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Edit.058 ~ 12th June 2024.

Editorial 058 ~ ECHR Strasbourg ~ Who Knew?
This Editorial 058 at a Glance:

The Second Edition ‘bundle’ for ECHR Strasbourg Court France;

•  ECHR ~ What’s the Story?

• Scandalous disgrace ~ Name and Shame;

• The UK Parliament ~ Prime Minister ~ Parliamentarians.

The Second Edition ‘bundle’ for ECHR Strasbourg Court France

Firstly, after concluding an Editorial review of the First Edition of the legal ‘bundle’[346 pages] which supported  an informal approach to the ECHR Registry at the Strasbourg Court France for Litgant-in-Person procedural advice the Bugler [TMB Editor]  has decided that it is essential by review to create a formal Second Edition, updated with new enclosures[all re-indexed] to include an  ‘Opinions’ Chapter[without amendment] commencing in June 2013 which will include the latest additional ‘Opinions’ generated since that time making a total of 8 Opinions to date.

Secondly, there is the essential International publishing, by inclusion, in the Second Edition of the 49+ UK Crown Court released LCFA/LFRS secret internal emails and their inescapable confirmation of repetitive evidence of pension fraud, racist discrimination, corruption,  and criminal Misconduct in Public Office by UK publicly elected officials and their local and central government Civil Servants who collectively and aggressively supported a campaign of denial of ‘due Judicial process’ which is a fundamental denial of the Human Right to Justice enshrined with other Articles of the European convention of which the UK was, and remains, a founder member State.

These organised and government approved undignified malignant malicious acts of  ‘management’ remorselessly carried forward with vigour and  in ill-disguised hostility and obmutescence by successive UK Governments denied under Protocol 1., the Human Right to Enjoyment of their Possessions, namely, their Pensions since 1992 to 11,000 disabled Firefighters and 30,000 of their Beneficiaries.

Furthemore , it is felt, anticipating another dearth of Pension Law  Specialist Justices which is the case in England and Wales that it would be helpful to European Judges, perhaps working in a new discipline, and certainly across language barriers to provide these Judges involved with at least a decade of professional ‘Opinions’ expressed in detail on the applicable UK Pension Law involved in this scandal to the cost of more than £5 Billion+ GBP which should be borne by liability insurance of the new owners of the LCFA Pension Fund, a company called LPP.

The UK Jurisprudence not only deliberately ‘failed’ to bring this Human Rights pension dispute to ‘due judicial trial’ but issued only one official self-approved Judgement which remains challenged. since 2011 and this by a self-evidently technically flawed and corrupt High Court of Appeal Justice, Fancourt[LJ] who had no recognisable experience of any description in this particular pension law discipline.

The Bugler will also include for the Strasbourg Court an original ‘Pensions Primer ~ In Plain English’ originally produced for the use of the UK Judicature Justices, and the eight ‘Opinions’ including the final one on the single ‘self-Approved Judgement’ and “Application Denied” by Fancourt[LJ] who at least had the honesty to state to an astonished Appellant disabled FSV~FMG ... “Well, this Clause 5 [he actually meant Paragraph 5] takes some reading”… referring to 1992 Statutory Instrument No:129. 

Finally the fact of this ‘Self-Approved Judgment’ is that Fancourt[LJ] simply got the Law entirely wrong from beginning to end. Perhaps he was receiving too many orders from his controllers?
Order; Counter Order; Disorder. For the final unanswered Appeal Against Fancourt.
Go Here.

ECHR ~ What’s the Story?

It was 26 years ago that the European Court of Human Rights (EUHCR) became a full-time institution.

The Court was established in 1959 to ensure that Governments across Europe implemented the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

At first the implementation of the ECHR was superintended by a Commission with the Court meeting from time to time to make judgements, but on November 1, 1998, the European Court of Human Rights became a full-time body.

As one British court official famously said “we have ‘European’ and ‘human rights’ in our name so we are not ever going to be popular”. Certainly not with the Conservatives – remember that when she was Home Secretary, Prime Minister Theresa May promised to make it a manifesto pledge that she would scrap the  Human Rights Act which brought the Convention into UK law and doing that would have pulled us out of the Court.

All of which is just bizarre and illogical because the state which pushed most for the Convention was – you’ve guessed it – the UK.

British lawyers drafted most of it at the behest of the Council of Europe, an institution dedicated to peace, democracy, the rule of law and human rights which was inspired by none other than the greatest Conservative Prime Minister of them all, Sir Winston Churchill – he was talking about it even during the Second World War as something worth fighting for.

