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Rudderless on a Sea of Corruption

Rudderless on a Sea of Corruption
This Chapter at a Glance:

• Payroll and Pensions Clerk ~ Ms.Drinkall MBE ~ The Author of the Great Pension Fraud;

• The Individual Fraudsters and their Collective role in the Great Cover Up;

• The LCFA ~ LFRS ~ LCC Paranoia of Secrecy ~ Secrets Galore;

• The ‘Promissory Note’ or ‘Obligation’ Serves its Purpose;

• Political Corruption takes the Lead and sets the Tone;

• LCFA/LFRS/LCC Secret Internal Emails 2006 ~ 2016;

• LPP Investors London purchase LCFA Firefighters Pensions Scheme ~ 2016.

Payroll & Pensions Clerk ~ Ms.Drinkall MBE

On 12th June 1972 the Bugler was transferred to Lancashire County Fire Brigade[LCFB] HQ as its Press Liaison Officer. The appointment was a pre-Station Command holding post which occurred on 1st August 1972; the purpose of which was to familiarise the Bugler with the Brigade Command structure of 61 ~ Stations. This also included the HQ Civilian Staff which the Bugler was likely to have contact with in the future.

One of those the Bugler met was Ms Eileen Joan Drinkall [MBE] who was listed as the Payroll and Pensions Clerk.

Civilian Staff were employed on the Lancashire County Council [LCC] local authority pension scheme to which they contributed 4% of their annual earnings with the requirement to serve to the age of 60 before a 1/80ths based pension became payable, unlike Uniformed Personnel[UP] which paid out in 1/60ths.

It was common knowledge within the UP that their conditions of service generated, with some of the Civilian Staff,  an ill disguised atmosphere of  envy, resentment, and rancour. Ms. Drinkall was apparently known by the nickname  ‘nasty knickers’ among the ‘troops’.

These detractors chose to ignore the contribution facts that UP contributed 11% of their rank based annual earnings to their Pension Fund;  ignored the fact that UP on active front line operational service were required to serve until the age of 55 or 60 years; whilst ignoring the fact that at any point a UP could be compulsorily discharged by reason of ill-health/Injury.

There is no doubt that Ms.Drinkall found the Statutory daily task of updating and ‘maintaining’ the Lancashire Firefighters’ Pension Fund ‘account’ to be both tedious and tiresome because, acting unilaterally and unlawfully she decided that this element was to become the responsibility of retired FSVs and so she decided to ‘amend’ Statutory Instrument No:129 under the guise that this significant change was an official policy of the LCFB  by fraudulently using LCFB logos on the internally distributed pension documentation. An entirely fraudulent and unlawful action for which the SI makes no provision in Law.

Nevertheless this is exactly what Ms.Drinkall did in May 1995 issuing these documents under her own Personal Reference ‘ERD’ including the use of deliberately misleading LCFB logos on a single sided A4 sheet which with time became an alleged ‘Promissory Note’ which she passed over in the retirement ‘bundle’, to be signed off by the trusting and ignorant FSVs who were retiring for the first, and probably  the only occasion, of their working lives.

This personal unauthorised act became the first  false fraudulent instrument issued by Ms. Drinkall insisting that individual FSVs signed this fraud off ! The subsequent paper trails confirm so.

This first ‘Promissory Note’ was exclusively Ms. Drinkall’s lazy man’s charter of a creative approach to her daily work. Her first unlawful action brought Ms.Drinkall immediate benefits as it was intended to. Benefits which were to make her working life less tedious and irksome but forgetting that this repetitive work was what she was bound to do, by Statute.

Its first purpose, was to eliminate her tiresome daily chore of updating the Statutory “account” , also duplicated in  individual Personal Record Files[ PRF] Pension Records all of which the Statute law required her to “maintain”.

Its second purpose, was by this cynical ploy to provide a future refuge of excuses for her laziness should it be later discovered, as it was, that neither the LCFB, nor subsequently the LFRS, had not “maintained” these vital Pension Records because of the obvious lack of individual Pension Records Files[PRF] that the LCFB and then the LFRS actually held on record.

Thus a clever and dishonest Ms. Drinkall thought she had surreptitiously transferred her Statutory duty and daily responsibility onto retiring FSVs who in reality may or may not, even after 1995. have signed this ‘Promissory Note’  which obliged them to voluntarily inform Ms. Drinkall of some changes[but not all] to their lawfully received DWP Benefits, thus doing her work for her.

But in any event Ms. Drinkall had not the slightest intention of doing anything with the voluntarily supplied information she might be supplied with because it would then defeat her objective which was to relieve herself of this boring Statutory responsibility and its daily chore, or so she thought.

With such a complex personal and complicit falsehood there were bound to be complications and there were.

In 1996 the Bugler was compulsorily discharged under Rule B3 and Rule B4 having received a ‘qualifying injury’[an explosion in Belfast] in 1964.

In the period between May 1995 and September 1996 Ms. Drinkall then amended the second false fraudulent instrument under the LCFB logo presumably because no one chose to supervise her actions and because there had been no adverse managerial reaction to her first fraudulent instrument.

Ms. Drinkall next decided that this second fraudulent amendment, this ‘Promissory Note’,  was to be incorporated, as an addendum, into the final formal compulsory discharge calculation document.
A document which was always signed off by the LCFB Chief Fire Officer Russel  and subsequently by the LFRS  Chief Fire Officer Holland.

What follows are examples of how Ms.Drinkall’s incompetence entrapped herself:

The first draft of the Bugler’s calculation of his compulsory pension discharge calculation document on 10th September 1996 did not include an addendum ‘Promissory Note’, which in any case was rejected because of its was mathematically incorrect. Go Here.

The second draft of the Bugler’s calculation document on 24th October 1996 did include this addendum ‘Promissory Note’ and although signed off by the Bugler the document was actually found to be, once more, mathematically incorrect and was rejected by the LCC/LCFB staff  themselves as incorrectGo Here.

The third draft of the Bugler’s calculation document on 13th November 1996 did not include a ‘Promissory Note’ because it was simply authorised for direct payment without requiring the Bugler’s signature by a clerk, Ms. D.J.Southcott, who was formerly the Bugler’s Divisional Clerk, who had no pension experience whatsoever, but who had been transferred to BHQ to eventually replace a retiring Ms. Drinkall in 2002, who retired with the MBE for services rendered to the LFRS. Go Here. 

In this complete shambles for such an important document there was complete inconsistency, as can be seen, between individual editions, which simply highlighted the consistent level of incompetence in the staff authoring and authorising these documents.

Ironically due to all this confusion and inconsistency this third draft calculation which the Bugler simply accepted because payment had been authorised without his signature, did not include any ‘Promissory Note’.

Therefore quite by chance the Bugler had not signed any ‘Promissory Note’ because it did not exist in this third and final payable edition.

Next the narrative moves to the benefit of hindsight and sequels to these foregoing events …

There matters then rested until 1999 at which point the Bugler became aware at a Service funeral that he was entitled to receive under its correct title Reduced Earning Income Allowance[REA] which Ms. Drinkall had failed to inform him of .

This pittance of an Allowance was not at this point in time administered by the DWP as a ‘Benefit’ because it was, and is, described as an ‘Allowance’. This was an attempt by the then government to make up the difference between the Bugler’s actual reduced earnings income post retirement and his original in Service salary.

Indeed whilst playing catch up in July 1999 Ms. Drinkall, unsolicited, wrote to the Bugler on the REA matter; correspondence which had the Bugler’s contemporaneous note appended to it, which Ms.Drinkall in perjury was to deny at the County Court in February 2013 before HH Butler who decided she was an exemplary witness even though everyone else present knew it was simple perjury. Go Here.

Butler failed to take cognisance that for this Hearing Ms. Drinkall initially provided a 2 page Witness Statement by herself followed by a further amended Witness Statement of 4 pages with obviously two additional authors presumably Messers  Warren and Hamilton.

Here are three examples of  Witness Statements[General Correspondence/Year 2013]. The first is a contemporaneous freehand draft; the second is also a contemporaneous freehand draft which is a supporting Witness Statement; the third is a typed Combined Court Copy of the first statement, all from within the jurisdiction of Preston Combined Courts within a Crown Court under presiding Circuit Court Judge Philip Butler on the 12th February 2013.

A total of 4 laypersons and 2 Court Ushers made 6 Witness Statements to the Combined Courts Manager Mrs Kelly; Statements which have never before been published. This total of 6 Witness Statements were lodged with Mrs. Kelly which included two of her Usher colleagues[A female lead/male] , on duty within the Court on the date stated who in addition brought their personal concerns directly to the attention of  Judge Butler on the day, at not inconsiderable risk to themselves in spite of knowing the daily intimidation and victimisation such a courageous act would bring from the infamous Butler. A Butler who in corruption consistently blocked the release in transparency of all the Statements. Go Here.

It is upon such deceit that a promised MBE was earned which had to be paid for in the 30 pieces of Coin of Perjury in the Preston Combined Court as all those present witnessed.

Ms. Drinkall left the LFRS; the LCC Pensions Service ; and the DWP pension records in a parlous state. When the time came, as it did, the LFRS could not inform the DWP how a disabled Firefighter had been disabled? What his/her injury was? When and how that injury occurred? Or the type/percentage and extent of his/her Doctor awarded DWP Benefits?

Indeed neither could the DWP who also were entrapped by the LFRS into breaching the 1998/GDPR 2000 Acts by the DWP unlawfully supplying the LFRS with the limited data they had until ordered[on the record] to cease by the DWP Minister of State via the Permanent Secretary.

Finally, from 9th March 1992 Ms. Drinkall, even if she had  initially inadvertently misapplied the 1973 Pension Scheme ‘standard’ of pension calculations in error to the 1992 Pension Scheme which she repeatedly did, sharing her ‘expertise’ nationally over the ‘Fire’ Intranet which included the H.O. Fire Service Pension Team, Ms. Drinkall MBE, then realised her appalling error but scandalously and criminally continued to underpay, disabled Lancashire FSVs and their Beneficial Widows and/or Carers to the undervalue of at least 25% of their lawfully entitled pensions by, for example,  paying Widows 50% of an original ‘Widow’s Half, in other words, Half of a Half !

All of which amounts Nationally to an underpayment of at least £5+ Billion to 11,000 disabled Firefighters and their 30,000 Beneficiaries, a ‘Late Debt’, which continues to mount daily at a Statutory 8% Compound Interest rate.

Individual Fraudsters and their Collective Roles in the Great Cover Up

When this Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme Fund [LFRSPSF] Great Debacle finally surfaced in November 2006 it was not because of the vigilant or meticulous Statutory administration of the Fund by the LCFB, nor the LFRS, but innocently initiated by a concerned Member of the Fund, a disabled FSV~DW[deceased].

FSV~DW was one of the Bugler’s former Station Commanders of whom he had ten. Disabled FSV~DW was compulsorily medically discharged on 15th February 1993 from the Bugler’s Command due to the onset of various medical conditions including sadly Cancer.

On the 27th November 2006, 17 years later after compulsory discharge, disabled FSV~DW was so concerned that his dependent/carer wife C was about to reach her 60th birthday and if the LFRSPSF, the LCC Pension Provider, and the DWP did not pay due care and attention, circumstances could arise where his Pensions/Benefits might become overpaid.

Disabled FSV~DW[deceased] contemporaneous records take up his truthful story. These Statements are the Statements of a terminally ill honest retired Station Commander, Go Here.

After his repeated attempts failed to raise the alarm it was not until 27th June 2007, 7 months later, that FSV~DW finally received his first response from Ms. Wisdom of the LCC Pension Providers, oddly one might note, not from the LFRS.

At this time Ms. Wisdom described herself as a ‘Casework Supervisor’, though she did not hold this title at that stage. Even more oddly even though the LFRSPSF had by this time its own administrator, a clerk called Ms J. Hutchinson, one assumes a replacement for Ms. Drinkall MBE, Ms. J. Wisdom seemed enthusiastically to claim the ‘expert’ mantle adopted by Ms. Drinkall’s and presumably accepted responsibility for Ms. Drinkall’s administrative failure?

