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Vol51 ~ 26th December 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 51 ~ 26th December 2023
 This Volume 51 at a Glance:

• Compelling Patriotism?

 • Pleadings to the ECHR Strasbourg Court France;

•  In Continuum ~ Victims Perspectives & Impact Statements.

Compelling Patriotism?

In an earlier life Minister Guy Opperman MP acted in a manner that was all that was desirable from a person in authority, a person of integrity , decency, and honesty. Then a serious illness befell him as sometimes happens in life and after a valiant recovery he seems to have lost his way. Perhaps as a result of this illness?

For the original Decent Man, Go Here.

One of the clear conditions which the Bugler set out in a Conditional Resolution Proposal  to Minister G. Opperman MP in the Bugler’s letter to him Reference ‘PB00223 Opperman MP Final’ on Wednesday 17th May 2023, which can be be found in the Library/Correspondence/Year 2023. Go Here.

Given the perceived bureaucracy which has to be moved and galvanised by PM Sunak if he is determined to come to a Resolution; a Resolution which will require an amount of time of which he has so little. So surely he must make haste to resolve this National disgrace and criminal conspiracy to defraud 11,000 disabled Fire Service Veterans which in the process destroyed their Trust; a Trust which was abused, denigrated, and destroyed; a Trust which has yet to be rebuilt…

The Bugler and those he represents have never sought an unfair advantage but we have repeatedly been denied our Human Right to Justice in the most ill-disguised blatant corruption of English Jurisprudence in its history by repeated denials without  Judgment ‘in due process’ of a Fair Trial under Article 6 of  ECHR to which as we know England remains a ‘Treaty Bound 1953’ current active signatory.

The Judicial responsibility for this lamentable state of affairs lies entirely with the Master of the Rolls Rt Hon Geoffrey Vos PC and his willing associate the President of the Supreme Court Rt Hon Lord Reed of Allemuir PC.

And so having breached our Trust, our Patience, and our profound belief that Honesty and Decency could still be found, as the clock strikes the hour for courage, we seek leave to be relieved of all this malignant sophistry and take our Trust to the ECHR at the Strasbourg Court in France.

It will not be lost on those of a legal disposition and training including the Bugler and those he represents that the President of the UK Supreme Court Rt Hon Lord Reed of Allermuir and his judicial colleague Master of the Rolls Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Philip PC [both subordinates of their superior the Rt Hon Lady Chief Justice Dame S.Carr PC DBE],  have resolutely, jointly, and unlawfully conspired to oppose, at the direction of this and preceding governments and their Agents, without the approval of this current Parliament and the Citizens its serves to the exclusion of all else, to deny  “the due process of law” the 11,000 disabled Fire Service Veterans and their 30,000 Beneficiaries an entitlement which is the right of a Fair Trial under Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
Rights to which the UK including England since 1953 remain an active signatory of the Convention.

Who knew all this yet still they failed their sworn duty to their Sovereign King, Charles III and their Nation is recorded in  the Bugler’s RD Postal records and the TBM Libraries which will speak for itself when the Public Inquiry time comes. Records which also reflect the unlawful interception activities of the Director of MI5 Mr.K McCallum.

A Personal and Professional deplorable failure of Ethics of those involved and that of their Patriotic Duty, not withstanding all else, to their Sovereign, the Nation, and their fellow Citizens.

Pleadings ~ To the ECHR Strasbourg Court France

At this point the Bugler once more reminds those he represents, to review, reflect, and understand the Guidance instructions issued to all UK relevant governmental departments by the UK Ministry of Justice and in particular to all the Local Authorities, for example the LFRS, to ensure compliance with the Statutory provisions contained in the UK National law e.g., HR Act of 1998 [as amended].

 It is clear, even at a superficial glance, of the 347 pages of the evidential Narrative placed in the TBM Library that the LFRS obstinately, capriciously, and perversely, in spite of this UK Ministry of Justice Guidance, refused to recognise its Statutory duty in respect of the UK Human Rights Act which is itself a direct product of the 1953 International Agreement and Membership of the European Human Rights Convention.

 Shortly the Bugler will after evaluating the responses of those he represents in respect of their 1998 Human Rights  Act [as amended] publish the actual  ‘experiences and impacts’ suffered under a LFRS regime when put on clerk Warren’s ‘Hardship Route’, which was a LCFA authorised written policy used by the LCFA’s  Politicians[of all Parties] , the Chief Fire Officer of the  LFRS and his staff, which has  produced multiple  written Victims’ Statements under the title of ‘Pastoral Care? and how these appalling experiences  have directly impacted on disabled Firefighters of all ages and their Beneficiary  families including the quality of their daily lives in the enjoyment of their ‘Possession’ their Pension [Protocol No:1 ECHR].

The Bugler intends to produce a singular synoptic Executive Summary as a suffix to the Official Application Form to the ECHR Court of Strasbourg accompanying a 347 page narrative of 16 years of malicious events outlining where the UK Government failed to control and correct its agents the LCFA/LFRS which has led to multiple repeated breeches of Articles and Protocols of the Convention for which restitution, recompense, including 8% Statutory Interest, exemplary and aggravated damages will be sought. 

In Continuum ~ Victims Perspectives & Impact Statements
In Continuum ~ Pastoral Care? ~ Public Victims’ Perspectives & Impact Statements:

1. Public Witness Statement of disabled FSV-FMG.

I,… disabled Fire Service Veteran of…will state as follows… Go Here.

2. Widow and Son of FSV~WH[Deceased], release of Public Victims Impact Statements….

They… will state as follows…Go Here.