One of the prime writers of the Convention was a brilliant Scots-born lawyer and MP, David Maxwell-Fyfe, later the Earl of Kilmuir, who would go on to become a Tory Lord Chancellor and who famously told then Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden that his lukewarm attitude to the Council of Europe and the EHCR had cost Britain the chance to be the leader of Europe.

Indeed only this time the detestation of Europe by so many on the right really does threaten to pull the UK out of the Court.

There are none so ignorant as those who won’t try to understand, and that’s why the attitude of so many on the right towards the Convention and the Court is that it is all part of “Europe” and therefore must be opposed.
What utter balderdash. The Court is completely separate from the European Union and should never be confused – but usually is – with the European Court of Justice whose job is solely concerned with EU law.
Even the building in which it is housed in Strasbourg was designed by a British architect, Lord Richard Rogers. Oh, and none other than Her Majesty the Queen
gave the Court the royal seal of approval when she planted a tree on what was then its building site in 1992.
What really annoyed many Tories, not to mention UKIP and other right-wing groups, as well as so many Brexiteers, is that UK Governments of whatever make-up have lost cases in the Court, and we can’t have all those foreign chaps telling us Brits what to do, eh?

For a start, it hasn’t, and certainly even fewer after the UK Supreme Court came into being in 2009 with much of its case law drawn from Europe.

In 2017, for example, the UK Government lost just 0.4% of the 507 cases taken against it – precisely two – while the court actually ruled in favour of the UK in three cases. Some 99% of the cases were ruled inadmissible and overall the UK has had far more cases ruled inadmissible or been backed by the Court than were ever lost – compared to Russia and Turkey who account for a fifth of all lost cases, we’re veritable saints.

This year there has been one stunning loss, however. The Court ruled that the so-called Snooper’s Charter that May wanted to impose back in 2013 is a breach of the ECHR. The Investigatory Powers Act thus joins the UK’s list of shame. And quite rightly so, most people would say.

Past court judgements against the UK have included making the Government protect the anonymity of journalists’ sources; allowing some prisoners to vote – David Cameron said the thought of that made him physically ill; bringing the age of consent for gay people into line for that of heterosexuals; obliging British prisons to take greater care of vulnerable prisoners; stopping businesses from the wholesale monitoring of employees’ private communications; and ensuring that local councils must observe proper safeguards in evictions. And many more.
The judgement against the UK in the prisoner voting case is still unresolved more than a decade later.
Hopefully Scotland will be independent soon and join the Council of Europe and sign up to the ECHR and its Court.

Post Brexit, the demands for withdrawal from the Court will only increase, though significantly May left out the pledge to withdraw from the Court from her Tory election manifesto.

The Court often takes years to hear cases and has a backlog of thousands from Russia alone, so expect to hear European rumblings about making the court efficient.

I think there is maybe a crumb of optimism in the article in saying that the Brexiteers are against the ECHR just because it is European. The underlying reason behind them wanting it abolished is more a matter of wanting to control the population as
Theresa May has blatantly shown when she was Home Secretary. We need to retain an objective institution to guard against, unfortunately, the UK Government. Who would have thought it 50 years ago when we were a recognised seat of democracy.
It is extremely worrying and even frightening to contemplate what might and probably would happen if a “putsch rogue” government had carte blanche to do whatever they wished with people who did not happen to agree with their politics.

The last sentence describes present-day Spain in a nutshell with very particular regard to the arbitrary jailing without trial of Catalonian politicians and current hysterical Spanish cries for what are effectively life sentences for peaceful protestors.
Nothing good is in the air at Westminster as it salivates over their unilateral Brexit shambles. (Whither Scotland in all this?) England’s Tory politicians and their pet poodles in Holyrood must be smacking their lips at the prospects. Never was there a more critical juncture for Scotland to dissolve an ever more England-led fascist-oriented Tory UK. Come on ‘SNP’ and ‘Yes’ movements – Scotland expects … ANON… a Thistle Hopper…
A Scandalous Disgrace ~ Name and Shame

At a time when when all these craven and genuflecting ex ‘politicians’ are asking ‘umbly for our votes in a General Election scheduled for the 4th of July 2024, so we might decide to cast it to remploy them, then surely 11,000 UK and European, disabled Firefighters and their 30,000 Beneficiaries who live all over the world,  have earned the right to ask them politely, now please remind us all what it was you did for us since 1992 in this tiresome matter of our underpaid[by25%+] Pensions and emoluments  ?

