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Vol44 ~ 15th March 2022.

Current Affairs ~ Volume 44 ~ 15th March 2022
This Volume at a Glance:

• A Continuum ~ All Paths Lead to No:10 Downing Street;

• Treason, Sedition and Subversion;

• A Rogues Gallery ~ At the Public Accounts Committee (PAC);
~ In the Alternative, Men in Grey Suits serving more than two Masters;

• The MI5 Spy on a Bicycle;

Barnun & Bailey ~ Bring on the Clowns.

A Continuum ~ All Paths Lead to No:10 Downing Street
Dear Reader,
Once more we return to PAC having been invited by Dame Meg Hillier DBE in October 2021 to submit evidence on Pensions to a Public Inquiry which the Bugler did before the Closing Date of the 28th October 2021. The submitted document of 59 pages was in effect a synopsis of 15 years of governmental Pension corruption. A factual record of 15 years of  corruption, by Local and Central UK government, meant to avoid the implementation of the Statute Law by denying the 40,000 Applicants, 11,000 disabled Fire Fighters and their 30,000 Beneficiaries, their Human Right to Justice by the collective deliberate obstruction of the Court of Appeal and the UK Supreme Court to implement  ‘due legal process’; lead by the most senior Judges in the UK. Anticipating further malicious obstruction by the Prime Minister and his ‘Controller’ Duncan Smith MP this document was published unabridged on ‘The Morning Bugler’ on the 27th October 2021.

Before returning to PAC it would be useful to refresh the memory from Current Affairs Volume 42, 27th October 2021.
Go Here.
The Document is also located in the TMB Correspondence Library under Year 2021 with similar facilities to download. Go Here.
This Public Inquiry instigated by Dame Meg and her Select Committee is to inquire into the DWP ( “Who have Questions to Answer”) in respect of its failure under Dr. T. Coffey PhD, Secretary of State for the DWP, to pay out overdue State Pensions to over 135,000 women State Pensioners.Her further unlawful perversion is corrupting a willing senior Judiciary in the UK  at the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court with their complicit willing associated staff to prevent the implementation of ‘due process’ for these 11,000 disabled Fire Fighters and their 30,000 Beneficiaries.When Dr. T. Coffey PhD is found guilty of these heinous crimes and punishment follows she may be reassuring herself that the PM  and his ‘Controller’ will protect her ~ they will not and she is a fool to think that they will ~ they will abandon her to her fate, a fate she created for herself but not the one she envisages. The body languages speaks volumes and in spite of her hiding herself behind the Speakers Chair, or at the extreme end of the Tory ‘front bench’, her politically treacherous ‘colleagues know where she is to found and a defence of ‘I was only doing my duty…’ will not cut it when they come for her.The first thing she will notice in her fall from ‘grace’ as she ponders, is the smell of the cell, that curious mixture of vomit and disinfectant and the silence…as a Ukraine Officer said recently…’welcome to Hell’…She will also find out, as Johnson is finding out, that no one is above the law but she will continue to delude herself and to reassure herself that she will always have her pensions when all the dust settles.Coffey is deluding herself again but she might care to study Pension law, the very laws she is actually responsible for implementing. In all public service schemes there is a provision which considers Offences against the State whereby the State is empowered, after conviction, to remove all  her pensions including ironically her State Pension which she is unlawfully denying others.Thus she and others will lose their own State and Ministerial Pensions for engaging in and controlling subversion/sedition/and treason on a grand criminal scale which of course are Offences against the State, which uniquely include, on conviction, loss of all pensions paid by the State. And should all that fail she can rest assured the Bugler and his Comrades will initiate private prosecutions to ensure that ultimately she and her associates will all lose all their pensions. We owe them no less…
Treason,Sedition and Subversion 

In continuing there is the Law and the small matters of Treason,Sedition, and Subversion of the Statutory Law  to be considered and charges laid against all those involved over the last 15 years from the lowliest of Local Authority clerks to the Master of the Rolls at the Court of Appeal Sir Geoffrey Vos PC and his Registrar Mr.Choudhury ; the  Lord President of the Supreme Court  Baron Reed PC of Allermuir and his Registrar di Mambro ; the Lord President of the Privy Council Mr. Jacob Rees-Mogg PC MP and his Registrar di Mambro,  all on the path which leads to No:10 Downing Street and the Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson PC, (‘Don’t do as I do, do as I say’), and his ‘controller the Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith PC MP,  Leader of this Putsch Fascist government from whence all this corruption flows…

Russia has its President Putrid and we have our politicians wallowing in the putrescence of corruption…pray tell us, where lies the difference?…or more succinctly as the French might say… Quelle est la différence?

