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General Correspondence.

General Correspondence
Listed by year.


Please note there may well be documents contained in the Libraries which may not be linked to any particular page but may well be posted to the Libraries just for general information retention. 

Comment: A Fire Service Career 1961 – 1997.

Here. Paul P McManamon-Burns GIFireE Curriculum Vitae 1943-2018.

Here. First Compulsory Discharge Pension Calculations.

Here. Second Compulsory Discharge Pension Calculation.

Here. Third Compulsory Discharge Pension Calculation.

Here. Pension Calculation Errors ~ using Key ‘Sticky Notes’.

Here. PRF39 Rang Ms.Joan Drinkall LCFB Pensions Officer infd her REA being put into payment by DWP.

Here. FSV-DW. LCC PS Lister & Wisdom take the original fateful decision to deduct DWP Benefits from 169+/- disabled FSVs in Lancashire recorded in internal emails released by Bugler’s ‘Discovery’ Application.

Here. Events concerning disabled FSV-DW recorded at Chapter 1 of the Journey of Truth.

Here. FSV-RRB02. Letter from LFRS Warren  threatening poverty if ‘overpayment’ due to their error is not paid back.

Here. LFRS 105 –  Discrimination-Internal email released by Court Order-Key Bugler comments..

Here. LFRS106 – Hardship Route-Internal email released by Court Order-Key Bugler comments.

Here. Northern Ireland FRS. Letter confirming that Retirement Allowance is not deductible from an Injury Award;

Here. JSH01. A compendium of correspondence 2010-2012 between disabled FSV Hinton MIFireE and the LFRS;

Here. LCC22 Sayle,Lister, and Young in secret cahoots re FOIA/DPA requests;

Here. LFRS PB01110 FOIA first request for CC O’Toole’s public expenses claim records;

Here. Audit Commission and National Fraud Initiative Information;

Here. Court Orders release of LFRS secret internal emails[352].

Here. PB03PB0211  D~WP from Ms.E.Todd. REA not deductible from Injury Award. XRef to PB01212 – Year 2012.

Here. PB03411 ~ DWP Letter to Sir Robert J.Deveroux KCB,Permanent Secretary. Authorised release of ‘subject data’;

Here. PB04511 ~ Application for Court order for LCFA to Disclose Defence Critical documents.

Here. Hamilton- mysterious expulsion from the Manchester Probation Trust and more mysterious ‘arrival’ at the LFRS.

Here. Hamilton failure as deputy Pension Scheme manager and secretly treating the ‘Lamplighters’ as ‘more equal’ than others.

Here. CC D.O’Toole’s expenses claims for 2011-2012 with the Lancashire CC and the LFRS.

Here. FSV-FG and Bugler correspondence on the Lamplighters.

Here. PB04611 Compendium of correspondence with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Here. PB08011-PB01211. First public reports of corruption.

Here. PB00112.Application for Court Order seeking Specific Disclosure by LCFA;

Here. PB00212.Defence and Counterclaim Court Case Management Hearing 10th January 2012;

Here. PB001212.REA Time Line history from Allowance put into Payment by DWP;

Here. PB001412.Audit Commission National Fraud Initiative LCC Pensions Services Head D. Lister ‘Paying the Dead’;

Here. Pension Ombudsman King gives Interview.

Here. PB00413. Court Statement of Fact and Truth for Judicial Hearing;

Here. PB00913. Application to Court for preliminary Determination and for Compensation;

Here. PB01713. Meaning of Words in Law;

Here. PB01813. More Meanings of Words in Law;

Here. PB01913. Statement of Claim in Law for full Judicial Court Hearing;

Here. PB02013. Full Counterclaim ~ Full Calculation.

Here. PB04013 Letter to CC Molfetta Chair(Labour) Lancashire CFA – No Response.

Here. Barrister Mr. J.M. Copplestone-Bruce to Home Secretary Rt Hon Mrs T. May M.P.

Here. DCLG Firefighters Pension Team response on behalf of the Home Secretary to Mr. J.M. Copplestone-Bruce.

Here. PB00313 Letter – first Complaint to Lancashire Chief Constable and Police & Crime Commissioner – CC D.O’Toole fraud.