Ms. Wisdom, a layperson, held no pension management qualifications either. One assumes that Ms. Wisdom’s career logic was that her extraordinary action might lead her to fame,  promotion, and bonuses and for a long time indeed it did.

How does the Bugler verify these statements that these clerks have no credentials obtained by Nationally recognised examination ? These statements were verified by Ms. Lister in February 2013 under oath in the Witness Box before HH Justice Butler at Preston Crown Court when questioned by the Bugler as a Litigant in Person[LiP].

Ms. Lister confirmed[excluding herself] that of 67 staff under her direction[including Wisdom] only “3 or perhaps 4” were in the process of obtaining qualifications. To obtain a ‘qualification simply meant joining any commercial pension organisation offering ‘qualifications’ which they had for sale by subscription, rather like the US; a continuing UK ‘practice’ today.

Presumably this ‘moving force’ of personal career ambition and personal greed encompassed all the other local clerks and their troop of Politicians of all Parties who ultimately became involved in this Great Debacle which matured inevitably into The Great Cover Up.

Clerk Wisdom does nor explain why her response took 7 months to arrive but her silence tells its own story driven by personal ambition and personal greed. Wisdom thought she had stumbled into Aladdin’s Cave but she rubbed the wrong Lamp and a horror story then unfolded to threaten her professional life right up to the present day where she remains with LCC Pensions as a demoted ‘Technical Advisor’, though still sans nationally recognised qualifications of any description.

Clerk Wisdom does not explain how she reached the conclusions she did, based on what legal criteria? Nor does she indicate,  whether of not, Ms. Diana Lister Head of LCC Pensions, her supervising manager, who always remained in the background, had authorised Wisdom’s action and on what legal basis?
N.B. Ms.Lister has currently transferred to LCC Police HQ as its pension advisor, still without qualifications?

In disabled FSV~DW case clerk Wisdom in her first attempt to deceive, whilst parroting the LCC/LCFA/LFRS/Drinkall ‘Party line’ was that it was ‘all the fault of the FSVs’, making reference to the unlawful LCFB/LFRS ‘Promissory Note’/’Obligation’ authored as we now know by Ms.J. Drinkall MBE.

The LCFA ~ LFRS ~ LCC Paranoia of Secrecy ~ Secrets Galore

So what Secrets in the Great Cover Up had the LCFA/LFRS/LCC to hide and from Whom?

In a rather large nutshell the LCFA/LFRS/LCC discovered to their increasing horror that they had Secrets Galore to hide from the Public; the Media; their own Elected Council Leaders and Members [if awake]; Members of Parliament; Inquiring Government Agencies ~ The Home Office Fire Service Pension Team ~ The Information Commissioner ~ The Pensions Regulator ~ The Pensions Ombudsman ~The Judiciary; The Fire Brigades Union and Thompsons their Solicitors, et al.

Quite a tall order which required the full resources of local Lancashire Freemasonry and its mendacious LFRS/LCC controlled and  directed Brethren working at the LFRS, the LCC, and the LCC Pensions Providers, and finally sucking into this tenacious bog of corruption, the local branch of the Preston DWP.

The ‘Promissory Note’ or ‘Obligation’ serves its Purpose

It was at this point that Drinkall’s cynical ‘Promissory Note’ or ‘Obligation’, if you prefer, fulfilled its intention as a defensive mechanism, a refuge of excuses, to the charges of maladministration/misfeasance/and criminal fraud in the hope of explaining her and the LFRS lack of a  balance sheet Pension “Account” with its associated PRF Pension Records.

With such a complex personal and complicit corporate falsehood there were bound to be complications and there were.

The challenges would come thick and fast from disabled FSV’s who maintained their own Pension Records and who knew and could produce copies of contemporaneous evidence which they immediately forwarded again confirming beyond doubt that they had voluntarily informed clerk Drinkall of their DWP changes, such as those disabled FSV~DW forwarded before his demise.

Major embarrassing  facts which destroyed from day one any legitimacy which the LCFA/LFRS might have been able to claim but which could only be served by a massive and developing cover up. For example the contracted LCC Pension Providers including clerks Wisdom/Lister were depending on the LCFA/LFRS to have complete Pension Records  and were appalled to discover that neither the LFRS, nor the DWP [retention period 2 years], had complete individual Pension/Benefit  Records in fact it was an utter shambles which they had at all costs to maintain as a corporate secret, staring as they were, at the implacable face of bankruptcy.

This voluntary ‘Promissory Note’, later cloaked in the false respectability of the word ‘Obligation’ became the first and only plank in the LCFA/LFRS/LCC/DWP cover up of criminal confidence trickery and criminal fraud which led to many publicly recurring unpleasant standup intra agency disputes/rows which simply added fuel to their own internal ‘blame game’  but forgetting that Truth will always out.

The applied falsehoods to FSV~DW situation could not be made to fly either simply because  this ‘Promissory Note’/’Obligation’ had not even been created at that point in time by clerk Drinkall until years after FSV~DW had already retired and subsequently passed away.

However, this did not prevent clerks Wisdom/Lister, at the commencement of the first conspiracy to defraud, from picking up this cover up falsehood, which they then promoted on behalf of clerks Warren/Hamilton/Hutchinson/Lambert but the problem was that none of these ‘experts’ thought  to actually query when the ‘Promissory Document’ was created? Actually it was in 1995.

This accounted for clerk Hutchinson extraordinary claim to FSV~DW’s Widow that the LFRS had ‘discovered’ his PRF only to lose-find-and-lose-it again permanently creating a situation where it  must never be produced because his PRF never contained any Pension Records which disabled FSV~DW whilst alive had already countered by sending additional copies of all his contemporaneous information which he had already supplied to the LFRS.

A situation which pertains to this day whereby neither his Widow C nor his Estate are able to retrieve his PRF records?

Finally, there has never existed a Statutory basis for the creation of such a ‘Promissory Note’/’Obligation’ whether by false instrument, False Brigade Order, or otherwise.

Scheme Members have no Statutory Duty/Promissory/Obligation to assist the LCFA/LFRS in administering their Pension Scheme. Thus was born out of corrupt ignorance the complicit criminal Falsehood of Fraud.

Political Corruption takes the Lead and sets the Tone

Politically led, ironically by a retired disabled FSV, elected Labour  County Councillor Robert Wilkinson Chair of the LCFA, who from the outset denied that he had been compulsorily retired on ‘ill-health’ grounds until challenged by those who served with him!

At a very early point an Appeal for commonsense to prevail was made by the Bugler though knowing Wilkinson of old as a renowned shifty character and a corrupt prominent local FBU Official it was simply a waste of time but nevertheless the first marker had been placed on the battlefield.  Go Here.

As expected Wilkinson true to form had a continuing little local difficulty with the Truth and his non declared ill-health pension. A procedural Omerta which he exercised vigorously at every LCFA meeting until yet again challenged about his lack of candour by declaring, as required, a personal procedural ‘interest’, in particular in veracity. Like his new subordinate friend clerk [Bob] Warren[Head Administrator] , County Councillor Wilkinson, was a perpetual disciple of mendacity. Go Here.

Whilst Chair CC Wilkinson set the tone those who were to follow him far exceeded all expectations in terms of raw corruption.

Conservative Chair and Leader of Lancashire CC was  CC G. Driver CBE. CC Driver was the Bugler’s County Councillor during the early days of this pension dispute. In fact he visited the Bugler’s home regularly for updates which he also received by emails and telephone discussions. CC Driver was well briefed on the issues and the personalities involved but at this point in 2006 the LCFA was chaired by Labour CC Wilkinson who held the balance of power on the LCFA Committee of 25 Members until the May local elections of 2009 when Conservatives retained the LCC and took charge of the LCFA in the person of Chair CC O’Toole.

Subsequently CC G. Driver CBE was arrested and charged with ‘conspiracy to pervert the course of justice’ and ‘witness intimidation’ which has so far cost the Crown Prosecution Service well in excess of £1million as he continues to remain on bail [is it 6 or 7 years now?] having allegedly been involved in a questionable Contract with our old friends British Telecom and its Fleet management? 

Conservative Chair CC O’Toole was a ditherer who could not make up his mind on the pension issue but not where the fiddling of his mileage claims were concerned to the tune of £45K but his tenure was over shadowed by the sacking of clerk B Hamilton[Head of Human Resources] who was paid off with 2 years salary £150k[the price of his silence] all approved by O’Toole which followed a verbal racist attack on a Black member of the LFRS SHQ Nursing staff.

Clerk Gardiner [the LFRS ‘flexible’ Data Manager] fraudulent claim of his mileage no doubt taking his lead from Chair CC. O’Toole which led to his sacking  was a paltry £35K which included a handy immediate transfer to Cheshire County FRS near to his home in Warrington.

Then there was Labour Chair CC. Francis de Molfetta, a former bus driver, who was so blatant in his corruption that the Bugler was driven to formally impeach him which did not succeed because the LCC Solicitor, Mr.Ian Young who was ‘one of the boys’ refused to take the  required Statutory action against de Molfette who it was commonly believed was a first generation Italian with a family background in southern Sicily.
Perhaps he was keeping up the family tradition?


LFRS Chief Fire Officer Peter Holland was by this time a convicted criminal having been cautioned, charged, and convicted of perpetrating a ‘lewd act’ in a public place with a member of his staff whilst subsequently [without declaring his conviction] obtaining and retaining a position of Fire Advisor to PM Sunak’s government.

Far more disasters were to follow as the LCFA/LFRS/LCC oppressed, coerced, and bullied their way through Fraudulent Falsehood after Fraudulent Falsehood as they attempted to recover alleged ‘over-payments’ from 167+ disabled Firefighters and to work backwards to create new databases of Pension Records which never actually existed in the first place though over 114+ of this 167+ total, because they were Lancashire Brethern, never actually paid anything back, unlike those who were ‘less than equal’.

Until early February 2013  when disaster upon all disasters befell the LCFA  when the Bugler’s esteemed Barrister Mr. John-Copplestone Bruce Life Member-Inner Temple discovered that since the inception of the new Pension Scheme in 1992 the LCFB/LCFA/LFRS/LCC had by institutionalised Fraud, in the process making the Fire Authority wealthy and providing ‘performance bonuses’ for its malfeasance staff
who managed to defraud their disabled Fire Service pensioners and their Beneficiaries of at least 25% of their due pension emoluments where the issue still stands today.

Whilst spawning in the process the eternal problems with the release of PRFs, all reflected in secret internal emails of their own recording gross criminal Misconduct in Public Office.

Rather like the Great Fire of London in 1666 it had an innocuous enough beginning until it all ran out of control where it continues to remain 33 years on.

LCFA/LFRS/LCC Secret Internal Emails 2006 ~ 2016
Next in assiduity the Bugler turns to the LCFA/LFRS/LCC internal emails of corruption which were forcibly released under Court Order for ‘Discovery'[2013].

These were delivered loose leafed unbound through the Bugler’s letterbox, which he witnessed, by LFRS solicitor Anthony Harold at 5 minutes to the Contempt of Court closure time.

The documents were obviously the product of a sloppy LFRS database search by Harold using the name “Burns” but he did not check nor redact the documents which produced unforeseen consequences revealing many of the LCFA’s corporate secret polices of inhumane brutality, harassment, fraud, and general criminality.

After enduring for a considerable time a sweaty unhappy Harold departed the LFRS thereafter but surely he must know that there is no Statute of Limitations on Crime?

The documents are placed in General Correspondence/Year 2024/LFRA Secret Internal Emails/File Name Ref Linked/ Documents include Bugler’s Comments.

Commencing at Year 2007.