All those the Bugler has named above are subject to the Law and are not above it, under the Treason Act 1351 partly subsumed by the Treason Felony Act 1848 which remain on the Statute Book thus all are liable to its punishable provisions namely acts of Treason, High Treason, Sedition, Subversion, Censorship  and Corrupt acts of Disloyalty to Her Majesty The Queen and the State.

These are but a few of 10 crimes still considered treasonable within the UK which includes subversive acts against Parliamentary Laws which can be described as good order and discipline within a democratic State.

What follows is a prime example of Sedition, Subversive, and censorship the corrupt manipulative abuse of core value of a Democratic State all leading to charges of Treason, by acting not only against the State and its Laws, but against Citizens of this State in the denial of their Human Rights to Justices and their Civil Liberties guaranteed by UK and EU Statute Laws.

Dame Meg Hillier DBE might think she runs PAC but that is far from reality as events will demonstrate. How embarrassing is this massive breach of trust, or how gullible come to that?

‘ The Cause is Right and the Wrong is Wrong’…

A Rogues Gallery ~ The Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

Or in the alternative ~ Men in Grey Suits ~ Serving more than two Masters.

As the Bugler follows the pension money he gets ever closer to a Very Corrupt No:10 Downing Street but then as current events have shown there is nothing new about this ‘government’ which might shock or dismay.

This is a fascinating tale once more demonstrating why Duncan Smith ought not to send another Freemason Cohort of Morons to do his bidding…whether Royal Arch or not.

But firstly let us introduce the Morons one by one. Morons who receive BT briefings from ‘taps’ directly on the Bugler communications system forgetting that there is today such technology as ‘End-to-End’ Encryption so BT gets ‘intel’ that the Bugler is happy for them to have…

Not for them the lawful ~ A Court Order based on what evidence? Criminals are never bothered about that….

The MI5 Spy on a Bicycle
Ben Shave ~ The amateur Spy on a Bicycle and how he blew his ‘cover’, his ‘career’, and the entire right wing MI5 Fascist structure whereby MI5 spy on, control and manipulate the Democratic process from within, via specifically targeted Parliamentary Select Committees .

An MI5 right wing Fascist Policy which supports a right wing putsch Fascist government headed by Duncan Smith the ‘controller’ of Boris Johnston and thus No:10 and its ad hoc policies…

Indeed when the new Director General McCallum was appointed in May 2020 he was as you might expect appointed by Smith/Johnson and the 1922 Committee.

He it was who immediately initiated this sea change from protecting the Realm to this new unpublished Policy entitled “Changing the Game”… “One leftie at a time”… propping up a right wing putsch Fascist criminal government full of corrupt criminals.

Perhaps Putin ought to have attacked and deNatzified the UK government first?

The calibre of MI5 under McCallum in ranking alongside its international peer group is very poor indeed in fact Allies refuse to share their sensitive knowledge because both MI5 and MI6 leak like a sieve.

In his travels the Bugler has rubbed shoulders with their operatives most of whom were not Anglo-Saxons but ‘foreign johnnies’ who ran all the risks for them but occasionally the Bugler tripped over the banal and amusing.

RAF Intelligence which is a cast iron oxymoron shipped one ton of Bibles to Artsak (Formerly Nagorny Karabak) to distribute to the ‘natives’. The ‘Natives’ were not amused and a couple of War Lords who understandably were not exactly pleasant people expressed their ire to the Bugler… did these idiots not realise that the oldest Christian Nation in the 3rd Century AD was Armenia/ Artsak…next time bring loaves of bread which would be much more useful…

Next how this structure works and if Shave and Nathoo fellow MI5 co-conspirators had some brains other than an excess of arrogant disdain they would have been well advised to leave well alone but in they ploughed straight in ignoring the warning to keep their corrupt hands to themselves.

In the process they dragged in Richard Cooke, Clerk to PAC and Freemason, all the time reassuring themselves that with the approval of 3 X 1922 Elected members on PAC they would be fully protected; in the process just exposing their endless political naivety. They are ‘cannon’ and ‘under a bus’ fodder…

These children like their ‘boss’ were recruited from one of the ‘Red Brick Universities’. McCallum’s specialty was Mathematics. The Bugler’s brother is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Atomic Physics and though an extraordinarily brilliant man in his fields much sought after by the US perhaps he might not necessarily be someone you would let loose with your prized wheelbarrow, or come to that, MI5.