Here. PB04013 Letter  CC F.De Mofetta’s consistent failures to take action against corruption or to reply to correspondence.

Here. Disabled and terminally ill FSV~WH remorseless hunt to acquire his PRF from 2010 until its culmination in 1013 when he achieved success against all the odds.

Here. Preston Combined Court, Examples[2] of copies of hand drafted Court Witness Statements; Court Copy [1] of typed copy  of FSV~RRB observations of acts of Perjury by Drinkall/Warren/Lister in Crown Court with Circuit Court Judge Butler presiding on the Bench which were reported to him by Court Manager Kelly. The Statements included 2 Ushers [female lead/Male] present at the scene who observed these Contempts of Court by the individuals named above.

Here. The Judicial Charade by “Deputy District ‘Judge Burrows’ ” at the Preston Combined Crown Court.


Here. FSV~R.Berry observation of acts of Perjury in County Court by Drinkall;Warren;Lister.Reported to Court Justice Butler and Court Manager.

Here. PB01214 – DCLG – Sir Bob Kerslake – Firefighters Pension Team.

Here. Essex Gazette Report(Keys) of £15mil repayment to H.M.Treasury by Essex CFRS.

Here. Essex Echo Report(Keys) of £15mil repayment to H.M.Treasury by Essex CFRS.

Here. Essex County Fire & Rescue Service(Keys) Official Statements concerning £15mil payback to H.M.Treasury.

Here. The Editor and his barrister lay down the law and the responsibilities under those laws to the DCLG FireFighters Pension Team

Here. The Editor brings his pension issue and the failure of his DCLG FPT to the attention of the Fire Minister Mr.B.Lewis M.P. Under Secretary of State.

Here. The smug brush off from Mr. Cornelius to two letters from the Bugler accusing Cornelius of failing to comply with the law namely the Public Services Pensions Act 2013.

Here. Letter to Sir Bob Kerslake Permanent Secretary to the DCLG(fired) and Head of the Civil Service(fired) complaining that his civil servants were failing to comply with the law and breaching the Civil Service Code of Conduct.

Here. DCLG to Editor from another smug faceless bureaucrat covering up the holes in the stonewalls.

Here. The ‘report’ of Detective Sergeant Pearson to the Complaint after a 207 day ‘investigation’ headed by Asst Chief Constable (now Deputy Chief Constable A. Rhodes).

Here. Open letter to Chief Constable and Police & Crime Commissioner calling for new Enquiry into CC.O’Toole.

Here. The LCC Members Allowance Scheme Rules which CC O’Toole had a duty to comply with.

Here. Correspondence between Lancashire Detective Sergeant 1620 Pearson and FSV Hinton seeking a copy of an interview tape.

Here. Bugler Editor’s private note to Warren – Warren carries a warning back from Circuit Court Judge Butler.

Here. ICO001. Email to ICO from FSV-RRB. confirming their loss of his entire correspondence with him, and he with them.

Here. FSV-RRB 017. Reply from LCC PS stating deduction of RA on instructions of LFRS.

Here. FSV-RRB 019. Produce a copy of the legal ‘authority’ being used for deduction of RA.

Here. FSV-RRB 024. Formal Stage I, IDRP Application.

Here. FSV-RRB 026.Formal Stage II, IDRP Application.

Here. FSV-RRB 029 Report from ICO of fact finding mission to LFRS.

Here. FSV-RRB 030 ICO loss of files sent to them.

Here.LFRS Pension Statistics FOIA-Refused

Here. PB03314 Bugler to ICO Mr.Laing confirming his promises to take action against the LFRS.

Here. Barrister Mr. J.M. Copplestone-Bruce’s Opinion #1.

Here. Extract from legal Opinions on the correct interest to be paid on underpaid pensions and entitlements.

Here.  LCC response to FoI  on pension ‘experts’ .

Here.  ‘Human Rights ~ Human Lives’. A Combination folio for the Guidance of Local Authorities.

Here. Correspondence with ‘Gate Keepers of the Lord Chief Justice.

Here. 01 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 02 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 03 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 04 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 05 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 06 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 07 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 08 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 09 AttGen. Correspondence with Attorney General’s Office.