SIE001. Comment: This “Summary” is the first example of the Court released LFRS Secret Internal Emails which confirms that these 10+ local LCFA clerks, Warren/Mattinson/Hamilton/Hutchinson/Gardiner/Nolan et al; and LCC solicitor I. Young/Lister/Wisdom/Ainsworth; and Civil Servant DWP~ D.Lambert with their associated political leaders of all Parties who were easily manipulated by clerk Warren to believe as the accomplished fraudsters they all became, that disabled FSVs had a mindset like theirs and that disabled FSV-DW and 167+/- others would hazard their life’s work, their integrity, their honesty, and hard earned and paid for Pensions and DWP Benefits for a few paltry gains?

The “Summary” commenced in “Late 2007” continuing until the LFRS ran in more trouble over the unlawful receipt of the little data the DWP possessed which the LFRS had received in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998/2000. An action which so disturbed the DWP Minister of State who through his Permanent Secretary issued an internal ‘Cease and desist’ practice to his staff on or about the 12th June 2008 when it was coupled with the unease of the LCC’s solicitor Mr.Ian Young “querying our stance…”.

The Summary ceased and appeared not to continue as a practice from this point forward…or if it did, it was not released to the Bugler in Contempt of Court Order ?

SIE002.Comment: ThIs email confirms the usual ‘standard’ of LFRS Pension Fund malfeasance by clerk Hamilton [Warren’s Deputy of the LFPSF] writing to the Home Office/Communities Fire Service Pensions Department [Head Mr.Anthony Mooney].
It is of particular note that none of these fraudsters needed the slightest encouragement to use coercive and oppressive force but the first suggestion for the use of force came not from them but from Mr. Anthony Mooney[another slippery Ulsterman] the Leader of the 3 strong Home Office Fire Service Pension Team. Mr.Mooney, a senior Civil Servant authorised these budding criminals to use carte blanche any Coercive Force and any Misconduct in Public Office that they might choose to use and hopefully get away with, though written in the usual nod nod, wink wink, Civil Service/Freemason speak they favour.

SIE003. Comment:  In 2002 when clerks Warren and Hamilton were ‘appointed’ to the LFRS by Holland the CFO both claimed to have prior Pension Fund management. Those claims were falsehoods as the pension debacle was to repeatedly demonstrate. Clerk Warren was the delegated LFRS Pension Fund manager and clerk Hamilton was his deputy.

The first Statutory duty of these clerks was to check the ‘Accounts’ of the Fund and report the results, whether positive or negative to The Pension Regulator. This was not optional. By default needless to say no one took any action and simply did not know for a period of at least 5 years what state the Fund’s accounts and records were in relying on Keith Mattinson [LFRS Finance manager] who in turn presumably relied on the annual headline figures supplied by the Pension Providers the LCC.

This partly provides the answer why it took 7 months for LCC[Lister/Wisdom] and the LFRS[Mattinson/Warren/Hamilton/Hutchinson] to provide a response to disabled FSV~DW’s alarm which included one supposes a period of pension management training where months will hardly cut the mustard though surely will have involved a recall from retirement  of clerk Drinkall who actually produced the infamous mantra that … “Its all their fault” presumably meaning the disabled Firefighters?

Indeed it was clear in September 2007 in the first creative report which clerk Warren was later to describe as…”tricky territory” to the LCFA Board that none of these pension managers had the foggiest notion what a Service and personal career disaster all this portended for them, but they were cunning enough to know it did not bode well.

In this internal email in November 2007, one year down the disaster road, clerk Hamilton had just about grasped the salient fact that the LFRS could be facing cash flow bankruptcy because of the collapse of the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Fund but he could not understand why but was immediately eager to share the blame/consequences with the LCC Pension Providers and was clearly aware of the National implications of Drinkall’s shared expertise for “the whole population”, presumably meaning  the UK’s disabled Firefighters’ population?

Clerk Hamilton did not share the fruits of his imagination in having a “strategy” meeting which all seems rather late in the day.

SIE004. Comment: As of this date clerk Hutchinson describing herself as ‘ Human Resources Manager’ is known to be the first point of contact for queries from all Members of the LCFA Pension Fund.

Yet this clerk clearly has no knowledge of even the most basic Pension Law and one would have presumed that she would address this fundamental query to her  ‘Head of Human Resources’ clerk Hamilton who professed to have Pension Fund management experience?

Following this inquiry from Mr.S. Harman the Hon Sec of the local Branch of the FBU [a for sale Freemason] clerk Hutchinson’s response came directly from the LCC ‘expert’, clerk Julie Wisdom who makes no reference to the Statutory Instrument No:129[S.I.] once more confirming that those involved have no knowledge of pension law, indeed no intention of either learning, nor applying it correctly.

Had they done so they would not have engaged in criminal fraud.

From the supplied list the Bugler has taken a simple example, with which he is familiar, and works it through using the SI; so to the Law.

To prevent duplication of payment [paid twice for the same injury] within the payment of an Injury Award the SI makes specific provisions of deductibility with Rule L4 Prevention of Duplication ~ Part V ~ Injury Awards ~ Section 3 ~ Paragraphs (1) & (2) ~ Paragraph (2) ~ Sub paragraph (b) ~ Reduced Earnings Income Allowance{REA].

All to be found in the Bugler’s Libraries/Legislation/Key Critical Documents/The Full SI/Page 46.

“ (b) so much of any reduced earnings allowance under section 59 A of the 1975 Act as relates to the qualifying injury,”

These provisions states using the, ‘Meanings of Words’, the statement “so much of any….as relates to the qualifying injury,”

But the rhetorical question arises how much is “so much” and how, where, and by whom is this value decided?

This is established by the LFRS Doctor at the Bugler’s final medical prior to his compulsory discharge and in this case the Doctor decided that the Bugler’s potential re-employability was, because of a  ‘Qualifying Injury’ reduced by 5% which could be deducted from the REA because of other compensating factors contained in the correct final pension payments to be paid to him.

But in the case of the Bugler, there were no ‘other compensating factors’, because the Bugler was being wrongly paid, in keeping with many others, a Rule B1 Ordinary pension instead of compensating ill-health Rule B3 Pension and a Rule B4 Injury Awards.

Before Covid[2022] and taking the weekly  REIA payments to the Bugler at £73.52pw a deduction of 5% would yield a revised payment of £69.84, a reduction of a mere £3.68pw.

However instead, clerks Warren/Hamilton/Lister/Wisdom/Hutchinson whilst knowingly and unlawfully deciding not to pay the correct B3/B4 compensating pensions in addition decided, on no legal basis, to deduct from the Injury Award, all the REA thus unlawfully enriching the LCFA Pension Fund to the value annually of £3,528.96pa, plus the underpayment of the compensating pensions to the value of at least -25%pa.

When the true facts of clerk Drinkall’s malfeasance became known to clerks Warren/Hamilton/Lister/Wisdom/Hutchinson, earlier rather than later, in association with their authorising politicians of all Parties, without pausing to consider the legal implications, or take legal advice, became individually, severally, and corporately liable for a continuing act of criminal fraud, to the present day.


SIE005. Comment: It is clear from this email that clerk Hamilton intended to shift the responsibility from his shoulders for this debacle, a word he never uses nor indeed does the LCFA/LFRS ever admit at any point that at first glance their maladministration must surely be the Statutory responsibility of the LCFA; and not the responsibility of the LCC Pension Providers. The Bugler should deal with this great Hamilton hand washing, bullet by bullet .

LFRS reaffirmed its intention of recovering overpayments of injury pension awards.

No statement of the law or legal advice received even in the abstract.

• Mr Kerfoot advised that LCC, as the previous employer, did not have any liability or call on funds retrieved from the over-payments.

But what Mr. Kerfoot does not say, is whether or not, that the LCC Pension Providers accept responsibility even in part for this debacle.

We confirmed that any underpayment should be refunded and for accounting purposes LFRs needed names, circumstances and amounts of money involved.

Surely as the Pension Fund managers the LCFA has the capability born from its Statutory duty to be able to supply this data to the LCC Pension Providers, but clearly they do not have such Statutory records…why not?

• We agreed that the amount and time period of recovery of over-payments would depend on individual circumstances and to facilitate this your department would prepare a pension over-payment profile similar to the information you provided for Mr–(such as age, date pension began, present injury pension, present normal pension, scheduled dates of over-payment and present over-payment total, how present injury pension is now reduced or deleted entirely by level  of other benefits and whether there was any relevant correspondence with the individual in the intervening period).

Kerfoot is a complete fool because he never asks where the data is that the LFRS are required by Statute to hold which in fact clerk Hamilton has just listed for him. Hamilton does not divulge that the LCFA/LFRS possesses no such data  itself but is working on the incorrect assumption that the LCC Pension Providers will have retained all this data but in fact their records are incomplete also and upon which the LCFA/LFRS were depending to rebuild their own non-existent database.

• You anticipated this might take a few weeks to prepare, at which stage we can meet to agree an individual action plan for progressing each case. (Can you provide us with an ETA following discussion with your team and we can prebook a meeting).

Clerk Hamilton keeps the responsibility where it actually does not belong, because the LCFA/LFRS are the actual the Statutory ‘account’ managers.

• Where there were relatively high sums that could not be easily retrieved from deductions from pensions, we agreed LCC/LFRS staff to meet face to face with pensioners to discuss realistic recovery (either at your offices or ours).

In fact this occurred and is grotesquely iterated in the ‘Pastoral Care’ section on the Bugler where clerks Hamilton, Wisdom, and Hutchinson particularly enjoyed the vicious and gratuitous abuse of oppressive power and threat of the use of the Police on those appearing before them whilst ignoring any semblance of Human Rights or decency especially to the relatives/beneficiaries present. To see in sickening detail how they operated, Go Here.

• We also agreed that a detailed explanatory schedule of accumulated overpayment would be provided to them at this meeting so they were in no doubt as to the accuracy of the over-payment calculation.

Little did Kerfoot know, or even guess, that this limited data would in fact be provided by the LCC Pension Provider to clerk Hamilton and the LCFA/LFRS part of the secret strategy to rebuild the LCFA/LFRS missing Statutory records as the limited data went around and around on the carousel.

• We also discussed the potential of needing to progress to Court proceedings if a mutually agreed settlement was not forthcoming with the pensioner and you advised that you could access counsel’s advice on how best to proceed (although this will need to be funded by LFRS)

Once more it is clear that the LCFA/LFRS would be provided with the services of an in-house barrister usually referred to as a ‘counsel’ of which the LCC had 2 or 3 though having worked with them on occasions the Bugler regarded them as over rated solicitors and, usually third rate at that. This assumed that these ‘counsels’ would know Pension Law when in fact in keeping with the vast majority of barristers in the UK they know little or nothing about Pension Fund Law.

•  In the interim LFRS would like to know the names of the five pensioners (asap please) who are not cooperating in the process and when they received their last warning letter of a suspension of their injury pension, so we can ensure our internal communications are prepared for any reaction from media/external correspondence.

This is a direct contravention of the Data Protection Acts 1998/2000 (as amended)and a direct breach of individual European Human Rights though that was unlikely to trouble the LCFA/LFRS.

• Finally we discussed the impact of other overpayment cases arising in terms of requiring write offs and we sought reassurances that  robust processes were now in place. I passed you the most recent case of M and you agreed to review this with the team and respond. We also discussed, at your suggestion, effecting an external audit of your processes (as the Police Authority do) and Keith Mattinson will liaise with our auditors and you on the timing and construct of this.

Only three write-offs ever officially  occurred; one by  death, disabled FSV-DW a Freemason a write-off of 50%[£15,000.0 which Warren stated was too generous]; one by ill-health disabled FSV-DA a write-off of 100%[£65,410.87] a non-mason which was meant to undercut support for the Bugler; one by write-of FSV-BB [£3008.0],a very powerful Freemason to who  clerk Warren admitted was “poor administration” ! 

But in addition there were in excess of 114+ write-offs to Freemason Brethren by clerk Warren. Finally clerk Hamilton reaffirms that the entire responsibility for this debacle continues to rest in its entirety with the LCC Pension Providers misleading Mr. Kerfoot by driving home the point that he Kerfoot should have put in place “robust processes ” knowingly misleading that this is the LCC Pension Providers duty when in fact it is, once more, the Statutory duty of the LCFA/LFRS. It made a change from blaming the disabled FSVs.

