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Archive for leprechaun

Bugler Update ~10:02hrs ~ 26th December 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 51 ~ 26th December 2023
This Volume  51 at a Glance:

• A Good Man fallen by the wayside ~ A Tale of Corruption;

• Pleadings ~ To the ECHR Strasbourg Court France;

• Disabled FSV~FMG ~ A Personal Impact Statement;

• Deceased FSV~WH ~ A Widow and Son’s Impact  Statements;

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Bugler Update ~11:13hrs ~ 12th December 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 50 ~ 12th December 2023
This Current Affairs Volume 50 at a Glance:

• The PSNI Employees ~ The Prelude;

• PSNI employers Appeal Belfast High Court Judgment;

• PSNI Errors;

• Consequential Law including Interest on the established debt?

• EU/ECHR ‘Principles of Equivalence’ & ‘Principles of Mutual Recognition’

• Parallelism;

• The Principles of Equivalence;

• Points of Law to be extracted from this PSNI Case.

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Bugler Update ~15:35hrs ~2nd December 2023

Editorial 057 ~ 15:53hrs 2nd December 2023
This Editorial 057 at a Glance:

• Getting Around ~ The Morning Bugler ~ the Concept;

• Using the Bugler.

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Bugler Update ~ 11:05hrs 23rd November 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 49 ~ 23rd November 2023
This Volume 40 at a Glance:

• Enforced ‘retirement’ of Rt Hon Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett of Maldon PC;

• Appointment of Rt Hon Justice Dame S. Carr DBE, PC; First Lady Chief Justice;

• Sunak’s  Sacking ~ Demotion ~ Transfer List ;

• The Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the  UK Serious Fraud Office.

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Bugler Update ~ 13:52hrs 10th November 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 48 ~ 10th November 2023
This Volume 48 at a Glance:

• “Off to Dublin in the Green with our Helmets glistening in the Sun”…

• Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Rt Honourable Ms.Suella Braverman PC KC MP ~ her views on Fraud;

• Who knew what and when?

• A Special Letter with a legal ‘Bundle’ to PM Sunak PC ~ On Fraud ~ Is the PM going to report himself for alleged Fraud to the Police, or is he going to leave this to Braverman?

 • The Role of Sir Kier Starmer PC; the Labour Party, and this State Criminal Fraud?

• Letter of Appeal to the Sovereign HM King Charles III of England ~  Mordaunt’s role?;

• Director General of UK Security Service (MI5) Mr. K. McCallum ~ Civil Servant ~ Can Interpol arrest him for unauthorised interference with the Bugler’s EU Communications bearing in mind that the Bugler lives in the EU ?

• TMB…Pension Law/Libraries/Correspondence/2023
~  The ‘Special Letters’ and the complete 347 page ‘Bundle’.

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