In evaluating this scandal who was it that knew all about this purilent corrupt and fradulent scandal and knowingly chose to do nothing about it, or worse, worked to remove and defeat the Human Rights of decent Human Beings?

Murder is an emotive word and a horrifying act but dictionaries consistently describe it as….”the intentional unlawful killing of a human being by another.”.

When the UK Government knowingly purchased inferior and cheap untested blood supplies from incarcerated criminals in Arkansas in the US which was then subsequently administered  to a seriously operationally injured a Junior Officer of the Bugler, was that by definition no murder?

Then there was case of the double underpayment of a proud  Fire Service Widow who died in hardship and penuary one of 75,000 UK Widows who were not only underpaid by their Fire Service Pension Fund but also by the DWP, during the administration of Cabinet Minister Dr. Theresea Coffey PhD PC who enjoyed imposing hardship, was this not only murder by any other name?

Then there are the cases of the Postal employees some choosing death by their own hand in shame and villification ; some incarcerated to the point of self-distruction ; most penniless and completely innocent through no fault of their own but, who like all these others have become subject to the most shameful and iniquitous policy ever invented and sanctioned by a British Government called ‘Withering on the Vine of Inhumanity’.

Then continuing in an unabashed Uria Heap posture the current Prime Minister Sunak’s whinging hand wringing and apologies only to deny the payment monies due. Is this also, not murder by debt ?

 All the while these assassins continue to live Florida handy for the Cayman Islands  and in Australia hoping they are beyond the reach of Justice. But at the sunset and in their last wakeful moment and in the morning by dawn’s early sparkling light we will certainly remember them and especially all those they murdered.

But let us return to the present…where we are witnessing the continuation of the ‘Withering on the vine of Inhumanity’ as our disabled Firefighters, Widows and Beneficiaries struggle on in hardship, some in  proud poverty, but who continue to ask not only who knew but chose not to do anything about it but now have the brass knecked cheek to ask us for their votes…who are they?

To ensure they knew, and could not at approaching moments like this General Election deny that they knew, the Bugler set himself the task of entrappment  by writing to those individual political power brokers who already knew by their logged visits to ‘The Morning Bugler’.

Every dog has its day and ours is coming minute by minute…those who Knew?

So you want our votes do you?

UK Parliament ~ Prime Minister ~ Parliamentarians

In the Roman Empire standard of ‘Primus inter Pares’ the Bugler first wrote to the current Prime Minister Rt Hon Mr.Rishi Sunak PC MP, Leader of the Conservative Party and First Minister of the UK Government.This was by Recorded Delivery Letter on 21st June 2023  to 10, Downing Street  London SW1A 2AB.

Attached to this letter was a 346 page narrative ‘bundle’ of misconducts in public office by a wide selection of identified persons of those involved in this National  pension fraud.Needless to say there was neither acknoledgement nor reply on such a serious National issue

One of the consistent notorious failures of the 21st Century is the collapse of common good manners.Those we pay for the resources to acknoledge or reply to our correspondence consistently ignore this social and professional duty.

Frankly it is quite repugnant and simply reflects the breeding, or lack there of the receipient. Of the thousands of letters despatched by the Bugler, principally to senior politicians, only two did not fail this duty… like him or loath him, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg PC, and another as we shall see.

For a time it seemed that the Prime  Minister ignored his duty but later he instructed the Government Legal Department[GLD] which has a a new sub-department in Central Manchester to investigate this fraud which they did during a 48 hour period across a weekend of the 26th November  2023  whilst visiting ‘The Morning Bugler’ during which the GLD read/downloaded an astonishing  400-500 documents of evidence from the General Correspondce library and a wider spectrum of interest.

After a period the GLD activity ceased and it is a resonable speculation that unfortunatly the PM received counter productive and unwise advice which simply exposes his naievety because he resumed his policy of ‘Withering on the  Inhuman Vine of Life’ of these pensioner victims where it still stands today.

And who was it who gave him this advice whispering in his ear ? None other than a childish 39 year old self serving crimial fraudster called Craig Williams former Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire who not only served on the Works and Pensions Select Committee but at the Treasury no doubt driven by the necessity to defraud 11,000 disabled Fire Fighters and their 30,000 Beneficiaries of their justly due pensions.

This fat little blimp who probabaly never did an honest days work in his life.

Where do they get them from?

Before they lock him up he should be forced to resign in disgrace or is the PM willing to carry more baggage of corruption or continuing to chant his mantra of apologies?

Go Here.

The Leader of the House ~ An Open Letter to Parliamentarians