Clerk Hamilton continued to mislead  by insisting that the LCC Pension Providers should effect an external audit of their processes and that clerk Mattinson[Finance manager] would liaise with the LCFA/LFRS auditors  and the LCC Pension Providers on its timing and construction. Clearly in all this matter clerk Hamilton deliberately and repeatedly misled Mr. Kerfoot into to believing that it was his responsibility and not that of the LCFA/LFRS.

That is until the dopey LCC political leaders finally woke up and recognised they had been entirely stitched up by clerk  Hamilton and then this cosy arrangement started to fall apart as questions started to fly back and forth regarding who was actually responsible for all this pension disaster?

One has to admire the gall of clerk Hamilton and the unfortunate gullibility of Mr. Kerfoot who was like an English lamb led to the slaughter.

But then poor Mr. Kerfoot did not know who clerk Hamilton actually was, nor what his usual modus operandii was, and for that Mr. Kerfoot needed to understand the devious mind-set of an Ulster Planter of which clerk Hamilton is a an outstanding example to his forebears and how they operate, but then the Bugler knows…

Time to look at clerk Hamilton close up.

The reason for Mr. Brendan Joseph  Hamilton’s  anonymity [The name provides clues to his mixed forebears]  was because clerk Hamilton was recruited by CFO Holland ‘under the back door’ as a favour to the Manchester’s  Freemason Brethren which explains Hamilton’s oft quoted statement … “You have no idea how high I go”,  with the codicil that the appointment he was given was neither to be advertised, nor recognised, either publicly or internally.            
Presumably he had no wish to breach his Trafford Probation Trust 2-way non-disclosure agreement?

One wonders how and why clerk Hamilton [A Freemason], colloquially known as ‘Brendan the Barbarian’, throughout the emails which followed never actually described his appointment at any point? The man who never was?

Yet when clerk Hamilton was suspended for being a serial misogynist, a predatory racialist, a bigot and an all round quality thug he responded like a lame duck when  directly challenged by the Bugler pointing out to him who his forebears were and who this gullible clown CFO Holland employed not recognising the type of dark creature Hamilton was.

Surely Holland knew or ought to have known that clerk Hamilton was originally sacked by the Trafford Probation Trust under a legally drafted 2-way non-disclosure agreement. The women there, one in particular called K, went gunning for  Hamilton and she achieved her objective as she informed the Bugler.

The LCFA Press spokesperson did not report clerk Hamilton’s suspension until 6 weeks after the December 2014 next serial racialist incident until finally a statement was released to the Lancashire Evening Post an extraordinary act in which at last publicly clerk Hamilton is described as  the “Head of Human Resources”. This statement was intended to be clerk Hamilton’s public swan song but unusually he was jointly ‘shopped’ by the FBU. Go Here.

However to purchase his Omerta clerk Hamilton was in a position to insist that his explosive knowledge could be purchased which was provided in a bribe by Mr.K. Mattinson Head of Finance, acting on behalf of the Chair of the LCFA and CFO Holland with a minimum of 2 years tax free salary to ensure his silence on all the criminal activities which  Hamilton had observed, or been a party to, which were to be kept secret within the LCFA/LFRS?

This expenditure was not published until the 2016 LCFA Statement of Accounts where it is to be found under a tip off in ‘General Expenditure’.

After clerk Hamilton was sacked on the 15th of January 2015 with his payoff, his ‘appointment’ was temporarily filled by a female member of the LCC staff drafted in, and after a suitable period then quietly drafted out again back to the LCC.

Clerk Hamilton is still not beyond the reach of the Law. Last heard of in Bolton…

SIE006. Comment: This the 4th and final summary of four spreadsheets prepared by clerk Hutchinson mostly with a typewriter, sellotape, and inspiration and if all else failed clerk Warren’s encouragement.

The usual hackneyed phrase spins to mind… “Lies , damned lies, and statistics”, though the Bugler prefers tales from the Vienna Woods.

There is a consistency in the alleged ‘over-payments’ column because the Reader can be assured these are the ‘less than equal’, the non Freemasons; in contrast there is the ever increasing ‘Pensions Correct’ column as the Freemasons learned on their ‘grapevine’ where to obtain the  ‘get out of jail free’ card.

It must have been particularly depressing for clerk Hamilton as his predicted £1million recovery sank into oblivion.

Now if the Reader is of an accountancy disposition, or bed bound, they will have much fun spotting all the holes in this work of fiction, more so, if you know the individuals.

SIE007. Comment:   Wilkinson used to play for the LCFB soccer team. As his age and weariness increased, which had not far to go judging by his activities on the Bugler’s Watch, so did the increasing frequency of his injuries. Admirably qualified he departed to the world of politics. While doing so he applied for a Qualifying Injury Award needless to say for once this ‘masonic try on’ was rejected out of hand by his Freemason CFO of the day so it is intriguing to read  he was retired under ” ill health arrangements”, what a strange choice of phrase. But nevertheless he still receives “certain State Benefits” ? That’s Wilky.

SIE008. Comment:  According to Conservative Leader of the LCC CC Driver, this conversation stated badly  by clerk Warren insulting CC Driver because clerk Warren did not seem to know who he was talking to, but according to CC Driver… “he soon put him right” …a collision of egos.
Seemingly it collapsed into a welter of  clerk Warren’s bluster and filibuster, on the basis that it took one to recognise one. Driver continues on bail presently, though no doubt clerk Warren will get there but CC.Driver did not forget clerk Warren as we shall see.. 

SIE009. Comment:  Game on.

SIE010. Comment: The Bugler’s intention was to probe for weakness and disturb clerk Warren’s assurance that what he was doing was lawful and supported with a counsel’s advice? He made no reference to legal advice but in his letter to me he claimed so which simply confirmed his penchant for mendacity which remains a consistent feature of his communications.

It was also intended to tempt the local Freemason Wizard Max Winterbottom out of his undergrowth whilst also being the solicitor Clerk to the LCFAuthority , a tactic which was successful.

Clerk Warren always resorted to CAPITAL letters and the threat of defamation action when he gets in a panic or feels threatened. Even Holland was worried about where all this was going.

It was a useful exercise. It proved their collective unease, uncertainty, and  vulnerability.

SIE011. Comment: The next probe was to see how the LCFA would react to Media interest. An aspect they would have to shut down very rapidly, with their Brethren on the inside, the LEP Chief Reporter Matthew Squires springs to mind.

Clearly when clerks Warren and Hamilton drafted this ‘official’ response they had no idea what the actual statistics were and did not take the trouble to verify their work but it is interesting to note that 8 were underpaid when in fact it was 17 and allegedly  87 were correctly paid when the actual figures were 114+ and still rising.

It is quite remarkable how many Freemasons were injured in the line of duty yet how few actually appeared on the ‘thin red line’. Wilkinson the LCFA Chair being a prime example of missing in heroic action?

SIE012. Comment: However Wilkinson was not missing for long to the credit of LEP Ms. Jenny Simpson who clearly was neither a Freemason [Nor one of the ‘family’] but a true believer in the freedom of the press.
Wilkinson was caught on the horns of a dilemma struggling to find any high moral ground in support of his comrades under a rightful banner headline of “Betrayed”. This is when a comrade runs away from the ‘thin red line’ leaving his comrades in the lurch and he did ~ Cowardice in the face of the enemy.

SIE013. Comment:  Next they all head for the bunkers and the Dirty War begins in earnest.

Clerks Hamilton and Warren  knew nothing about the Fire Service and this is demonstrated by their unwise contact with the Civil Service DCLG/Home Office  Fire Service Pension Team[FSPT].

The first lesson which they will now learn is to let sleeping dogs lie which in fact the FSPT do.

They are masters of hindsight and their natural knee jerk reaction is one of self-protection in this beautiful world of sleepy hollow. But their overviews and insights are helpful. The second paragraph is a classic of covering their own pensions in case a Minister was to ask uncomfortable questions.

The FSPT was clearly aware on a national scale that the FRS’s were experiencing problems with obtaining updating Pension administration information between the DWP and the FRS Authorities and it was the FSPT’s duty to take action and issue ‘Dear Chief Officer’ letters of alert but being the bone idle Civil Servants they are they failed to do so.

In paragraph 3 the FSPT take the usual line that it is not their responsibility [which it is] and then go on the initial attack denying that they ought to have brought forward legislation to ensure that the DWP and the FRS had in place lawful procedures [which they should] which allowed  them to exchange this critical  pension  information  without the need to consult retired FSVs who in any event had no Statutory duty  to assist the FRS’s in running their Pension Schemes.

In Paragraph 4 the FSPT then widen their attack to point the finger at the LCFA and in a well used fishing trip/ploy ask the LCFA what procedures they have in place to guard against such a debacle arising? This was before they approached the other authorities because [unstated] the FSPT do not have a clue what should be done about this either?

Finally, having boxed the LCFA in and knowing full well there is a disastrous situation in Lancashire the FSPT passes the buck entirely back to the LCFA knowing that the LCFA would not have such a disaster on their hands if they had protection procedures in the first place.

All done with a smooth smirk  and the cheeky addendum… “would the LCFA have a flow chart of these protection procedures?”. Knowing full well it had nothing of the kind in place.

It is amazing that the FSPT did not use its ace which is usually to sign off by advising Lancashire that it ought to seek its own legal advice!

SIE014. Comment: Once more it was useful to find out what Chair Wilkinson’s reaction would be, following his rejection by the FSPT. At least he learned there was a national problem which he could cling to in the debris and flotsam of his own Pension Fund fiasco.

In the newspaper interview the Bugler stated… “I refused to sign the form as I have never received any benefits.”. If however the Bugler had been asked if he ever received a DWP “Allowance” even these thugs would be entitled to the Truth, but they never knew enough to ask or had even read the Bugler’s PRF where it was recorded.

SIE015. Comment: Of particular note in these statistics is disabled Firefighter FSV-DA who was subjected to the most horrific interview at SHQ and a subsequent ‘interview’ with clerk Warren and Harman the sell-out FBU Hon Sec. Go Here.

It was alleged that FSV-DA had the highest over-payment quoted at over £70,000.0 though this was later reduced to £65,410.87. He had regular face to face contact with the Bugler having sought out the Bugler’s assistance. His had a far from well health prognosis. He and his wife were a very courageous couple from Merseyside but it came time to quit.

In fact the whole experience was clearly destroying his life and the life of his wife and eventually his alleged debt was written-off by clerk Warren but his disability payments and wife carer payments were also ceased but clerk Warren’s  underlying deceit was to under cut the Bugler’s support to them.
The Bugler is sure clerk Warren and ‘sell out’ Harman were both proud on themselves…

SIE016. Comment:  Oh Dear, but this is a fascinating story. It is to his misfortune that the Bugler actually knows who this is.
He simply confirms the Bugler’s judgement of many decades ago in that this Firefighter lacked intellectual rigour. The quality of his work still remains poor but we shall hear more from him in SIE036 no doubt as he continues to burn a candle for his amoureuse one of the pension ‘experts’. One wonders if his wife or her husband are aware of this fou d’amour?

I was, as his Station Commander [ the largest command in the North-West perhaps England ~ 92 Officers and other Ranks], introduced to this Firefighter by his Watch Commander[Deceased] many decades ago. I knew his second generation Fire Service history. His Firefighter father was also deceased but he also had a Freemason background. Indeed a comrade of mine senior to me a ‘Mason’ related how he had taken a call from the then CFO[Deceased] “to look after” this Firefighter.

It is to their credit that the Lancashire Freemasons were doing just this to help the Widow by sending her son to University where in fact he washed out…but under my command he received the usual … ‘Fair , Firm, and not too Friendly’, personal approach.

His rise in the ranks was quite meteoric and it seems on a Spring sap rising day of 11th April 2008 it was not the only thing rising…he was very lovable.

A few short years later he rose to the position of Deputy Chief of the Brigade but setting the cynicism aside let us not forget those of his peer group who were denied their well earned advancement whilst he pursued his ‘success’, highlighted by his Judas like thoughts on his comrades, in his unworthy missive.

