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Timothy Donal P Burns B.Eng (Hons)

 Director & Technical Creator
Tim BurnsTim Burns B.Eng(Hons) is the Creative Originator and Technical Director for the Symbol Seeker Group® websites.

His Alma Mater was Bristol University UK where he studied avionics in the great tradition of Bristol and the ‘Concorde’.

In his spare time Tim was also the Systems Integration Group Head at Gulfstream Aerospace, leading aircraft level systems integration and virtual flight test for the new Gulfstream G500 & G600 programs. Tim joined Gulfstream in 2011 as the Flight Deck Avionics Group Head, where he led the development of the program’s signature touch-screen controlled Symmetry™ Flight Deck.

Tim01As the leader for Systems Integration, he introduced scenario based testing to the G500/600 programs, allowing flight test pilots and engineers to execute virtual flights in the engineering laboratory to ensure all aircraft systems are fully integrated and tested prior to flight. Before his work at Gulfstream, Tim led the advanced technology team at GE Aviation Systems developing next generation avionic systems architectures for several aircraft manufacturers.

Tim’s international aerospace experience ranges from development of unlimited class aerobatic aircraft for the Red Bull Air Races, to military Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) applications for the C-130 Avionics Modernization Program.

Tim has multiple Patents that all relate to advancing technology in the aircraft flight deck. He is a graduate of the University of Bristol (the alma mater of Concorde) UK, with an Honours Bachelor of Engineering degree in Avionics Systems Engineering.

An FAA Certified commercial pilot type rated to fly the Boeing 737 series, he has a contagious passion for aviation which he shares with anyone willing to listen.

He is an avid PC gamer and you will frequently find him online using a multitude of aircraft, military simulations, and submarines much to the detriment of his wife’s “honey do” list.

Tim for a period resided in Caledonia MI and then in Richmond Hill, Georgia, USA with his wife Rachel and their two daughters Charlotte Grace and Evelyn Jane.

Timothy Donal Paul Burns has since moved with his family to Melbourne Florida U.S.A. where he is employed as Vice President of Avionics Design and Development for this multi national French company Thales…he has achieved his personal dream…a swimming pool…Bonne Chance!

However once more Tim has moved on to a  more sensitive developmental field in his chosen discipline proving, once more,  that hard work continues to favour the dedicated in the USA…

Tim has moved to Greensboro North Carolina home of Honda Jet  where he is Senior Director Advanced Technologies and Avionics at  the Honda Aircraft Company continuing to follow his dreams as he leads the development in the new 2600 series executive jet.