Here. 10 AttGen. Deputy Chief CPS Mr.A. Hussain.

Here. LFRS Hamiltons Suspension Report LEP.

Here. Bugler public questions to LFRS Press Spokesperson John J.Taylor.

Here. The LFRS and Warren attempt to censor and muzzle a free press-The Morning Bugler.

Here. CC ‘Frankie’ De Molfetta in a panic to his chum ‘Bob'(Warren) sent in error to The Morning Bugler.

Here. London Times Report by Mr. Richard Ford on UK Fire Service £1Bn+ Commutation ‘blunder’.

Here. MailOnLine Article on DO Milne’s Commutation.

Here. CC ‘Frankie’ De Molfetta – Public Accounting Day and The Questions.

Here. Clerk Nolan CFA 10 Questions.

Here. FSV~RRB Pension Complaint to Molfetta.

Here. CFA/Nolan’s response to FSV-RRB Pension Complaint.

Here. FSV~RRB response to CFA/Nolan redacted.

Here. Mr. Jon Ferns Senior Lecturer Actuarial Sciences School of Mathematics Turing Building Manchester University.

Here. The Bugler to JMC-B Comments of Actuaries on Pension Schemes design.

Here. The FBU reaction to the actions of the Pensions/Fire Minister Mordaunt.

Here. FSV~PJ attempts to acquire his PRF.

Here. Further attempts to acquire his PRF.

Here. Complaint against Mr.M.Nolan Clerk to CFA.

Here. Complaint to Solicitors Regulation Authority about Mr.M.Nolan CFA Solicitor.

Here. Lancs Police & Crime Commissioner’s initial response to complaint to Chief Constable.

Here. Lancashire Constabulary Gate Reception official receipt for delivery of Complaints.

Here. Lancashire Chief Constable official acknowledgement of receipt of Complaint.

Here. Lancs Chief Con  – Professional Standards Dept.

Here. LCC Your Pension Service ‘Expert’ Wisdom’s CV.

Here. Barnett & Waddingham comments on abolition of GMP.

Here. FSV-FMG Binder All Correspondence for his IDRP.

Here. Altmann’s Letter of Resignation as Pensions Minister.

Here. CC F.De Mofetta – 1st Impeachment letter to LCC. 22nd August 2016.

Here. Warren’s secret memorandum to LCC CEO and LCC Leaders.22nd August 2016.

Here. CC F.De Mofetta – 2nd Impeachment letter to LCC.8th September 2016.

Here. CC F.De Mofetta – Warren to Bugler. 14th September 2016.

Here. CCF.DeMofetta –  3rd Impeachment Letter to LCC. 15th September 2016.

Here. CCF.DeMofetta – 4th Impeachment letter to LCC. 21st November 2016.

Here. CCF.DeMolfetta – 5th Impeachment Letter to LCC. 23rd December 2016.

Here. LCC Leaders refusal to meet; Ian Young LCC Solicitor denial of Knowledge of LFRS Pension debacle.

Here. TPR~dismissive letter from Teena Tyrrell to disabled FSV~RRB ‘whistle blowing’.

Here.The Impeachment of Democracy;Denial of Justice;Denial of Human Rights in the Jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.

Here. Call for a Ministerial Inquiry into LCC Corrupt Practice.

Here. Home Office Firefighters Pension Team Response to Select Committee Report.

Here. Response to invitation to Home Office Firefighters Pension Team to do their duty.

Here. Open Letter Mr. John.M. Copplestone Bruce Barrister Inner Temple to TPO/TPR/ W&P Committee/Pension Minister. 

Here.  Response to Invitation to supply ‘Information’ to Parliamentary W&P Select Committee.

Here.  Letters of Thanks – the Mayor of Spitak Mr. Gagik Sahakyan ;

 Audience – His Excellency Professor Armen PhD Sarkissian, President of Armenia.

Here. Fancourt[LJ] arrival at Court of Appeal.

Here.  A ‘Standard’ Subject Access Request(SAR) Letter to send(after customising) to FRS Authorities for all Personal         Records Files held by them on you during your Service life.
Data Protection Act in Year 2018 Legislation Library.

Here. PRF Request Letter Template specifically for LFRS Veterans or In-Service personnel(Courtesy FSV~MT).

