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Disabled FSV ~ FMG ~ Victim Impact Statement

Disabled FSV ~ FMG ~ Victim impact Statement

Victim Impact Statement of Disabled FSV ~ FMG.

 I, Frances Michael Galpin, Disabled Fire Service Veteran of.., Lancashire shall state as follows:

This statement relates to my thoughts and understanding reflecting the thoughts of many other Firefighers and their families  of how Human Rights affected me in my life’s work and in the years that followed whilst attempting to achieve the payment of my correct pensions administered by my former employer the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority[LCFA] with its operational arm the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service [LFRS].

“European Convention on Human Rights”.

“Reaffirming their profound belief in those fundamental freedoms which are the foundation of justice and peace in the world and are best maintained on the one hand by an effective political democracy and on the other by a common understanding and observance of the Human Rights upon which they depend.”.


Obligation to respect Human Rights.

The High Contracting Parties[including the UK] shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in Section I of this Convention.”.

1. From the beginning of this debacle the LCFA/LFRS failed in their pastoral and humanitarian duty of care to those disabled Fire Service Veterans [FSVs], of which I am one, who challenged the LCFA/LFRS over a very serious pension malfeasance which had arisen in 2006;

2. From very early it became abundantly clear to Complainants that the LCFA/LFRS had immediately employed the usual ‘cover up’ by engaging in corporate denial of their responsibility. But going so far as to place the responsibility for their corporate failures squarely on innocent Complainants who have no Statutory duty to assist in the running of the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme, but of course excepting those commonly known to be Freemasons.
In the small world of the LCFA/LFRS ranks, little ever passes without scrutiny or comment;  

3. Over the decades which followed during the struggle for Justice this determination included continuous direct contact with the LCFA Elected Board and the LFRS; the Courts and Judiciary; The Pensions Regulator;  The Pensions Ombudsman; and various relevant Government Departments including the Home Office Fire Service Pensions Team,  and Politicians of all Parties from local to Parliamentary government level and those particularly sitting on various relevant Parliamentary Select Committees all of whom consistently and universally went out of their way to attempt to ‘time out’, ‘stone wall’ or just ignore Complainants; which consistently amounted to denying us our Human Right to  ‘due judicial process’ and Justice;

4. Underpinning all this was the self-evident common thread which always pointed to the insidious long malevolent arm of Freemasonry at work. Firstly at local level and then nationally at governmental level.

I was one of the ‘less equal than others’;

5. During this long struggle for Justice there have been moments of optimism when myself and others believed that opening a new reasonable path would bring success, only to find that, once more, the door was firmly shut in our faces;

6. Not unexpectedly these wearisome disappointments produced even more anger but equally even more determination to succeed. Yet inversely within the home environment this caused, despondency, anxiety, depression, division, and instability within my family and many families who have shared this journey with us at every turn;

7. Predictably these knowingly malignant acts regularly caused normally optimistic people to become cynicised and distrustful of all those in Authority who ought to have been those we relied upon for fairness, rectitude, integrity, and decency;

8. Worst of all these consistent and repeated betrayals destroyed my personal trust.
A trust I had inculcated in my young son encouraging him to be a patriotic young Englishman to always believe in the goodness and decency of his country which in this tarnished reality simply became a hollow edifice wherein even my Sovereign King Charles III, to whom I bear filial loyalty, and to whom I had directly Appealed to for help, had not even the common courtesy, or good manners, to acknowledge my direct Appeal to Him, for his Grace and favour…

These continuing denials of fair play were to cause me the greatest angst, embarrassment,  and shame of all;

9. In my early days I also believed this decency was enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights of which the UK, since 1953, was a founder signatory. An tenet of Service which was presented to me firstly as a young Firefighter and later as a Senior Ranking Officer and which eventually became UK Statute Law in 1998;

10. This Act, with its philosophy, set a moral compass for us all confirming how I and the officials of the Lancashire County Fire Brigade[LCFB] in which I served, prior to the creation of the LCFA/LFRS, were to conduct ourselves in implementing all aspects of the Human Rights Convention and its general impact whilst applying my skills to assist all the Citizens in those Communities wherein I was to serve over many decades;

11. As a Firefighter and later a Senior Officer it was my task to satisfy the duties as prescribed in the 1947 Fire Services Act; to save life; to save property;  and to render  Humanitarian Services.
This I did to the best of my ability bearing in mind the fact that those duties included regularly putting my Firefighters and myself in harm’s way.
Consideration for, and of, the Safety of the Public was of paramount importance. Their  Human Rights were always of significant importance often in the most harrowing of  circumstances;