Then suddenly the CFO appointment became vacant by demise.

So there he was like a Bantam Weight boxer warming himself up to a fever pitch both hands clasped above his head  awaiting the adulation of a hysterical ovation when the appointment was announced to be an unknown from Cumbria a Freemason Essex boy who remained long enough to collect some sheep excrement on his boots on the way to stardom in Lancashire.

That of course is how Freemasonry works. Clearly it had been decided that ‘yon mon’ was not up to the job, or more likely that he had not promoted enough of his derided comrades, or he had more than his fair share. Justice for once seems to have been done.

In any event the following day yon mon retired taking his bat and ball home. Last seen riding his bike, yes a real bike, in the upper reaches of Penwortham Preston…

SIE017. Comment: In a demonstration of ignorance of the Law by both the LCFA and the LCC , including their ‘Counsels’, clerk Hamilton reports to clerk Warren et al that a number of pensioners have been paid back their  pension underpayments but the LFRS have not added simple interest which was indeed contrary to the LCC Counsel’s advice,  but clerk Hamilton also states is contrary to the Pensions Act when in fact of Law they are all wrong.

The applicable Law is the “Late Payment of Commercial Debts(Interest) Act 1998 Chapter 20” which is the Bank Rate usually taken as 8% compound interest which will have a significant impact on the correct monies to be paid back in compensation to these FSVs, Beneficiaries,  and/or their estates, for example, one under payment it is alleged amounted to over £40,000.0, plus over the period when the debt was accrued by the LCFA .

SIE018. Comment: AAt this point the whole criminal fraud became stalled by the reluctance of the DWP to supply further unlawful and illicit data to the LCFA/LFRS and by a stiffening of attitudes among the disabled FSVs. But clerk Wisdom ploughs on  hardly recognising the situational changes around her?

SIE019. Comment: One should commence by recognising that this document was a secret internal financial document held by the LCFA/LFRS not meant to see the the light of day. There was no accompanying documentation of explanation to indicate what function or impact this revision by “Maxine on 01/05/2008 11:37 “ did or was? The 11:37 was presumably time[hrs].

Nevertheless monies[varying between £22.37-£30.10] were removed from the Bugler’s Pension under the catchall statement… ” Adjustment due to modification”… modification of what; at the direction of whom; for what purpose? Or is this an individual Maxine’s act of personal fraud ?

This document which is not found in the Bugler’s online Pension Records nor did he receive a copy, or an explanation for this change or its purpose? It also included a warning that the Date of Birth had not been verified? Presumably this action could therefore be applied to any Member’s pension?

SIE020. Comment:   These statistics should be compared with those found at linked file SIE006.

SIE021. Comment:  This email simply confirms the total lack of legal and pension training of the LCC Head of Pensions and manager of the LFRS Pension Scheme clerk Warren for even though they were acting unlawfully in toto by removing all the Bugler’s Injury Pension they ought by the correct application of the then law only have deducted 5% of the Re-Allowance which is an element of the Injury Award.
Though at this point the DWP refused to supply them with the Bugler’s data which included the Re-Allowance. This situation, which the Bugler speculated over, led these criminal clerks to engage in even more serious seditious criminality later as they attempted to smear the Bugler.

Subsequently there were two startling developments on or about the 13th October 2010.

Firstly, arising from the DCLG FPS Guidance Note 4/2010[These used to be called ‘Dear Chief Officer’ Letters] a ‘Guidance Note’ to FRS’s from the Fire Service Pension Team[FSPT] who only ever issued “Guidance Notes”, never instructions.
This was the very Mooney’s Team since 2008 who had been advising the LCFA/LFRS that REA/RA was deductible from Injury Awards but that pending the introduction of legislation[which the FSTP failed to institute] would not be deductible. Go Here.

Secondly, a disabled FSV~AAW from the Northern Ireland FRS [which is a UK FRS also using SI 1992 for its Pension Scheme] who supplied a letter to the Bugler regarding the application of the deduction of REA[which automatically became known as ‘Retirement Allowance’ at age 65] and which, before and after, they did not deduct. Go Here.

Finally, there can be no doubt that CFO Holland received DCLG FPS Guidance Note 4/2010 because after he reads and circulates it, it will be held in the LCFA/LFRS Registry at SHQ. It was at the time when it was initially decided that the Bugler had to be stopped and was to be taken to Crown Court over his alleged failure to notify the LCFA/LFRS that he was receiving REA/RA which was simply untrue.

SIE022. Comment: Even at the 22nd September 2008 it seems to have eluded clerk Lister’s imagination the harm that she and particularly her colleague clerk Wisdom had occasioned to the goodwill  and cooperation of the disabled Fire Service Veterans by their joint massive breach of Good Faith. Those who witnessed the treatment meted out to their dying comrade  disabled FSV-DW and his family earlier in the year and lately to others which resulted in the historically unique banning from a formal UK Fire Service funeral of CFO Holland and his Principal Officers, including Lister’s beau.
One imagines that this singular act might surely have provoked some thoughtful reflection by Lister/Wisdom, but it was not to be.

Indeed this action at a hugely attended funeral confirmed through this media ‘grapevine’ that neither the LCC Pensions Provider nor the LCFA/LFRS had retained the Statutory Pension data that the Law required them to hold.

SIE023. Comment: One assumes that clerk Mattinson’s replacement will be equally expeditious in calculating the proportionate Late Debts Act Compound Interest of 8% generated on the modest bill of £5 Billion owed nationally to the 11,000 disabled FSVs and their Beneficiaries going back to 1992 which includes at least 5000 disabled FSVs in London?

SIE024. Comment:  Not released in Contempt of Court.


SIE025. Comment:  Not a single one of 25 the Elected Members of all Parties of the LCFA broke ranks to express the slightest human sympathy for disabled FSV~GW or his wife’s plight. He subsequently became a highly academically qualified  Psychologist entering professional service with various Agencies within the public sector including the Prison Service. Yet in spite of his rejection he applied for a newly created vacancy at the LCFA/LCFB  which was to advise newly injured uniformed colleagues how to address the trauma of major injury and who was better qualifies to answer that question than he? He never received even an interview…

These shameless Elected Members not only lacked common humanity but the moral fibre to express any view about those they are supposed to be responsible for in their pastoral care. Is it little wonder that the Lancashire Firefighters of all ranks and genders feel nothing but cold contempt for such politicians. Why would anyone vote for any of them or their Party?

To read the two corrupt cover up reports on FSV~GW personal catastrophe as the LCFA/LFRS  investigated itself. Go Here & Here.

SIE026. Comment:   During the period which followed this latest statistical round up of  Warren’s pogrom against the Lancashire disabled Firefighters recorded by clerk Hutchinson there were signs of a political shift appearing on the LCFA/LFRS horizon in anticipation of an All County Councillors[84] election on the 4th June 2009.

The Conservative Party won with CC G. Driver retaining Leadership of the LCC whilst dislodging the Labour Party from the LCFA. The immediate impact on the LCFA was that the Conservatives took charge of the LCFA holding the majority of Councillors out of the 25 elected Members, electing CC. D. O’Toole as their Leader.

CC Driver was determined to bring closure to Warren’s[who he recalled] pogrom and as soon as practicable had a high level Conservative Party meeting at County Hall at which a subordinate CC O’Toole was present. CC O’Toole was directed to record all the questions raised at this Meeting by Members about the Pension Issue and he was directed to seek direct answers from Warren and report back to the Conservative Party when it was anticipated resolution proposals would be advanced, implemented, and announced to the Media.

Even clerk Warren who had no idea what his criminality had achieved as he had allowed the whole debacle to go into drift  and was taken aback at this very unpleasant development which put him squarely in the accountability seat and spotlight for a change.

SIE027. Comment:  This simply confirms the appalling ignorance of the Rank structure up to 1998 where one cannot compare a Firefighter Rank to any grade of Senior Rank. These clerks had no idea what they were doing in the revised management structure of the LFRS post 1998 either.

SIE028. Comment:  The reason the Lancashire Evening Post’s Chief Reporter Matthew Squires [a Freemason] declined to report this LCFA/LFRS criminality was because he was instructed not to do so by Lancashire lead Freemason Mr.Max Winterbottom [on this circulation list] who just happens to be the Clerk[solicitor] to the LCFA.

Next we see the role that FBU Branch Hon Sec Harman [a sell out Freemason] was forced to play again, acting on the instructions of Max Winterbottom [Clerk to the LCFA].
Warren, Holland[CFO], and Winterbottom then in a conspiracy plotted the downfall of the Bugler using falsehoods and smears to the satisfaction of LCFA Conservative Chair CC David O’Toole during which they intended and did practice unbridled discrimination, victimisation, and racism  against the Bugler’s Democratic and Human Rights.

Furthermore having sold out the Bugler, a life Member of the FBU, and having avoided commenting that the Bugler was also a Regional Official for the National FBU, both the Branch Hon Sec[Steve] and the Branch Chair[Kevin], serving personnel of the LFRS, continued to sell out the entire Branch supporting their position of 30 pieces of silver with bare faced falsehoods and smears alleging that the Bugler was a ‘Bully’ though producing not a scintilla of evidence for such a defamatory statement.

This statement was set against  the Bugler’s record of 20 years as a national Statutory Discipline Officer; a Member of the National Parole Board; a Member of a HM Prison Board; all with an unblemished record whilst being decorated by 4 International Nations for International Rescue work in the field.

It was also clear from this email that it was the earlier intention of these politicians and staff of LCFA/LFRS to remove the Bugler’s sole means of income his pension from himself and his family[which the Bugler was aware of] but because the Bugler had neither been charged nor successfully prosecuted for sedition this contemplated appalling action was prevented by Statutory Instrument No:129.

The moving force in ‘mustering their troops’ in the malevolent ideas department are all clearly Warren’s and his CFO Holland supported by their Politicians of all Parties who above else had to avoid any personal responsibility and criticism ultimately protecting their ill gotten careers and bonuses.

Even Warren has to admit that on more than a few occasions his criminality has led him into “tricky territory” but more very tricky territory was to follow, as we shall see, as desperation sets in to smear the Bugler at every and any criminally  contrived opportunity…

SIE029. Comment: Developed during the British Empire days the British political establishment have the unenviable reputation internationally as the most untrustworthy and duplicitous Nation to ever consider having discussions or signing an agreement with.
Ask the Citizens  of  Europe and further afield the Citizens of  Africa most particularly Kenya;  then Cyprus; Eden; India, Ireland , and so on and so forth.

The Establishment also had a great ‘tradition’ of treating those who served them as natural serfs to be used and then cast aside. A practice which continues to this present day. Ask anyone in the Services where the Bugler’s family also served?

Then there are the likes of the scurrilous O’Tooles born corrupt and true to his duplicitous nature.

The Bugler and his clan the O’Byrnes with its Taoiseach Fiach McHugh O’Byrne, was married to one of the O’Tooles so the O’Byrnes know about the trustworthiness of the O’Tooles, who as the renegades they were subjected  themselves to the  ‘surrender and regrant’, a policy initiated in the 1540s and which began with the O’Toole lordship.  Turlough O’Toole, the then Taoiseach, spent several months in England in 1541, where he met and submitted in person to Henry VIII.  In return, he was granted back his own lands, with conditions and on payment of rent to the King.

Clearly being a moron runs in the bloodline; christened by the ‘troops’ as O’Fool.

So it being in the bloodline this half baked renegade O’Fool continues to sell out the peasants using the traditional duplicity of his clansmen. He presumes, like himself, that we are all stupid serfs.

Now look again at file SIE028, and then again at this Conservative/Freemason ‘approved’ LEP statement of O’Fool if you doubt the use of the words criminal duplicity because even though directed to do this by the Lancashire Conservative Party, O’Fool had no intentions of implementing this in what turned into a ‘turf’ war with CC.Driver…

SIE030. Comment: Starting in reverse order. It is important not to forget that Firefighters are human beings not just pensions or gun fodder. The young Firefighter FSV~DH who raised the pension query was caught in a gas cylinder explosion at farm during which the spinning cylinder almost cut him in half leading to his early demise. He raised persistent inquiries which were allowed to go into ‘drift’ without his queries being dealt with properly even though Mr. Lafayette FPT made an earlier attempt.

