. Further travesty of Livesey’s Staff Officer’s Time Line Storyboard ~ ADO T.McMillan.

Comment: IDRP See also Year 2008.
Here. The Pensions Act 1995 including Section 50 IDRP.
Comment: IDRP See also Year 2008.
Here. IDRP~1996 Statutory Instrument 1270.
Comment: IDRP See also Year 2008.

Here. IDRP~ Home Office Fire Service Circular 2/1997.

Here. Divisional Officer Paul P.Burns – Pension Discharge Account Statement.

Comment:Human Rights Act 1998.
Here. The Human Rights Bill was first laid before Parliament for debate on the 7th February 1992 it then took 6 years to finally after amendment after amendment to make it to the Statute Book as an Act of Law in 1998. Page 202(Acrobat).

Here. The Human Rights Act 1998 – A Pension(s) is a ‘Possession’.

Here. The Ministry of Justice Human Rights – Human Lives.

Here.  Human Rights Case Law – Gearty and Philips.

Comment: Data Protection Act 1998.
Here.  Data Protection Act 1998(Latest Revision 2016).
Here. Late Payment of Commercial Debt Act 1998 (as amended)
Here. Access to Justice Act 1999.
Here. The Freedom of Information Act 2000(With Amendments).
Here. The FPS Firefighters Pension Scheme 2004.

Here. The Fire and Rescue Service Act 2004.

Comment: All ‘Editions’ of the Firefighters Pension Scheme Consolidation 1992 Order are posted here:
Here. Firefighters Pension Scheme Consolidation 1992 Order-July 2005.

Here. Firefighters Pension Scheme Consolidation 1992 Order-December 2005.

Here. Firefighters Pension Scheme Consolidation 1992 Order-July 2006.

Here. Firefighters Pension Scheme Consolidation 1992 Order-December 2006.

Here. Firefighters Pension Scheme Consolidation 1992 Order-February 2008.

Here. Fire & Rescue Service Circular 4-2005.

Here. Fire & Rescue Service Circular 62-2005.

Here. The Firefighters Pension Scheme Order April 2006.

Here. The Fraud Act 2006.

Here. the London Fire Brigade alters the IDRP to the detriment of its pensioners.

Here. The LCC-LFRS Service Level Agreement for the ‘management’ of the LFRS Firefighters Pension Scheme;

Here. The Local Authority(Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 No.1159.

Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures:

Here.The Law 2008 –  DCLG Fire Fighters Pension Scheme Circular FPSC 1/2009 – and the DCLG  Guidance Note 2009.


IDRP and the Fire Fighters Pension Schemes:

First came amendments to the principal UK Pensions Act 1995 Section 50 which incorporated IDRP ~ further amendments followed culminating in the ~ 1996 Statutory Instrument 1270(See the year 1996 in this Library)~then the Home Office Fire Service Circular 2/1997(See the year 1997 in this Library)~then Statutory Instrument  2008 No. 649 PENSIONS ~ The Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2008.This SI specifically included the Firefighter Pension Scheme by definition as an  ‘Occupational Pension Schemes’.

Following a specific debate in late 2008 by the national Firefighters Pensions Committee(see constitution in 2013 below) chaired by the DCLG on IDRP the DCLG then issued Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Circular 1/2009 which included specific and detailed guidance how IDRP was to be implemented in practice further supported by the issuance of a separate Guidance Note all designed to address the implicit requirements of the pension law specifically in respect of impartiality and the transparent operation of IDRP during actual disputes.

Stage I gave the Firefighters Pension Manager an opportunity of dialogue to address a perceived pension error, to explain, and correct that error if necessary and to publish within a specified time frame an answer with explanations to the Stage I applicant. Thus the Pension Manager/CFO was given a single opportunity to examine and correct themselves.

Stage II permits the Applicant to disagree with the conclusion of Stage I and to bring the dispute forward to publicly Elected Members of the Fire Authority for objective and impartial scrutiny; for these Councillors to make a decision based on law; and to communicate that decision to the Applicant also within a time frame of 2 months.

Thus , in the theory of law, the dispute in Stage II was examined impartially in law, separate from their Pension Scheme manager who may have made an original error. This was to ensure compliance with the principle of ‘good law’ that ‘no one can be a judge and jury in their own court’ and was the meaning and intent behind the law in amending the Pensions Act to provide IDRP.  

Here. Lord Waddington speaks to the House of Lords on the Matter of ‘Hate Crimes’ in a Democracy.
Here. DCLG Guidance Note 4/2010. States Retirement Allowance is NOT deductible from an Injury Award;

Here. The Pension ‘Industry’ a mini survey and report 2010.

Here. Independent Public Sector Pensions Commission Report 2010.

Here. The Equality Act 2010.(As of 2021).

Here. The Civil Service Code-A synopsis.

Here. Lord Hutton – Independent Public Sector Pensions Commission – Final Report 2011.

Here. Scandalous ‘Triple Dipping’ by the Government’s own Fire Adviser Peter Holland.

Here. Northern Ireland  Fire & Rescue  – Public Accounts Report and Enquiry(Scroll up from first blank page).

Here. DCLG Firefighters’ Pension Report 2012-2013.

Here. Total English FRS Pension Scheme Expenditure 2012-2013.

Here. DCLG memorandum to Firefighters Pension Committee 25th June 2012.

Here. DCLG memorandum to Firefighters Pension Committee 3rd October 2012.

Here. Report London Fire Brigade ‘Injury Awards Verification Exercise’ date 16th July 2012 .

Here. Litigants-in-Person Handbook & McKenzie Man Rules;

Here. DCLG Firefighters’ Pension Scheme: Heads of Agreement.

