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Edit.048 ~ 7th September 2021.

Editorial 048 ~ 7th September 2021
This Editorial at a Glance:

• The Journey of Truth ~ Chapter 1;

• Time to leave for Europe ?

• The ‘Great Debacle’ becomes a ‘Great Cover-Up’ and then the ‘Great Criminal Fraud’; 

• Time to look at Names; Roles; & Documentation;

The first ‘Trawl’ and what it meant;

The Journey of Truth ~ Chapter 1
Dear Reader,

if you have arrived at this Editorial by chance you would be well advised to read the lead in narrative by going to the Journey of Truth ~ Chapter 1.Go Here.

It is especially important to read and dwell on the truthful words of terminally ill disabled FSV~DW and it is upon these words that the Reader should reach his/her own conclusions; a man who knew he was terminally ill, and yet who recognised right to his passing his ultimate responsibility to his wife ‘C’, his family, and the Service and Community he unreservedly served.

To cast aspersions on his character was without humanity and simply shameless…

This fine Officer was one of ten of the Bugler’s Station Commanders personaly known to him on a daily managerial and operational basis; a fine disciplined Officer and a Commander highly respected by all Ranks, a decent man of incalculable integrity and honesty who devoted his limited leisure time with great enthuiasm at a personal level to the encouragement of youth football for which he was especially respected community wide. Go Here.

Time to leave for Europe ?

Firstly, the Bugler an Irish Citizen with dual nationality (the second British), will demonstrate publicly to the UK Electorate ; to the Citizens of Europe; and then to the European Court of Human Rights(ECHR) why the shameful facts in this case speak for themselves and why it is now necessary to take these cases to the ECHR of which the UK remains an active Member State; in effect becoming a major international incident.

Secondly, the Bugler will do so by the presenting incontrovertible evidence and then ask the UK Government, in yet another case of loss of international esteem and moral compass, why it has under the political direction of UK Cabinet Minister Rt.Hon. Dr.T.Coffey PhD;PC, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions(DWP), with the unreserved ‘bought’ support of its so called ‘independent’ Judiciary including the UK No.1 Justice, Lord Reed of Allerhead President of the UK Supreme Court (who sits at the ECHR), and its 13th leading Justice, Master of the Rolls Sir Geoffrey Vos (Head of the Court of Appeal), why it has in an unapologetic and international barefaced act of criminal fraud denied 40,000 of its UK and EU Citizens, including 11,000 disabled Firefighters and their Beneficiaries their basic Human Right to Justice, by denying them due process at law, to correct and repay the missing 50% of their pensions and benefits due since 1992?

The ‘Great Debacle’ becomes a ‘Great Cover-up’ and then  the ‘Great Criminal Fraud’

The Journey of Truth Chapter 1 provides the historical background to this Great Criminal Fraud by all those immediately involved at that time, some who continue in power in the LCFA, and those who consequentially were sucked into the LCFA bog of corruption created to cover all this criminality up extending today and including two of the most senior Justices (named above) in the UK and currently including a Cabinet Minister, the Secretary of State for the DWP  ‘voted’ 7th most ‘popular’ in the UK Cabinet Coven of 40 or so Cabinet Ministers.

But first the Bugler must look at the progenitors of this entire disaster and what drove them in their ‘wisdom’ to initiate the cynical and amoral decisions they all took and for what perceived personal gain…

The document below was the first of 6 ‘trawls’ by a lawless and unwitting DWP; the LCFA (LFRS); its LCC Pension Provider contractor; and finally by the deliberate fraudulent misuse of the National Fraud Initiative (NFI), in a direct smearing attack on the decent integrity and honesty of their 2000 LFRS Pensioners in a pathetic attempt to establish that the vast majority , including their Beneficiaries had confirmed criminal tendencies with the criminal intent of defrauding H.M. Exchequer and thus the Taxpayers…it was a vain hope, becoming instead the Great LCFA Fraud which ultimately has, in its corrupting defence, involved the UK government and its Supreme Court.

N.B.Whether published on TMBugler Libraries, or not, extensive correspondence exists in TMB® filed archives held in ‘Cloud’,  and elsewhere, amounting to over 2000 documents accumulated over 14 years and available free of charge worldwide to accredited International  Investigative Journalists and the Media and not least to Members of the Irish, UK, and EU Public with the provisos that whilst released electronically unredacted the document(s) remain the copyright © property of their respective authors and TMB® and are embargoed for further publication, or transfer, via Press Agency syndication networks until full compliance(Redaction) with the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act 2000 is confirmed in writing to TMB®.

Time to Look at Names; Roles; Documentation

1. Lancashire County Council (LCC) ~ Ms. J Drinkall MBE (LCFB); Mrs D.Lister and Deputy Ms.J.Wisdom. The collective  Lancashire Pension Scheme ‘experts’.