Here.  Investing in Gold.

Here. FSV~FG Correspondence ~ Seeking copy of PRF.

Here. FSV~FG Correspondence ~ Exploring LCC Pension Providers & LFRS Pension legislation competency;

Here. FSV~FG Correspondence ~ Issue of IDRP Stage I Application to LFRS;

Here.  FSV~FG Correspondence ~ Issue of IDRP Stage II Application to LCFA;

Here.  FSV~FG Resultant Correspondence ~  After issue of IDRP Stage II;

Here. FSV~FG Submission of full Complaint to TPO;

Here. FSV~FG Collated correspondence from Stage I through to PhaseIV ending at TPO ‘opinion’;

Here. FSV~FMG response to TPO~Coutt’s Layperson ‘opinion’;

Here. The LFRS response to a solicited helpful Letter from Coutts to them, how chummy;

Here. Barrister JMCB writes to TPO;TPR; The Pension Minister and SelCom;

Here. FSV~FMG writes ‘Indictment’ to the Pensions Minister; ‘Appendix ‘A’ and  JMCB letter above;

Here. Reply to Bugler/FSV~FMG/JMC-B from Pensions Minister and TPO ‘correspondence teams’;

Here. Reply from Andrew Burnett deputy to Nicol Head of Case Management AND Head of Service Delivery Complaints;

Here. FSV~FMG apologises for his technical issue affecting his administration but this raised more Subject Data issues.

Here.  PB0219 Letter to Mr.Tim Farron M.P.

Here. Reply from Mr.Tim Farron M.P.

Here. Letter from Mr.Tim Farron MP to Mr.Guy Opperman MP ‘Pensions Minister’ DWP.

Here. Reply from Tim Farron M.P. to High Court of Appeal Update.

Here.  Disabled FSV~FMG Pension Complaint is finally dealt with by The Deputy Pensions Ombudsman.

Here. Barrister Mr.John Merlin Copplestone-Bruce, Inner Temple was asked by disabled FSV~FMG(Mr.N.) to advise on the Deputy Pensions Ombudsman Ms.K.Johnston’s ‘Determination’; FSV~FMG accepted that advice as he has with previous ‘Opinions’ he asked for, after understanding the complexities of the points of law that were made.

Here. LCFA Application to strike out disabled FSV~FMG pension case in Belfast High Court.

Here. Northern Ireland High Court ~ Judgment.

Here. Lord Reed Lecture 10th Anniversary of the UK Supreme Court.

Here. Lady Hale Lecture 10th Anniversary Uk Supreme Court.

The LCFA(IDRP) ~ TPO ~ Northern Ireland Judiciary Papers:

Here. The Pensions Ombudsman ~ Complaint ~ A Question of Law;     

Here. Opinions ~ Two eminent  Barristers ~ Joust over the Law; 

Here. ‘A Conspiracy to Defraud’  ~ Open First Letter to Heads of Pension Ombudsman and the Pension Regulator;  

Here. TPO ~ the Layperson Coutts ‘opinion’;

Here.  ‘A Conspiracy to Defraud’ ~ A second open letter to Heads of Pension Ombudsman and Pension Regulator;

Here.  The Rebuttal ~ TPO Layperson Mr.Coutt’s ‘opinion’;

Here.   The Rebuttal ~ Appendix ‘A’;

Here.  The TPO ~ ‘binding’ Determination which of course it is not;

Here.   Barrister’s Advice on Submission of Appeal against TPO ‘Determination;

Here.  Grounds of Appeal(Skeleton Arguments)~ to the Court of Appeal Northern Ireland; 

Here. Northern Ireland Court Listing ~ Appeal against TPO ‘Determination’; 

Here. LCFA seeks to strike out Appeal:

Here.  Northern Ireland High Court ~ Q.B.Division ~ Judgment;


The Falk Papers:

Here.   Appellant ~ Disabled FSV~FMG Seeks Leave to Appeal to the Court of Appeal;

Here.  Appellant ~  Application for Leave to Appeal Out of Time;

Here.  Appellant ~ Granted Leave to Appeal out of time;

Here.  Court Directions;

Here.  Court Directions unlocked;