Here. GAD ~ Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Arrangements.

Here. DCLG Top-Up Grant Chart 2013.

Here. DCLG Firefighters’ Pension Schemes Membership 2013.

Here. Pension Regulator’s PPoint presentation to the Firefighters Pension Committee 24th April 2013.

Here. Firefighters’ Pension Committee of the DCLG – Composition and Nominees 2013.

Here. Public Service Pensions Act 2013.[25th April 2013].

Here. Public Service Pensions Act 2013 Explanatory Notes.

Here. The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes Disclosure of Information Regulations 2013.

Here. The Morning Bugler’s Comments on the Pension Regulator’s draft Code of Practice No:14 for Fire Pensions, 2014.

Here. Pension Regulator Interim Report May 2014 on draft Code of Practice No:14.

Here. Pension Management Institute Qualifications Overview 2014.

Here. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service – FOIA – Refusal.

Here. The LCC Allowance Scheme for Elected Member including mileage allowance.

Here. The-Openness-of-Local-Government-Bodies-Regulations-2014.

Here. Dr. Altmann CBE Report from Business ‘Champion for Older Workers’ for last government.

Here. Statement disabled FSV~RRB to County Court Manager Preston.

Here.  S.I. No:129 Pages 44~48 Schedule 2 Personal Awards Formulae.

Here. Human Rights:Human Lives A Guide to the Human Rights Act for Public Authorities.Incorporating Ministry of Justice original publication in 2006 amended in 2014 principally with UK developed Case Law.

Here. Mr. J. McDonnell M.P. Early Day Motion- Pension Commutation Dispute- Firefighters & Police officers.

Here. What is an Early Day Motion?

Here. Whistleblowers – Witnesses to Hope?

Here. Pensions Ombudsman Final Determination – Commutation Tables.

Here. Pensions Minister Baroness Altman CBE – Maiden Speech to the House of Lords.

Here. Pensions Ombudsman Annual Report 2014/15.

Here. Pensions Ombudsman  – Interview by Professional Pension Periodical.

Here. Former Pensions Ombudsman appointed to the Office for Legal Complaints.

Here. Pensions Minister launches new State Pension campaign – Animation Video.

Here. Pensions Ombudsman proposals on Non Financial Injustice Restitution.

Here. The Pensions Regulator with Fighting Talk.

Here. The Pensions Regulator’s Final Code of Practice No:14, April 2015.

Here. Pensions Ombudsman Benchmark Determination PO-2865 June 2015.’Overpayments’.

Here. Pensions Ombudsman announcement regarding commutation backpay and interest payment thereon.

Here. LCFA Oppression of Democracy.

Here. National Audit Office Investigation underpayment of Pensions 2006-2016.

Here. Secret Report by Nolan and Warren February 2016 to CFA at Public Excluded Meeting.

Here. Secret Memo to CFA Members from Chair DeMolfetta about ‘Burns’.

Here. National Audit Office Investigation into underpayment of Pension commutation 2001-2006.

Here. Pension Legal Opinion ~ Mr. D. Lock QC.

Here. Pension Legal Opinion ~ Mr.J. M. Copplestone-Bruce.

Here. Government White Paper ‘Protecting DB Schemes’

Here. Government White Paper ‘Protecting DB Schemes’.

Here. 2018 Data Protection Act.

Here.  A ‘Standard’ Subject Access Request(SAR) Letter to send(after customising) to FRS Authorities for all Personal         Records Files held by them on you during your Service life.
Data Protection Act in Year 2018 Legislation Library.

Here. PRF Request Letter Template specifically for LFRS Veterans or In-Service personnel (Courtesy FSV~MT).

Here Guide ~ Investing in Gold & Silver 2019.

Here TPO Senior Posts Organogram.

Here. Disabled FSV~FMG Pension Complaint is finally dealt with by The Deputy Pensions Ombudsman.

Here. Talbot Showroom Fire 1990 ~ Fire Investigation ~ ACFO J.Livesey (Deceased).

Here. Talbot Showroom Fire 1990 ~ Storyboard ~ Anon but was ADO T.McMillan.

Here. Mrs Lady Justice Falk DBE relates her biographical history on video.

Here. Amended Judicial Code of Conduct.

Here.TPO to High Court Mischief making re FSV~FMG.Mr.Craddock describes himself as a “Senior Counsel” which in lawyer speak is either a Q or K Counsel. there is no such a person at TPO. the DTPO is a non-practising barrister.

Here. President of the UK Supreme Court Lord Reed eulogy for a friend and colleague Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore.

Here. Judicial Organogram revised 2020 though still marked 2017?

 Here. History of the Chancellor of the High Court.
 Here. Access To Justice Equality & Human Rights Commission.

Here.  Judge Siofra O’Leary of Ireland sworn in as President of the European Convention of Human Rights ~ Strasbourg Court for 3 years.

Here. HMICFRS~Values and Culture in the UK Fire & Rescue Service~HM Inspectorate Fire & Rescue Service 30th March 2023 but no mention of the “F” word “Freemasonry”. The Culture of Corruption.

Here. A Guide to Members of the UK Privy Council is found here.

Here. Jailed MPs since 1945 all 23.

Here. What is the Legal basis for Regal Privilege?

Here.  Humanitarian Medal Royal Approval 23rd July 2023.

Here. Statement on FRAUD by Home Secretary Ms. S. Bannerman PC MP.

Here. The First new Lady Chief Justice Dame Sue Lascelles Carr, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, DBE, PC., Curriculum Vitae.

Here. PSNI Board ~ Appeal against Supreme Court Judgment ~ Appeal Denied.

Here. ECHR Articles and Protocols in full. Current as of this date of installation 23-12-2023.