This is where their Achilles Heel is to be found…they have no common man street nous…the parallel universe… MI5 clearly need some lessons in this and it is suggested that if they cared to look they would find some serious street nous in the back of any Fire Engine on the public streets.

Shave of Scot NI Planter tradition and thus part Irish unlike the Anglo-Saxon he wistfully proclaims to be, has for example covered himself in tattoos so he can blend in with the ‘working men’ in the cafes he frequents…all rather brainless and unimaginative.

The fact of the matter is that Shave rather like a elephant with diarrhoea is a fool not to be associated with; he talks too much and this will lead to his terminal  undoing.

He ought to reflect on the fate of Captain Nairic another ‘Intelligence operative’ with a big mouth coupled with a death wish. 

A death wish who fancied he could drop into a local pub near Crossmaglen and pretend to be local Irish? It is commonly known what happened to him but his gruesome end has never been revealed…but that also is common knowledge.

Now for more chastening news for Shave, Ms. H Nathoo, and their colleagues. It is a matter of fact that An Garda Siochana which daily monitors the Bugler has more Garda per head of population than any other similar service in the EU. They are not Brit spy friendly and is perhaps it would be best that Shave no longer visits Killarney and the Kingdom of Kerry.

This is not “A Changing Game” and we are not all ‘Lefties’ nor will you pick us off  ‘one at a time’, all 40,000 of us? Frankly these children are not man enough for the job, nor is it any form of ‘Game’ either because McCallum has a big fat pension to lose so perhaps he ought to go and count his beans and amuse himself elsewhere in seditiously tearing the UK apart…

Portrait of Director General Ken

Shave’s Boss in his younger days Ken McCallum ~ He is not a very good judge of ‘horse flesh’ ~ nor was he very ‘successful’ in the ‘North’ either ~ nor, in another porkie, did he make any contribution whatsoever to the Good Friday Agreement.

One supposes it was glory by association which would look good later on the CV…who was to disprove this artistic licence?

Ireland’s An Taoiseach said recently … “because I am Irish you must not assume I am thick”….we leave that to the Scots and they are not much good at ‘rugger’ either though McCallum seems to go walkies quite a lot…and for that matter McCallum should desist rambling around Ireland for there are far too many lonely ditches on the roads to the bogs…

Now how was it they signed themselves off  in those days P.J.O’Neil or was that Captain McVeigh UFF…

This in stupidity and lack of managerial command  is how you open another ‘can of worms’…

This Sporran army have a very large grip on quasi senior ‘political’ positions in England, perhaps it is time the English woke up and took back control of their own nation?

Now we must get back to the treasonous behavior of McCallum, his motley crew, and his chums at the 1922 Committee but first how do they recruit these clowns and what routes do they then use to build their ‘field experience’ in this right wing Fascist  anarchy?

Barnun & Bailey ~ Bring on the Clowns

Recruitment begins at the University where the ‘form’ of the intended inductee is studied.

Membership of the Conservative Party is a requirement and the more extreme the right wing views held  usually expressed through various right wing ‘true Blue’ clubs and amateur undergraduate posts held, the better.

MI5 retain academics at all University institutions to ‘scan’ the new intakes and if suitable ‘material’ is identified then there will be no tiresome academic failure allowed to interfere with the ‘grooming’ which follows…academic success is guaranteed.

Of course the colours, genders, and proclivities have to be ‘accommodated’ and documented even though an anathema to the Conservative Party for use later should the ‘individual’ decided to go off the rails…or talk too much like Shave.

MI5 via the Civil Service has over the years managed to alter the employment structure of all Select Committees under the guise that applicants who make application to ‘created’ supernumerary posts to a particular Select Committee are intended to be high flyers in the future ‘Civil Service’ and will fulfill their training by being temporarily appointed to the Chair of the Committee for a six monthly period under the title of ‘Chair Liaison’ even though the Select Committee has its own resident ‘Clerk’; at which point they will then move on, on this thinly disguised spying carousel, which is actually their function during which, if the matter is sensitive enough, they are fed current ‘intercepts’ by BT from line taps of individuals like the Bugler…

It is a matter of fact that there are about 200 Select Committees but only a handful which are of interest to MI5/No:10 the primary of which is the Public Accounts Committee(PAC) Currently under the Labour Chair of Dame Meg Hillier DBE.