Mooney’s email prior restates the FPT’s position but read carefully it is written with a great dollops of uncertainty and ambiguity. It refers to the Home Office Commentary which is not the Law nor Statute. Mooney uses ‘could’ and ‘should’ regularly  but not the legal “shall”. All followed by their escape/avoidance clause that the LFRS should seek its own independent advice which it is clearly loath to do.

Mooney makes reference to Rule B4 which is quite worthless because this is calculated from Rule B3 which the LCFA/LFRS are not actually paying and which both Mooney and Hamilton have failed to grasp because they do not know what the actual issue is, which is the non-payment of Rules B3/B4 pensions; yet they both claim FS Pension experience and knowledge?

SIE031.Comment:   Clerk Warren asked for this statistical update of his pogrom because he was being pressed by the Chair of the LCFA CC. O’Toole to come up with answers to Formal Questions on the Pension Issue which CC.O’Toole had recorded  from the Conservative Leader CC.Driver CBE and Members of the Conservative Party at the earlier Meeting at County Hall in July although they had not been supplied with all the available data which the LCFA had available to it.

Dear Reader, please take note not only what the statistics reveal to you but the subtle shift in attitude by clerk Hutchinson of awareness to the presence of political power and accountability which at long last demanded answers which the LCFA Board ought to have done.
Or at least its special Pensions Sub-Committee whose 4 Members were all male and Freemasons hand picked by clerk Warren and clearly subject to his control and manipulation. A clerk who believed he had unaccountable, unbridled power, and indeed he did…’I will because I can’….

If one doubts this here is are examples of the evil abuse of power….

Disabled FSV~PRJ[International Rescue Diver;Award winning International Marksman;Freemason] fell in the appliance room of C50 Preston after slipping in a puddle on the floor as he ran to a turnout. He seriously injured his knee which eventually led to his compulsory discharge. The Bugler, as his Divisional safety duties required, personally investigated this accident, and was satisfied with its veracity and reported so to the SHQ.

N.B. Much later in retirement when disabled FSV~PRJ[in the US] asked the Bugler for assistance to recover his PRF from LCFA/clerk Hutchinson and both he and the Bugler had fulfilled her obsessive stipulations as to identity, clerk Hutchinson, in an error of judgement, refused to do so in the recreation room[?] at SHQ; a Pyrrhic moment of victory for clerk Hutchinson.

When compulsory discharge came clerk Warren decided that disabled FSV~PRJ was a Member of the 2004 Pension Scheme when in fact he had been a Member of the 1992 Pension Scheme since its inception. In a face to face interview with clerk Warren FSV~PRJ strenuously objected to clerk Warren’s ‘arrangement’  whereupon Warren  replied it was because disabled FSV~PRJ… “did not deserve to be a member of the 1992 Scheme” !
Furthermore, clerk Warren intimated that if FSV~PRJ made a fuss, things would not go well for his son in promotional terms; a son who was a uniformed member of the Training Centre staff.

In this single statement clerk Warren confirms that he is without doubt a pathological liar, a blackmailer, an intimidator,  manipulator, and gambler with his own personal freedom, in a word a criminal. He does not hesitate to take advantage of any perceived weakness in any human being he associates with but immediately shies away from anyone he perceives to be a threat or challenge to the manner in which he operates; whence he regresses to the underworld where he attempts to find the necessary blackmailing material to use to undermine and threaten his opponent. If clerk Warren was of  a physically threatening demeanour he would be extraordinarily dangerous person.

Finally, it is noteworthy in this foregoing email the amount of actual control clerk Warren, a civilian, had over uniformed individuals most of whom were Freemasons who with his acquired knowledge from Lancashire Freemasonry he clearly identified and when necessary blackmailed them to carrying out his will. Unsurprisingly clerk Hutchinson raised not a single query in the light of seeing what had happened to others. They were all prisoners of clerk Warren’s intimidation.
This is the true vicious face of Freemason power and control built on a base of corruption.

SIE032. Comment: Due to the complexity of this email the Bugler has chosen to apply  ‘sticky notes’ to the email in the word by word, line by line analyses.

What follows is further confirmation that clerk Warren really is a pathological and habitual liar, blackmailer, intimidator, and manipulator as he demonstrates how skilled he was at manipulating lazy and dopey politicians for whom, no doubt, he felt nothing but contempt. But power corrupts and it continues to corrupt clerk Warren as he moved deeper and deeper into pure criminality and national sedition as the Bugler continues to expose the evidential case against him.

SIE033. Comment:  At an early point in this saga Mr. Ian Young Clerk and Solicitor to the Lancashire County Council[LCC] expressed disquiet concerning the legality of the intentions of the LCFA to enforce recovery of the alleged DWP Benefits ‘over-payments’. Naturally he was howled down by CC Wilkinson the then Chair of the LCFA and clerk Warren the delegated Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme & Fund manager.

At this juncture doubt having arisen over the legality of the LCFA proposed course of action it would be the natural logic to ask for an independent ‘Opinion’ in law on the matter whilst bearing in mind that the final arbitrator is always the Courts where indeed a Judicial Review would also be a logical step to take. But these essential actions did not take place presumably at the behest of CC. Wilkinson and clerk Warren who realised that the LCFA did not have the financial resources  to progress in this direction, nor a basis in law.

The LCFA allowed itself no logic and proceeded under the misguided belief that they could mislead all those to whom they were accountable and for a considerable period of time they succeed in this duplicity.

However when CC Driver Leader of the Lancashire Conservatives and Leader of the LCC convened his Leadership meeting in July 2009 following the Local Government elections those present included Solicitor Young LCC and the new chair of the LCFA CC D. O’Toole who was subjected to an Inquiry about how he proposed to resolve this Public Relations erosive Pension dispute by the local heroes, the disabled Firefighters. An Inquiry which inevitably asked the obvious question which was had the LCFA sought and obtained an Independent legal ‘Opinion’ and if so where was it?

Unquestionably CC O’Toole was both evasive and duplicitous promising to place in circulation the ‘Opinion’ he stated that the LCFA had obtained.

It is noteworthy that when clerk Warren was subjected publicly to a personal Inquiry by CC O’Toole on behalf of the Lancs Conservative Party both he and CC.O’Toole spoke in generalisations concerning the ‘legal advice’ which they had received and were acting upon .

In point of fact a simple question demanded a simple answers about when the LCFA ‘Opinion’ was commissioned and by which independent Barrister who naturally would have been called to the Bar and would naturally at the end of his/her ‘Opinion state so, as has happened regularly in ‘The ‘Morning Bugler’.

Following sustained pressure from the Conservatives eventually CC O’Toole and clerk Warren had to produce a no cost  ‘Opinion’ but the question was where from? Once more they both sought refuge in a common ‘Freemason in Distress’ manoeuvre commonly used by the Brethren when they have dug themselves into an unlawful of criminal hole.

In the event they deceived the Lancashire Conservative Party by using one of the in-house Freemason ‘counsels’ employed by the LCC who produced a collation of legally unsubstantiated polyglot of opinions ranging from the home spun LCFA to the Audit Commission/NFI to the Home Office Fire Service Pension Team!

This accounts for a document which bears no formal imprimatur; no professional name and title including which Bar association this ‘lawyer’ was a Member of ; no date though it is believed to be issued on the 27th October 2009; and worst of all, as properly trained Barrister would do, which is in the legal analyses to consider what the legal position of his/her opponents is likely to be based on, what quoted law, and what quoted case law and upon which the disabled Firefighters  would base their Defence.

Hence this ‘opinion’, if it is what it purports to be is completely worthless but sufficient to scam a bunch of lazy moronic Conservative County Councillors who had filled in their expense form and wanted to get home.

SIE034. Comment: This letter of the Bugler relates a mean and nazty story of clerk Warren  and how after admission of his authorship and the confirmed existence of his “Hardship Route” [with the approval of the LCFA Chair Conservative CC D. O’Toole]  how in all its pitiless vindictiveness clerk Warren applied it to the weak and sick.

Clerk Warren is a narcissist who besides loving himself loved power and its application especially to the vulnerable and confused.

The New York Police Department in one of its manuals describes a narcissist like clerk Warren and how to resist their disfunctionality and warped humanoid nature. Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centred, arrogant thinking and behaviour, a lack of empathy and consideration for other human beings. They have an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people like this as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronising, and demanding until challenged face to face when they immediately roll over. The way to challenge a narcissist’s sense of superiority is to publicly hold them accountable for their venal misconduct. The challenger must set boundaries and stand up for themselves and carry the psychological war to the narcissist. Clerk Warren cannot abide failure either in himself or others he is supposed to lead or set a good example to, and when he consistently fails to succeed he punishes with blackmail those he sees as having failed him.

Of limited intelligence, but with an excess of cunning, they nevertheless, never see entrapment and retribution coming…  

SIE035. Comment:  This is just another weary example where a DWP Reduced Earnings Income Allowance is calculated as an Industrial Injury. None of these staff either at the LCFA or the LCC seemed capable of differentiating between an “Allowance” and an “Industrial Injury” when over time the “Allowance” came to be administered  by the generic DWP Industrial Injuries Department. In fact neither could the DWP staff either!


SIE036. Comment: It was in June 2008 that Hamilton/Hutchinson/Wisdom and the Clerk Warren realised they were vulnerable to ‘intel leak’ when having discussions with the DWP so they decided to communicate by vox and snail mail where there would be less evidence to find, unless a Court Order for Disclosure was used; at which point the clerks accused the Bugler of having an informant. The riposte to which was… ‘only one?’ Reminding them it was like the Roman Army they were Legion, a subtlety probably lost on them…

SIE037. Comment: On Friday 24th April 2009 @ 14:00 the Audit Commission[AC] released its routine annual National Fraud Initiative[NFI-AC sub-department] return to the LCC Audit Service[LCCAS] at County Hall which was required to investigate any flagged inconsistencies, to take remedial action, if any, and report the results back to the NFI and of course to the LCFA Elected Councillors.

The impact of this NFI routine action was to create a frenzy of frustration with the Clerk, who with his growing number of seditious accomplices was driven to desperation, as they saw their tower of falsehoods and criminality collapse along with their careers leading to their ultimate incarceration; all slipping into their very own bog of corruption.

In October 2009 following his drubbing by Lancashire CC. Driver, Conservative Leader and LCC Leader, the Clerk in November, having reached the zenith of his frustration, remained determined to put the Bugler in the ‘Dock’ because he was convinced, without any evidence to support this paranoia that the Bugler was engaged in mass Benefits larceny and Fraud and that the secrets of the Bugler’s ‘operation’ lay deep within the UK Nationally secure DWP, or the Audit Commission[AC], or within its sub-department the NFI which held millions of the most sensitive personal data in its  database.

Consequently the Clerk knowingly decided to breech by burglary the AC/NFI database so he and his criminal associates could  triumphantly reveal the Bugler’s hidden lode of secret fraud; a very high risk strategy.

The intention was to gain access to the AC database using internal Freemason employees; to search the database; to steal the Bugler’s data and any other useful records; to screen-print the results; to print and initially to widely distribute surreptitiously the results including to the DWP. Completely ignoring the numerous criminal Statute Laws they knowingly breached.

The appalling implications of such a crime cannot be overstated.

The Clerk used Mr. Barry Ardis [a fellow Freemason], Senior Audit Assistant, Lancashire Audit Service, Resources Directorate at the LCC and another identified Freemason called ‘Nathan’ at the NFI in this conspiracy of burglary.

Whilst ‘Nathan’ had password protected access to the NFI database clerk Warren did not. It was to be their joint downfall. UK National Databases have multi-layered security programs designed to instantly recognise an intruder; to watch and evaluate the intruder’s actions; to determine if such actions are of a malevolent intent;  to defend its Server; and then raise the alarm with its security services.