Here.  Appellant ~ Letter Falk[J] To FSV~FMG;

Here.  Court ~ Sealed Order;

Here.  TPO ~ Unsolicited Mischief making interference by ‘Masons at TPO ;

Here.  Court Order ~ Oral Hearing;

Here.  Court Directions ~ To both Parties to find ‘Common Ground’;

Here.  Court Directions ~ Unlocked;

Here.  Application by FSV~FMG to CoA ~ To Stay Action;

Here.  Appellant FSV~FMG ‘Without Prejudice’ Letter to ~ LCFA;

Here.  Appellant ~ Facts for LCFA to Agree;

Here.  Appellant ~ Facts Agreed with LCFA;

Here.  Appellant FSV~FMG Asserted Facts Amended;

Here.  Appellant FSV~FMG Final ‘Without Prejudice’ Letter to ~ LCFA;

Here.  LCFA ~ Agreed Facts;

Here.  Appellant FSV~FMG ‘Alert Letter’ to Chairman and Elected Members of LCFA of individual and ‘several’ liability;

Here.  Bugler provides Professional Reference for Appellant FSV~FMG;

Here. Appellant FSV~FMG Final Submission;


The Fancourt Papers:

Here.  Application to ‘Stay’ Appeal at the Court of Appeal; No Decision ever given by ‘Master’, or Registry(Mr.Cobourn);

Here.  Note for Case ~  disabled FSV~FMG ~ Hearing 3rd July 2020;

Here.  Application ~  Appeal against Falk[J] returned late; First serious attempt by Cobourn to derail proceedings;

Here.  Application for Extension of Time at the CoA ~ No Decision ever given by ‘Master’, or Registrar[?-Cobourn];

Here.  Disabled FSV~FMG ~ to the Master of the Rolls Lord Etherton; no ack – no reply;

Here. Transcript of 3rd July 2020 Hearing (Minus~27minutes);

Here. Appeal against Falk[J] ~ Denied;

Here. Appeals and Applications ~ Set Against Time Line;

Here. Fancourt[J] ~ Approved Judgement With amended Keys June 2024 ;

Here. Disabled FSV~FMG ~ To the Master of the Rolls Lord Etherton[Retired with Aids]; no ack – no reply.

Here. Disabled FSV~FMG ~ Letter of Indictment-clerk Cobourn ~ ‘Gross Misconduct in Public Office’;

Here. Disabled FSV~FMG ~ To the new Master of the Rolls Sir Geoffrey Vos PC; no ack-no reply;

Here.   9th January 2021. ‘Pensions – In Plain English’. Complete for download as PDF.

Here. 18th January 2021. Certificate of Service was issued against the LCFA  ~ the purpose was to unstay and allow ‘due process ‘to continue for the original Appeal issued against the LCFA on  4th February 2020 to the High Court of Appeal  and for this continuing Apppeal to be lodged against the Fancourt [LJ] Approved Judgment 3rd July 2020;

Here. 18th January 2021. This is the allegedly ‘Final’ response from the Court of Appeal by a genderless person call Yobi Oba, who does not have an occupation there, and does not inform who the ‘Master’ used was,  and in the process getting the law, like Fancourt [LJ], entirely wrong; an ‘it’ who was forced to drink from a poisoned chalice  just to keep her job;

Here.  28th January 2021. Mired in corruption the UK Court of Appeal~ Letter to Cobourn.

Here. 31st January 2021 Appeal ~Against Fancourt[LJ] 3rd July 2020 ~ Appeal Addenda (Amended 31st January 2021) original issued 18th January 2021 ;

Here. 11th February 2021 Mr. M. Chowdhury for Cobourn – All papers from May 2020 subsequently rejected/returned by Cobourn using various ‘co-opted’ subordinates, and alleging use of ‘Jurisdictional Lawyer’ Mrs. Angus, and unamed “A Master”[a confidence trick to be used repeatedly by Cobourn];

Here.  17th February 2021 After the third letter by disabled FSV~FMG to Master of the Rolls Vos[MoR], the ‘courtesy’ of a reply/threat from Mr. Andrew Caton, Assistant Private Secretary to the Deputy Head of  Civil Justice, Assistant  Private Secretary to Master of the Rolls [Vos]. Note the similarity of language used in Caton…” unable to assist”; Di Mambros response… “unable to help you”.