The first, without training or legal qualification, was employed by the Lancashire County Fire Brigade as its pensions clerk ‘technically’ until 1998 ‘growing’ into this position of expertise over the years. Drinkall was the progenitor of the second two who were employed from 1998 by the LCC as the new contracting Pension Providers to the LCFA(LFRS) Firefighters Pension Scheme though Drinkall continued to be employed by the new FRS until her retirement.

To avoid the trap of confusion it should be noted that the LCFB ceased to exist in 1998 being replaced by the newly formed, and supposedly independent, Lancashire Combined Fire Authority (LFRS) a blatant cynical political act initiated by Jack Straw MP the actual purpose of which was to curry the favour with the growing ethnic Asian vote in Blackburn to prop up his sliding voting figures… on the basis of, ‘ I’m all right Jack’…

The authorship of this entire scandal can therefore, without equivocation, be laid squarely at the feet of the unholy and unhappy ‘alliance’ of these three pension ‘experts’ who were not only Fire Service pension law legal ‘experts’ but the latter two of which are currently directly responsible for the management of the UK’s largest Local Authority Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which the financiers at the ‘City of London’ Stock Exchange informs the trading world is a repackaged and expanded multibillion £ investing pension scheme which underpins the entire pension industry of the UK, if not further afield through international investments.

So should this Scheme fail and fall from ‘investment grace and confidence’ the stakeholder/shareholder impact will be quite indescribable…

This LGPS Scheme, with its associated Lancashire County Council(LCC) employees pension schemes, including the LFRS Firefighters Pension Scheme is contractually managed and controlled in Preston, Lancashire by the LCC, disbursements being authorised by Mrs.D. Lister and Ms.J.Wisdom with their perks of designated parking spaces and their personalised car number plates.

It seems, if ‘sources’ are to be believed, that when Mrs.D. Lister left British Aerospace as its pension ‘expert’ to take up employment with the LCC she left on the usual basis of ‘was she pushed or did she jump?’; in the process ‘inheriting’ Ms. Julie Wisdom who was and remains just an untrained without qualification clerking case worker.

In fast forwarding for a moment to January 2011 and standing sworn in, in the Witness Box, at Preston Crown Court before ‘bent’ Circuit Court Judge Philip ‘Nelson’ Butler the Litigant-in-Person the Bugler asked Mrs.D. Lister to declare her professional pension management qualifications for managing 120+ LCC Pension Schemes disbursing over £300mil annually for the LCC; she replied “None”; when asked to repeat her answer, she truthfully replied “None!”.

Next the Bugler asked how many of her 60 subordinates (including Wisdom) held any professional pension management qualification to which she responded that she was “…not sure” but went on to state that the some of these clerks involved “might” be attempting to acquire some, though she could not say what type of credential it might be.

Today, clerk Wisdom professes and writes that she has a ‘degree’ (note the case) but when pressed cannot produce any supporting University documentation.

Now to return to November 2006 and to follow the time line to June 2007 to study the antics of these two clerks involving LFRS Hutchinson/Hamilton/Warren/Mattinson, their Chief Fire Officer, and his politicians who Wisdom and Lister  convinced, because of their ‘pension expertise’, to conclude, completely erroneously, that not only had the assiduously honest, but terminally ill , former Station Commander disabled FSV~DW been ‘overpaid’, but reached the bizarre and astonishing conclusion based on their complete joint ignorance of the Fire Service Pension Act and its Statutory Medical discharge procedures; the lawful application of DWP benefits; their inability to read and understand the FS Pension Act and its plain English ‘Commentary’  on duplication of payments; and the role disabled FSV~DW’s PRF should have played in providing clarity to these incompetents, if the records been correctly recorded, maintained, and understood by the LFRS, when they all astonishingly concluded, disregarding all that Law and procedure, that disabled FSV~DW was not entitled to any DWP benefits in the first place!

So what was the driving force behind all this debacle?

It was pure and simple; each individual commencing, with these ‘experts’ identified this unlawfully created miasma of the contravention of the law as an individual ‘opportunity’ to self-advance their personal ambition and unbridled personal greed; as we shall see.

2. Department of Works and Pensions(DWP) ~ Sir Leigh Lewis Permanent Secretary ~ DWP Preston MS. L.Gilroy-Mrs.D. Lambert-et al ; Mr. I. Young Solicitor-LCC

The 1st ”Trawl’ & What it Meant?
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.themorningbugler.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/01-Fraud01_Redacted.pdf” title=”01 Fraud01_Redacted”]
This was the first of  6 such ‘trawls’ the purpose of which was to serve the ‘Great Cover up’.