However the unforeseen does occur and for immediate recourse what to do in such situations MI5 provides a fall back position for these ‘temps’ in that it has control of semi permanent right wing Elected Politicians positions on the appropriate Select Committee those who can be instructed on what is to be achieved.

The Instructions of course originating at No:10 Downing Street.

In early October 2021 the Bugler was invited to submit evidence to a Public Inquiry into the DWP instigated by the Chair.

Shave extended that invitation to the Bugler but failed to point out that usually such a submission was limited to around 3000 words which in his incompetence, if he had taken to trouble to find out,  given a 15 year period of Complaints involving the DWP was a chronologically impossible task and thus he ought to have consulted the Chair which he deliberately failed to do seeking instead to pass the buck to Clerk Richard Cooke (Freemason regularly involved in this subterfuge) and then Shape had no alternative but to use the fall back position of consulting the in-house 1922 Members of the PAC Select Committee.

In the event the Bugler submitted a 59 page report which reflected the fact that the current government owes its disabled Firefighters £4-5Bill in overdue underpaid(by25%) pension and because he anticipated interference by Shave and company he published the full document at the same time as making the the submission thus compromising their potential for chicanery.

It became clear over time that Shave could and did access not only sensitive correspondence directed to the Chair, thus usurping the role of the Clerk, but he also accessed private and personally sensitive Constituents email directed to Dame Hiller at her London Constituency office thus breaching every Data Protection law on the Statue book.

Shave is thus a common criminal because he acknowledged receipt of the original document when in effect it became a State Document lodges at a Public Inquiry.

Thus Evidence which the Select Committee sought and was supplied was intercepted and destroyed by Shape under the direction of Elected Members of PAC and thus Parliament was prevented from scrutinising a State Document placed before a Public Inquiry.

Now to the willing helpers…

Thanet MP Craig Mackinley is the first of these ‘action men’.

In fact the most action Mackinley has ever seen is opening and shutting the doors to the Select Committee for Standards rather like the old ditty …in out…in out… shake it all about…as he is regularly called to give an accounting of his latest fiddles, which is currently attempting to reopen RAF Manston for civil flights of airlines in which he has a particular pecuniary personal interest.

Thus it can be guaranteed that Mackinley will eagerly await the call to arms with the response…how high?


Rt.Hon Mark Francois MP PC for Rayleigh Wickford is the real Clown-in-Chief.
Who prides himself that he was the original Jack-the-Lad and Mr. Popular at the 1922 Club to which he drops in regularly.
Another action man who boasts manfully of his service to Queen and Country as a mere Lieutenant in the TA… what the old diehards of the front line sneeringly  describe as the ‘Temporary Assh**es.

Unusually for a true blue he retains his French ancestry is he not proud of being British? Politically nothing is too dirty for good old Mark…

Have kit bag will travel and was dropped in desperation(his as well) in to becoming a record breaking  short duration ‘Fire Minister’ Go Here.



Finally we have Sir Geoffery Clifton-Brown MP PC of the Cotswold Constituency and Treasurer of the 1922 Club.

A creature of the night  who spends his sad life slithering about glad handing those he has no wish to glad hand just to get their crumbs from their wealthy tables; a poisoned chalice if every there was one with this head case Churchillian poser as his Prime Minister.

All of these MP’s are members of PAC and were complicit in authorising the destruction of a State document submitted as evidence to Parliament for the benefit of a legally constituted Public Inquiry.

One is bound to ask how many other submissions which were not to their corrupt taste have they derailed in the past either at the behest of No:10, MaCallum and MI5, or simply because it might harm a right wing Tory Party?

Finally after 5 months and more by chance and good fortune Mr.Cooke and Ms.Heather Nathoo (Shaves MI5 replacement) were taken to task Go Here.

Meantime Shave on his 4th or 5th, 6 monthly secondment is off to the Brexit Select Committee ‘advising’ its Membership how it should handle its future relationship with the EU. One wonders which constituency elected him to this task ?

This example confirms how simple it is to manipulate Parliament and to subsume the Will of the Citizens of a Democracy…. but as we shall see when we continue this corruption later it is but the tip of a very corrupt iceberg at No:10.