12. In late 1998 after decades of Service I was compulsorily discharged from the Service as a result of a no fault on-duty injury and I expected to have my pensions correctly calculated by the new LCFA/LFRS;

13.In 2008, quite by chance, I discovered that I was being underpaid my pensions to the values of 25-52% as a result of an error in the application of the Law by the LCFA/LFRS and despite many years of reasonable and respectful discourse which was always ‘stone walled’ and/or  ignored I sought to have these ‘underpayments corrected’ but still I remain underpaid 26 years later;

14.This failure by the LCFA/LFRS is an appalling example of how this Authority failed in its duty of care to me and many others whilst also failing to consider the direct impact that these abuses had on the quality of our collective family lives.

I also became aware that these circumstances were being replicated amongst other large numbers of UK FSV’s [11,000] and their families[30,000] nationwide;

15. In this major dispute there have been yet more and consistent knowingly repeated failures by the LCFA/LFRS; the Lancashire County Council Pensions Department; The Pensions Ombudsman; the Justices and the Judiciary including the Law Courts administration; the relevant UK Parliament and Parliamentarians who have been involved by direct contact which amounted to a complete derogation from any Human Rights principle;

16. Mendacity, unprincipled abuses of the Law, and malign authority seems to have become institutionalised in personae who one has the expectation that they have the highest integrity and decency;

17. As I have stated before and it bears repeating, the European Convention on Human Rights of which the UK was a founder Member in 1953 and to which it remains an active signatory includes Article 6 of the Convention which guarantees the Human Right to a  ‘fair trial’ in order to obtain Justice;

18. From the inception of this dispute in 2006 the LCFA/LFRS adopted the classic case of ‘cover up’ but not satisfied with this they went to extremes of oppressive misconduct to enforce their unlawful will on those who lawfully opposed them by knowingly adopting a  Council approved series of secret unlawful arbitrary oppressive policies, including the use of Judicial chicanery and obmutescence but in particular conceiving, approving, and implementing policies of enforced hardship and oppression which placed individual Complainants on what the LCFA/LCFA, in secret internal memos released by Court Order, describes in writing  as the “principle” of the “Hardship Route”;

19. Article 3 States ~ Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.

There was not any cruelty the LCFA/LFRS would not stoop to which including abusing a valiant terminally ill disabled FSV-WH in a wheel chair [who contracted ‘Aids’ after receiving 4 units of contaminated blood from an Arkansas Jail in the US following a serious Service injury] who was fighting for 3 years at his own expense [£2000]  to obtain his Personal Record File which he believed, rightly, that in his case the LCFA/LFRS had not retained any of his pension records which was their Statutory duty to retain, even though he had regularly supplied them with information on his  changing and deteriorating medical condition and his lawful DWP Benefits.

20. But as an outspoken leader he was regularly treated with endemic contempt which came to an appalling  head by his deplorable degrading treatment and gratuitous contempt in a Court of Law in 2011 by a so called  Preston Deputy District Judge[usually an acting up solicitor] called John William Burrows who was in fact a convicted felon and brothel keeper who was not actually a Judge at all!

21. Article 7 States ~ No Punishment without Law.

The plain purpose of this LCFA/LFRS contemptible bullying oppression was to physically ‘wither on the vine of life’ those elderly and unwell FSV’s in this dispute who complained of their inhumane treatment which actually resulted in the early demise of senior FSVs but which caused survivors of this inhumanity a loss of faith in the LCFA/LFRS and our Nation which had clear ‘duties of care’ under the Democratic and Judicial Process which was to provide access to the Human Right to Justice without interference from itself  or any other party including the local and then national Freemason’s organisation, which paradoxically ought to have confirmed the Human Right and the Common Law right to lawful Justice for its own Membership , but which in fact achieved exactly the opposite;

22. Article 8 States ~ Everyone has the right to respect for their private and family life. Over a period of 18 years the all-consuming fight for Justice became the dominant feature of many private families’ individual and family lives, indeed to the point of obsession. It caused internal disharmony, disaffection, disunity, and division.

23.The LCFA/LFRS and its Elected policy authors were fully aware of this effect in fact this was yet another insidious impact of their malignant intent;

24. Article 10 States ~ Everyone has the right to receive opinions and information without interference by a Public or Governmental Authority and the right to act on, or disregard, those opinions and information.