It is clear from what subsequently happened at the AC that ‘Nathan’ did a database search which flagged up the Bugler’s single DWP and 52 other LFCA records and doubtless after ‘encouragement’ from the Clerk, Nathan foolishly decided to share it with him. Logged in using an unlawful access password provided by ‘Nathan’ the Clerk then took a Windows® ‘screen-print’ of the only data they could find on the Bugler but also downloading these 52 others Records and thus the screen-print was downloaded to the LCFA server at LCFA SHQ and thence to the Clerk’s desktop computer, in seconds, but all auto logged to the second, by the AC Server and the LCFA Server.

The problem was that the Audit Commission/NFI were alerted to this burglary and demanded  an answer why the Clerk and his accomplices had accessed the Database and had downloaded  sensitive files. They were not at all happy especially if this became common knowledge with their Minister of State and in Parliament.

However The Clerk simply could not resist the temptation to circulate his criminally obtained data and so he put it into secret hard copy circulation using clerk Hutchinson for distribution, including to the Bugler, who quickly recognised the criminality of Nathan and the Clerk’s actions and wrote immediately to the Audit Commission asking for an explanation and for confirmation data to be released by Statute to confirm the actions of these three criminal burglars namely Ardis/Nathan/Warren.

This ‘harvest’ of illicit data proved to be a significant disappointment after the huge risks taken. It amounted to one known record and not a single other Bugler ‘Benefit’ Record.

The irony of this criminality ought not to be lost because the Bugler’s lawful REA Record/data was not hidden in any manner because it had been released by the AC to the LCCAS in April 2009 and at that point all clerk Warren had to do was to examine the Bugler’s PRF in his possession, which he repeatedly refused to release, and to look at PRF39 dated 19th July 1999, almost 10 years before signed off by CFO Peter Holland and Joan Drinkall, where the single DWP Record of Truth was actually staring them in the face. A Truth which Drinkall as usual failed to take action over but nevertheless the Truth lay on the Record.

There is little doubt in the Bugler’s mind that the Clerk knew of the existence of this REA Record from the very beginning .

A Record which corrupt Freemason Judge Philip Butler chose to ignore because he had been advised of its existence by the Clerk in secret dialogue before the Bugler presented it to Butler in Court as a Litigant-in-Person in 2013. Go Here.

The Bugler demanded redress for this unbridled criminality from the Audit Commission for clearly the Security of a National Database was not fit for purpose. Go Here.

Hardly surprisingly it seems that the Clerk’s co-authored Letter of Excuse succeeded because the AC/NFI wanted it buried and because clerk Hutchinson continued to circulate the Bugler’s sole record which in addition now included personal information still being obtained unlawfully from the DWP.

The dominant theory of Haldane’s Inviable Rule in such public disputes [to which the Bugler has always adhered] is that the line into personal or family affairs is never crossed. Clerk Hutchinson appears not to know such sensitivities, but even if she did, such is her passion for ‘justice’ that she did not hesitate to cross this line into revealing the private lawful family affairs of the Bugler. Information which she has obtained criminally from the DWP.

This was a grievous error of judgement and in so doing she makes herself fair game. Ms. Hutchinson lives in a glass house built on her well known reputation among her male counterparts in the LFRS which in the olden days earned the sobriquet  of the word, trollop.

Clerk Hutchinson ought to have a care…

Now if the Serious Fraud Office does not put them all in jail, including Ms. Hutchinson, then Private Prosecutions will.

Other than the usual ritualistic Refusals one further interesting point was confirmed by the Audit Commission which was that when the Clerk stole the screen-prints he had indeed stolen 52 other NFI Records which had been ‘flagged’ up concerning the LCFA.

So by subtracting 30 who had allegedly been ‘overpaid’ this left a missing 23.
One presumes these are ‘Freemasons’ who have been given a ‘way leave’, ‘get out of jail free card?’ which means that they had no ‘obligation’ to payback any alleged ‘overpayment’, unlike their non-‘Mason colleagues.
Go Here.

SIE038. Comment:  One would have thought that at this point that clerk Warren would have paused for a deep thought about where he found himself but his arrogance once more overwhelms any thread of common sense he might possess so he chooses just to plough on as before bluffing and lying his way through or around any obstacle which in this case is the rather powerful Audit Commission/NFI and their palpable anger at his theft and lawless intrusion into their demesne.

A victim of his own ego this clerk does not realise that he has committed the greatest folly of all which is his failure to seek political approval in any tangible form for the action he was prepared to and did take when using Freemasons help to trick his way into the UK Audit Commission/NFI National Servers. Raw corrupt sedition which will see him jailed.

SIE039. Comment:  One of the noteworthy absences in all the AC brouhaha that has broken around her was ‘pension expert’ clerk Wisdom an airhead who obviously cannot be trusted by the boys to know anything especially the embarrassing truth!

SIE040. Comment:  And here is bubbly Wisdom once more. Stupidity in action. Taking us all back to 2006 when she and she alone created this great discovery that we had all surreptitiously received ‘overpayments’ born out of  Drinkall’s and Wisdom’s maladministration and their excessive imaginations.

SIE041. Comment:  There is no honour among thieves, or is there any extended to females who are not members of the Freemason ‘family’ and rest assured the number of female Freemasons are simply hen’s teeth! Women are kept for flower arranging and tea and biscuits.

This is demonstrated in this email where clerk Hutchinson who is actually LFRS ‘Head of Human Resources’ is asking questions, the answers to which, she ought to have known but clearly did not in her perpetual incompetence.

She, like Wisdom, is clearly kept in the dark concerning knowledge of the current debacle at the Audit Commission/NFI which neither of these female clerks could be trusted with. This awful humiliation, where clerk Warren and his AC/NFI Freemason contact ‘Nathan’  took an exceptional criminal risk, which rebounded, to obtain the Bugler’s data only to find to their humiliation and dismay of the 53 Files Warren stole by Windows® ‘print-screen’ technology only one contained accurate information on the Bugler which was frustratingly limited in extent whilst the DWP continued its embargo, rightly  protecting the Bugler’s data but which the LCFA already had!

Next  the Bugler re-introduces Mr Craig Ainsworth, Acting Casework Supervisor [for services rendered] at the Lancashire Pensions Service. Clerk Ainsworth’s primary roll is to act as a ‘sleeper ‘ who takes care of ‘Freemason’s pensions’ and their problems and is the first point of contact for them when problems arise. When this dispute first arose ironically clerk Ainsworth was put to work to protect disabled FSV~DW[deceased] and his family from the depredations of an out of control clerk Warren; which clerk Ainsworth signally failed to achieve.

It is clear that when clerk Hutchinson asked her questions not only was she kept in the embarrassing dark but in responding clerk Ainsworth had to gain permission from clerk Warren to do so, who cautioned him to be very circumspect in his replies where the data had been obtained from and the manner of its theft.

One small matter clerk Ainsworth should bear in mind is that after passing this information to clerk Hutchinson he is acting in complicity as a co-conspirator by receiving and handling stolen data from a National Database as indeed is clerk Hutchison’ who is also complicit in a conspiracy to unlawfully obtain and handle stolen data whilst acting in Gross Misconduct in Public Office; all of them.

Clerk Ainsworth was also given the task of immediately repaying those Freemasons who had been underpaid  but not those like the Bugler. Disabled FSV~JH[deceased] received an unannounced arrears payment of £45,000.0 on which no loss of amenity interest rate[usually 8% compound] had been paid.

Disabled FSV~JH was distinctly uneasy and sought the Bugler’s help in seeking answers in case in the future repayment was demanded. After much activity including a ‘subject data’ request under the 1998 Data Protection Act, which was denied, he received an irate telephone call from fellow Freemason clerk Ainsworth who told him in abrupt terms  to … “stop asking bloody stupid questions…and just spend the money” !

It is noteworthy that clerk Hutchinson finally woke up to this discrimination, as she saw it, and began on her emails to ‘stitch’ in all the names she could think of on the circulation list to ensure that when ‘accounting’ time in Court arrives she would immediately claim ignorance and then limited knowledge neither of which will depressingly work when the simple answer, even now, is to turn King’s Evidence and hope for the best...

Clerk Ainsworth remains employed at the LCC PS.

SIE042. Comment:  One suppose it is too much to ask that Baroness Hanham CBE, one of the London twee set could have actually learned to read during her private Education?  Probably too busy counting her daily sign in fee at the House of Lords. Now is that £361a day roughly £90,000pa plus of course the Under Secretary of State salary of £90,000; £180,000 not bad for being unable to read or comprehend.

Considerably more than servants Boorman and Hill who actually wrote this deceit for her will earn which naturally she never checked being content to sign anything they might place before her, as they both knew.

Simply confirms how little work these servants have in the FS Pension Team especially when they have the time to write to their handshaking corrupt chum Warren.

If only they could have seen themselves shuffling around the Temple at their initiation with their rolled up  trouser leg and their exposed left nipple whilst carrying the end of the noose around their neck as they smirkily sold their Souls to Satan.
Now there was someone who was in deed smirking and muttering …just you wait…


SIE043. Comment: And now for a little passion…

‘An gan staonadh’, the ‘relentless’ will of Ulster Irishmen and Women.  

At the age of 10 the Bugler was first exposed to the word ‘relentless’ whilst at the Christian Brothers Primary and Grammar Schools[CBS] in Armagh City.

The Bugler was ironically put under the attempted control of a Brother called Burns; a Brother who was neither Christian nor Brotherly. Neither was he a relative though he had also taught the Bugler’s Father who became a Gold Medal winning teacher at the CBS in Belfast.

Brother Burns beat the Bugler relentlessly every day with this personal leather strap which to this day he can still see with its 15 inch length; its shaped handle; and its heavy stitching.

When the Bugler moved up a grade for the 11+ Brother Burns was replaced by Brother M.B.O’Sullivan suitably equipped from Cork who was determined not only that he would relentlessly break the Bugler’s spirit but that he would learn to spell in the King’s English which was not his native tongue.

On a particularly good day Brother M.B.O’S decided the Bugler’s spelling errors were deliberate and so he changed his choice of weapon to a broken chair leg whilst he applied 16 strokes, 8 to each hand with the result that the Bugler was unable to close his hands for about 2 weeks. This was the only occasion, undoubtedly driven by the Bugler’s Mayo mother Mary Alice that his Father took the Brother Superior to task.

Later when the Bugler was 13 at the Grammar School with his relentless Ulster will unbroken the family hit hard times because they were not actual farmers. It was decided that Bugler would take over the running of the 75 acre dairy farm which he did until aged 20 when in spite of blossoming success the ‘Listening Bank’ would not  listen anymore and sold the farm out from under the family without giving any accounting and the family ended up on the streets of Belfast…

But in the time that followed the Bugler, once more, learned the word ‘relentless’ at the plough. To plough a field alone takes a ‘relentless spirit’; to milk cows 24/7 and for years takes a ‘relentless spirit’; to fork tons of manure by hand takes a ‘relentless spirit’; to continually battle nature day in and day out takes a ‘relentless spirit’.

In another life, to batter entry into a burning whiskey bond in Belfast took a ‘relentless spirit’ ; to force the Bugler’s way into a burning terrace house on the lower Falls Road on Xmas Eve, wherein lay 3 trapped children, took nearly all of that ‘relentless spirit’.

Finally, the Bugler is reminded of the 1st July 1916 where the relentless Irish Warriors of the Irish Division alongside the equally relentless Ulster Division Warriors, side by side, took 1700 yards on the first day of the Somme and were the only Warriors to hold their ground on that day.

The Irish were not fighting for the English but relentlessly and passionately for Justice and Democracy and today, standing alongside the Bugler’s admirable English Comrades we are relentlessly and grotesquely having to fight the English Establishment for Justice and Democracy. An Establishment who used us to disablement and death, only to discard us.

To obtain Justice and Democracy from the Information Commissioner Office at Wilmslow Cheshire, who within its ranks, were more criminal Freemasons with the brief from their chums in Lancashire to obstruct and defeat the Bugler at every twist and turn took a relentless 7 years to obtain his Personal Record File.