Here. 6th March 2021. First Letter to Cabinet Minister Coffey.

Here. 19th March 2021. FSV~FMG reply to Master Meacher’s ‘invitation’.

Here.  Ist April 2021. Fourth Letter to MoR Vos.

Here.  27th April 2021. Disabled FSV-FMG ‘Extraordinary Application’ to the UK Supreme Court.

Here. 11th May 2021. Mrs Louise di Mambro OBE; UK Supreme Court Registrar; 3 x responses from Lord Reed of Allermuir… “unable to help you”; President of the UK Supreme Court and Ad Hoc Member of the European Court of Human Rights; and example Rt Hon Lord Hodge KC PC Deputy of the UK Supreme Court and how it ought to have been.

Here. 15th May 2021. Sting Operation at the Supreme Court.

Here.  Scot Anon. ECHR “What’s The Story”.

Here. 14th June 2021. Disabled FSV~MT Application for PRF.

Here.  Widow ‘CW’ has her say about the LCFA and its inhumanity.

Here. 28th October 2021. UK Parliament Public Accounts[PAC]  Select Committee ~ Evidence[59 Page Report] presented by Invitation.No Response ~ Intercepted repeatedly by MI5 Director K.McCallum and his operative ‘Shave’ working at PAC.


Here.  A Cover  Letter of Appeal to HM Queen Elizabeth II via the Lord President of the Privy Council and Leader of the House Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg PC MP by the Bugler of behalf of 11,000 disabled Fire Service Veterans and their Beneficiaries as supplicants to HM Queen Elizabeth II requesting humanity and redress to which was ultimately attached a Report ~ a collation by the Bugler formally requested by Dame Megan Hiller  CBE MP Labour Chair of the Select Committee for Public Accounts[PAC].

Here. The Collating legal ‘bundle’ which was hand delivered to  the Constituency Office of Dame Hillier CBE who regrettably decided to take no discernible action.

Here. A Reply from the Privy Council from Ms. Margaret Newell ~ A Senior Civil Servant who was tasked  to engage in falsehood on behalf of the Rt Hon Rees-Mogg PC MP but at least she did so with regretful courtesy.

Here. A Biography of the real Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Here. Sir John Major  KG CH PC Speech of significance to the Charitable) Institute for Government… Part ‘A’.

Here. Post Speech presentation online and before invited guests and the International Media Sir John expresses his life’s political experience which we hope may well not yet be over ?…Part ‘B’.

Here. Sir John Major’s Speech. Transcribed in full.

Here. Letter PAC Clerk Richard Cooke.

Here. Letter to Ms.A Rayner Deputy Leader Labour Party 22nd September 2022 Ref:PB00422.

Here. Letter G. Opperman MP Reference PB00223 Opperman MP Final.

Here. [Out of Sequence~Duplicate] Letter to Ms.A Rayner Deputy Leader Labour Party 22nd September 2022 Ref:PB00422;

Here. Open Letter to Prime Minister Sunak PC including 347 page ‘bundle’; [Original sent on DVD there was no response];

Here. Open Letter to His Majesty King Charles III, [Original  included ‘bundle’, sent on DVD to the Leader of the House Rt Hon Ms.P.Mordaunt PC MP for onward transmission to  Members of Parliament, the House of Lords, and the Sovereign]there was no response;
The latter for Library purposes shown here sans ‘bundle’.

Here. Victim Impact Statement Disabled FSV~FMG.

Here. Victims Impact Statement Widow & Son of FSV~WH coupled with the criminal misconduct of so called Deputy District ‘Judge’ John William Burrows Preston Crown Cour; a convicted Brothel keeper and fraudster.

Comment: This Secret Internal Email section is allocated to LCFA/LFRS/LCC/DWP internal emails of corruption and criminality which were forcibly released under Court Order for ‘Discovery'[2013].
Here. Located within ‘Rudderless on a Sea of Corruption’.
Individual files are  Linked to individual sequentially dated email files.
Bugler’s Comments are within the general narrative, and/or email ‘Sticky Notes:
Files References: SIE001 to SIE049.