Without question, from an early point, and continuing today, an out of control  Crown Agency MI5 constantly prys into our private lives intercepting and taping our private family communications and treating us as though we are enemies of the State. HRH Price Harry is not alone in this respect. There is no contemptible activity to which they will not stoop.

25. Article 14 States ~ Discrimination.

It is common knowledge following publication of LCFA/LFRS secret internal emails obtained by Court Order that the Leading spokesperson Mr Paul P Burns for a representative group of Pension Complainants, of which I am also a leading member, has been referred to, by the Chief Fire Officer Mr. Peter Holland in an email entitled “Burns” copied and distributed to “max@ winterbottom.co.uk”, Clerk to the LCFA[a lawyer], and to  Mr. R. Warren Head of People Development and Pension Scheme manager on the Tuesday, 21st July 2009 @ 07:32:11hrs…Holland stated…
“ I agreed but expressed the view he was a wounded animal and these were his last throes”. ;

26. Article 34 States ~ Individual Applications.

“The Court may receive applications from any person, nongovernmental organisation or group of individuals claiming to be the victim of a violation by one of the High Contracting Parties [UK] of the rights set forth in the Convention or the Protocols thereto. The High Contracting Parties [UK] undertake not to hinder in any way the effective exercise of this right.”.

In my direct experience the LCFA/LFRS and their criminal associates have done nothing else;

27. Article 39 States ~ Friendly Resolution.

“At any stage of the proceedings, the Court may place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for human rights as defined in the Convention and the Protocols thereto”.

Throughout this distasteful epic both myself and Mr. Burns have consistently exhibited a mature willingness to reach a Resolution to a fiasco which is not of our making but which is an entirely unaided debacle the LCFA/LFRS have created by themselves and their obvious misfeasance of my LFRS Firefighters Pension Scheme Fund.

28. Protocol 1 States ~ :

“Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law”.

The correct interpretation of the law, res ipsa loquitur, as repeatedly expounded by pro bono barrister Mr. John Copplestone – Bruce UK Life Member Inner Temple Bar London, speaks for itself.

A factual position which the LCFA/LFRS have never put to the Test of Law in an open Court; nor has it by their unlawful insidious interventions at every judicial level been allowed by their unlawful intrusions to be put to the test in the UK up to and including the UK Supreme Court ;

29. The plain fact of the matter is that the LCFA/LFRS have knowingly and lawlessly defrauded me of my pensions, ‘my possessions’ for the preceding 26 years.

Only one self-Approved Judgment [Fancourt LJ], which remains challenged and unanswered up to and including the present, has ever been issued to me or my fellow Complainants, by the UK High Court of Appeal and/or the UK Supreme Court  which confirmed that the LCFA/LFRS have acted lawfully and in good faith;

30. On the 11th May 2021 the then Registrar to the UK Supreme Court Mrs Louise de Mambro OBE replying to my ‘Extraordinary Application’ to the Supreme Court [which is permitted in UK Law] which included £1150.0 Court fees which were duly encashed [a Common Law Contract is therefore established]; de Mambro replied the following …

” I have been asked to reply to the letter you sent to Lord Reed.

  I am sorry but from the information which you have provided it seems that this Court
  will be unable to help you.” .

An unusual but careful choice of words. Why does she not simply state “Lord Reed asked me to reply to the letter you sent him”? All words have meanings.

31. And of course the final insult.
Warren and his ‘colleagues’, because they could at source, removed more money from my Injury Award than they claimed I allegedly owed. Indeed neither Warren, nor Mattinson the Finance Manager, ever gave a public accounting where the monies they ‘recovered’ from me and the many others who were ‘less than equal’ went to?
Unlike their fellow Freemason Brethren, who never paid a single penny back, but it is common knowledge that the 2 years salary[£150k] paid out to Hamilton to buy his ‘silence’ after a black woman racist incident was hidden by Mattinson in the succeeding year’s published accounts under the heading, ‘General Expenditure’.

I believe that the facts stated in this Victim Impact Statement are true to the best of my knowledge.


___________________ Mr. F.M.G. MIFireE, Asst Divisional Officer Rtd, 24th December 2023.


N.B. FSV~FMG Statement located in Libraries/General Correspondence Year 2023.
de Mambro’s Statement located in Libraries/General Correspondence Year 2021. Go Here.