This was an object lesson on how easily Justice and Democracy can still be defeated by the organised crime of corruption by Freemasons within a UK Government Agency.

At the beginning in 2006 it rapidly became clear that the Personal Record Files of Members of the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme held the key to Justice because of the immediate extreme measures that the criminal Freemasons within the LCFA and the LFRS  took to guard their secrets against the Statute laws of the UK which were placed there to allow the ordinary UK Citizen to legitimately pursue their Human Rights of access to Information, Justice, and Democracy all of which belonged to them.

Along the tortuous and relentless way as the battle developed the Bugler dealt with his first Commissioner a Civil Servant called Mr. C. Graham a particularly useless ‘cardboard cut-out’ who was either corrupt, or more likely, just totally disinterested, but not in his salary.

The issue was whether or not the LCFA had by law “maintained” a lawful “account” of their Pension Scheme which included the retention of all records of the Scheme and its Members and in particular had “maintained” Member’s Pension Records specifically, records held within individual Personal Record Files[PRF], which the Bugler with justification believed they had not.

The Bugler’s initial applications were in the main handled by female staff who rapidly concluded that their Line Manager called White was corrupt. Probably because of the unwarranted pressure he was putting them under to act unlawfully and which to their absolute creditworthy integrity they resisted.

Fortuitously at this time Graham moved on and was replaced by Ms. Elizabeth Denham, an experienced Canadian, who immediately in support of her colleagues of integrity gave orders that an Investigative Team was to be sent to the LCFA SHQ, which was already on an ICO ‘Watch List’,  to carryout an on site inspection, to establish whether or not, the LCFA fatuous claim that their Pension Records were not held in an accessible system was true, or as all suspected, was a falsehood.

The Investigators reported back that after physically inspecting Warren/Hamilton and Hutchinson’s filing system their claim was a falsehood.

ICO Denham subsequently ordered the release of all copied PRFs to their individual owners who applied for them. Once more the LCFA refused to comply.

The ICO wrote immediately to the LCFA insisting that the LCFA complied with her Order and if the LCFA failed to comply  she would take the LCFA and those involved to Court on the basis of a Contempt of Court.

So after 7 long years the PRF’s, including the Bugler’s PRF, was released to him and others who requested theirs.

Of course, there was neither a Pension Scheme “maintained account “, nor individual  Pension Records held in PRFs and thus the LCFA unlawful actions, in toto, all fell to the floor in a jangling heap.

The key is the relentless and pitiless pursuit  of Justice through Democracy which will continue until it is achieved…

SIE044. Comment:Oh what a wondrous web this Clerk weaves…

At this point the Clerk always disappears taking refuge in his office and operating by remote control through his sacrificial underlings. This is a perfect example of his modus operandii. But what his clerks do not realise is that he continues to act insidiously as he weaves as many co-conspirators into his web of criminality which he has created, hoping to mitigate his guilt for his criminal activities of which the AC/NFI is yet another perfect example.

The Clerk’s entrapment method, whilst protecting himself, is to circulate by hand [no trace back to him]  the Bugler’s data which he stole from the AC/NFI by using, in the first instance, clerk Hutchinson, who does not know why it is being done in this surreptitious manner but is cunning enough, having seen the Clerk ‘operate’ up close, that it is in all likelihood unlawful though the Clerk will not have told her  the actual truth of the latest criminality has been engaged in.

Clerks Hutchinson and Wisdom, after reading the contents of these mysterious envelopes, which are 3 duplicates of the Bugler’s stolen Data plus 52 others ; one to Wisdom/Lister; one to their contact at the DWP; one to LCC solicitor Young/ Craig Ainsworth with an addendum to him to make sure that neither Wisdom/Lister nor Hutchinson know all the truth about where all this illegal data came from, when in circumspection he replies to Hutchinson.

Furthermore the Clerk ensures that Wisdom is not aware that  her boss Lister is already entrapped and is entirely aware of the theft of these 53 State Papers, the data from AC/NFI, to which Lister was a co-author in the issue of the Clerk’s lame Letter of Excuse to the Audit Commission/NFI. All of these co-conspirators have inevitably handled sensitive data stolen from the AC/NFI databases a crime of sedition[harmful to the State].

In addition the Clerk ensures that the LCC solicitor Ian Young and the LFRS solicitor Antony Harold are included in the circulation list by clerk Hutchinson because the Clerk really does not trust these solicitors and this action will provide useful black mailing leverage because solicitors are Officers of the Court, who will have handled stolen property and will in all likelihood fail to report this crime to the Police, as they must,  as a consequence being struck off by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority[SRA] from the Rolls…hefty leverage… No Rolls no LCC/LFRS job… which will provide the Clerk with the excuse to at least throw Harold under a bus.

Clerks Hutchinson, Wisdom and solicitors Young and Harold are very aware of how the Clerk disposes of those who have served his criminal purpose but they probably do not know the significance of handling stolen data from a highly protected UK National Database which is sedition[an act which damages the credibility of the State], but they will when the knock comes to the door!

This Clerk is an expert at protecting himself to the final detriment of all those around him. Not for one moment visualising that his black ‘operations’ will, one day, be revealed to the world at large.

SIE045. Comment:  The Lancashire saying says it all … ‘where there is no sense there is no feeling’. But what is worth observing is that Wisdom is not only knowingly content to repeat a falsehood about where the the NFI data came from, she says the DWP, when the Bugler and she both know this is a falsehood intended to mislead but also seems to be content to handle stolen property from the Audit Commission/ National Fraud Initiative Database which will get her jailed.

SIE046. Comment:  Here are three examples of  Witness Statements[General Correspondence/Year 2013]. The first is a contemporaneous freehand draft; the second is also a contemporaneous freehand draft which is a supporting Witness Statement; the third is a typed Combined Court Copy of the first statement, all from within the jurisdiction of Preston Combined Courts within a Crown Court under presiding Circuit Court Judge Philip Butler on the 12th February 2013.

A total of 4 laypersons and 2 Court Ushers made 6 Witness Statements to the Combined Courts Manager Mrs Kelly; Statements which have never before been published. This total of 6 Witness Statements were lodged with Mrs. Kelly which included two of her Usher colleagues[A female lead/male] , on duty within the Court on the date stated who in addition brought their personal concerns directly to the attention of  Judge Butler on the day, at not inconsiderable risk to themselves in spite of knowing the daily intimidation and victimisation such a courageous act would bring from the infamous Butler. A Butler who in corruption consistently blocked the release in transparency of all the Statements.

SIE047. Comment: 

The Impeachment of Democracy; Denial of Justice; Denial of Human Rights within the Jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.

This is evidentially supported in Libraries/ General-Correspondence/Year 2016 Go Here.

SIE048. Comment: It is unclear from the outset who is actually responding to this letter? Is it clerk Brooks at SHQ or is it solicitor Mark Nolan, the Clerk’s little part time helper, who was last heard of working for Stockport Council Manchester.

A solicitor on a SRA ‘watch list’ who has been referred to extensively in the Impeachment proceedings against CC. De Molfetta, or is it about the curious matter of his unlawful ‘appointment’ to the role of Clerk to the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority.

A surreptitious act which denied other Members of the Public the opportunity to apply for a Publicly Advertised Equal Opportunity vacancy [which it was not] as the law demands.

In addition solicitor Nolan is known to have handled stolen data removed by burglary by Clerk Warren and his criminal associates from the National Audit Commission/NFI Database when they sought his advice, which was an opportunity which required him to report this theft to the Police?

Thus when he failed to do so he became another culpable accomplice in the matter of handling stolen goods/data.

Nothing solicitor Nolan writes is either imaginative or grounded in law, borne out by this missive. What exactly is he attempting to stumblingly say?

Comment:  Apparently this is the third Chief Fire Officer of the Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service Justin Johnson which the Bugler has out lived. He, if we believe his turgid goodbye, has like his forbears also lived in a parallel universe? Nevertheless he claims success without using the words ‘pastoral care’; ‘disabled Firefighter’; or our needy Beneficiaries. Presumably he has never actually met a retired disabled Firefighter or their Beneficiaries in his time in post who needed his ‘pastoral care’?

And what of his Chairman of the LCFA CC.D. O’Toole, who while he lives and breathes, is anyone ever going to look him in the eye and not see 80 pages of false mileage claims released by the LCC  amounting to over £45,000.0 and still counting? A criminal to his last gasp…

Essex boys are not renowned for their generosity, except to themselves. By the Bugler’s mathematics Boy Johnson is a Member of the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme where he is a 1992  Scheme Member, since Essex days. He will receive a Rule B1 ‘Ordinary’ Pension based on his best/last 3 years calculated at 40/60ths of that amount. Unless he was either stupid or greedy enough to allow his chum Clerk Warren to forcefully transfer hin to any of the so called advantages new 2000 Schemes which he did to others?

Comment: This is the year that the LCFA sold out its Pension Scheme to the Financial Traders in the City of London.  So let us see who they sold out to; who they are; what are their continuing vicarious liabilities in respect of the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme and what their current intentions are in 2024 in Lancashire?


SIE049.Comment:  In the Year 2016 the Local Pensions Partnership Investments Ltd[LPP] , controlled by the Financial Conduct Authority [unfortunately independent from Government] located at Registered Office First Floor, 1 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PF, in the City of London purchased the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority Firefighters Pension Scheme.

You did not know?

That is because both the LCFA and the LPP failed in their duty of care which was to inform the Membership of these changing circumstances before your Pension Scheme was sold. Little has been heard from LPP since, unless you invested some of your savings with them, or you received a threatening and intimidating letter from them recently which disabled FSV~JH has recently.

Primarily LPP are investors, not Bankers, just private investors who buy the market worth of a Pension Scheme and your savings in it and then put it to work to earn money from your contributions which they then pay to their shareholders. So they are not actually skilled and dedicated Pension Scheme managers pursuing your best interests but then as we know neither are the LCFA.

There is an old Latin expression caveat emptor [let the buyer beware] which no doubt has crossed your mind when wandering around a car boot sale and of course caveat emptor applies to LPP as well when it set out to buy a  Pension Scheme.

But surely it has shed loads of financial experts in-house to advise them? Who will investigate this potential purchase in depth and reassure its potential investors that it is a good clean purchase prospect with no hidden vicarious liabilities which might lose them their investment money.

The problem is like a car boot sale one needs to know what one is looking at and secondly how trustworthy the seller is and as we know the LCFA is a ‘run-a-mile’ defrauding seller.

Caveat emptor rules the day whether it is granny’s dumplings or a pension scheme and if it is known the seller is dishonest and we know the LCFA are, people like LPP have to be especially careful.

Did they do their homework? It appears they did not, especially in respect of the probity and integrity of the LCC/LCFA and its politicians, whilst looking especially at the vicarious liability which the LCC/LCFA brought to this sale.

For example, did the LCC/LCFA inform the LPP that it continues to be seriously troubled by its legal liability in respect of the Membership of its Scheme because if they did not do so then that would be fraud, would it not? Did the LCC/LCFA inform LPP that they have had 18 years of legal problems with its Membership culminating shortly at the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg where its Membership are taking a Class Action against it for the 25% individual under-payment of pensions since 1992?

But the LPP can be reassured that they will not find themselves alone at Strasbourg, or on the streets of the City of London, because the Lancashire Firefighters will be joined by their Colleagues across the UK to a total of 11,000 disabled Firefighters with 30,000 Beneficiaries, all with their hands out and their placards held high.

The LPP can be reassured it would unfair of the disabled Lancashire Firefighters, just because the UK Law stands for them, to expect the LPP to pay all the £5 Billion + in overdue debt even though they have £26 Billion in reserves, when fair play suggests proportionality should apply, but not if the LPP were to continue to send threatening letters with menaces to the poor, sick, old,  and disabled.

Being a Firefighter demands people of determined kindliness and a peaceful nature, at the moment, but it might be worth bearing that in mind…

For the Natzy Letters. Go Here.