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Bugler Update ~ 10:06hrs ~ 13th July 2024

Editorial 058. Who Knew about this Scandalous Fraud ?
This Editorial 058 at a Glance:

The Second Edition ‘bundle’ for ECHR Strasbourg Court France;

• This Scandalous Fraud ~ Who Knew? ~ What did they Do?

• The new Prime Minister ~ Did he know of this great Fraud whilst in HM Opposition? ~ What action did he take?

• Is he Trustworthy? ~ We should look at the Evidence ?

Go Here.




Bugler Update ~ 17:01hrs ~ 9th June 2024

Opinion No:8 ~ Fancourt[LJ] ~ Appeal Against
This Opinion No: 8 at a Glance:

• Opinion No: 8 Barrister ~ Appeal Against  Fancourt [LJ];

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Cead Mile Failte

Herzlich willkommen, meine Damen und Herren!



Bugler Update ~ 05:21hrs ~1st May 2024

LCFA/LFRS ~ The Policy and Management of Corruption
UK Corruption at a Glance:

Rudderless on a Sea of Corruption;

The Author of the Great Pension Fraud ;

• Publishing LFRS Secret Internal Emails by Court Order,

  but many others had been censored in Contempt of Court,

LCFA Special Internal Emails SIE001 to SIE049 have now been analysed and commented upon;

Caveat Emptor ~ Buying a Pension Scheme ~ Buyer Beware!

Go Here.



Bugler Update ~ 07:00hrs ~7th February 2024

Legal Chambers ~ Barristers’ Opinions at Law
Barristers’ Opinions at Law ~ At more than a Glance:

Pensions Primer ~ In Plain English;

• Opinion No:1 ~ Barrister;

• Opinion No: 2 ~ Barrister;

• Opinion No:3 ~ Barrister;

• Opinion No:4 ~ Deputy Pension Ombudsman’s ‘Determination’;

• Opinion Nos: 5 & 6 ~ ‘Field of Opposing Forces’

Barristers Against & For;

• Opinion No: 7 ~ The Fancourt[LJ] & Vos Follies.

  Go Here.

Bugler Update ~ 17:16hrs ~ 22nd January 2024

Current Affairs ~ Volume 52 ~ 22nd January 2024
This Volume 52 at a Glance:

• ‘Long  Runs the Fox’…Tales of Mystery at the Preston Crown Court;

• A Growing Nightmare;

• The Authors of an Audacious Conspiracy;

• The Criminal Acts of Personating & Fraudulent Mis-Representation;

• ‘Fat Boy Burrows’ ~ On the Run?

Go Here.

• Vintage Billy Connelly ©

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Bugler Update ~10:02hrs ~ 26th December 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 51 ~ 26th December 2023
This Volume  51 at a Glance:

• A Good Man fallen by the wayside ~ A Tale of Corruption;

• Pleadings ~ To the ECHR Strasbourg Court France;

• Disabled FSV~FMG ~ A Personal Impact Statement;

• Deceased FSV~WH ~ A Widow and Son’s Impact  Statements;

Go Here.


Bugler Update ~11:13hrs ~ 12th December 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 50 ~ 12th December 2023
This Current Affairs Volume 50 at a Glance:

• The PSNI Employees ~ The Prelude;

• PSNI employers Appeal Belfast High Court Judgment;

• PSNI Errors;

• Consequential Law including Interest on the established debt?

• EU/ECHR ‘Principles of Equivalence’ & ‘Principles of Mutual Recognition’

• Parallelism;

• The Principles of Equivalence;

• Points of Law to be extracted from this PSNI Case.

Go Here.


Bugler Update ~15:35hrs ~2nd December 2023

Editorial 057 ~ 15:53hrs 2nd December 2023
This Editorial 057 at a Glance:

• Getting Around ~ The Morning Bugler ~ the Concept;

• Using the Bugler.

Go Here:

Bugler Update ~ 11:05hrs 23rd November 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 49 ~ 23rd November 2023
This Volume 40 at a Glance:

• Enforced ‘retirement’ of Rt Hon Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett of Maldon PC;

• Appointment of Rt Hon Justice Dame S. Carr DBE, PC; First Lady Chief Justice;

• Sunak’s  Sacking ~ Demotion ~ Transfer List ;

• The Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the  UK Serious Fraud Office.

Go Here.

Bugler Update ~ 13:52hrs 10th November 2023

Current Affairs ~ Volume 48 ~ 10th November 2023
This Volume 48 at a Glance:

• “Off to Dublin in the Green with our Helmets glistening in the Sun”…

• Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Rt Honourable Ms.Suella Braverman PC KC MP ~ her views on Fraud;

• Who knew what and when?

• A Special Letter with a legal ‘Bundle’ to PM Sunak PC ~ On Fraud ~ Is the PM going to report himself for alleged Fraud to the Police, or is he going to leave this to Braverman?

 • The Role of Sir Kier Starmer PC; the Labour Party, and this State Criminal Fraud?

• Letter of Appeal to the Sovereign HM King Charles III of England ~  Mordaunt’s role?;

• Director General of UK Security Service (MI5) Mr. K. McCallum ~ Civil Servant ~ Can Interpol arrest him for unauthorised interference with the Bugler’s EU Communications bearing in mind that the Bugler lives in the EU ?

• TMB…Pension Law/Libraries/Correspondence/2023
~  The ‘Special Letters’ and the complete 347 page ‘Bundle’.

Go Here:

Bugler Update ~ 10:06hrs ~ 13th July 2024

Editorial 058. Who Knew about this Scandalous Fraud ?
This Editorial 058 at a Glance:

The Second Edition ‘bundle’ for ECHR Strasbourg Court France;

• This Scandalous Fraud ~ Who Knew? ~ What did they Do?

• The new Prime Minister ~ Did he know of this great Fraud whilst in HM Opposition? ~ What action did he take?

• Is he Trustworthy? ~ We should look at the Evidence ?

Go Here.




Bugler Update ~ 17:01hrs ~ 9th June 2024

Opinion No:8 ~ Fancourt[LJ] ~ Appeal Against
This Opinion No: 8 at a Glance:

• Opinion No: 8 Barrister ~ Appeal Against  Fancourt [LJ];

Go Here.


Cead Mile Failte

Herzlich willkommen, meine Damen und Herren!



Bugler Update ~ 05:21hrs ~1st May 2024

LCFA/LFRS ~ The Policy and Management of Corruption
UK Corruption at a Glance:

Rudderless on a Sea of Corruption;

The Author of the Great Pension Fraud ;

• Publishing LFRS Secret Internal Emails by Court Order,

  but many others had been censored in Contempt of Court,

LCFA Special Internal Emails SIE001 to SIE049 have now been analysed and commented upon;

Caveat Emptor ~ Buying a Pension Scheme ~ Buyer Beware!

Go Here.



Bugler Update ~ 07:00hrs ~7th February 2024

Legal Chambers ~ Barristers’ Opinions at Law
Barristers’ Opinions at Law ~ At more than a Glance:

Pensions Primer ~ In Plain English;

• Opinion No:1 ~ Barrister;

• Opinion No: 2 ~ Barrister;

• Opinion No:3 ~ Barrister;

• Opinion No:4 ~ Deputy Pension Ombudsman’s ‘Determination’;

• Opinion Nos: 5 & 6 ~ ‘Field of Opposing Forces’

Barristers Against & For;

• Opinion No: 7 ~ The Fancourt[LJ] & Vos Follies.

  Go Here.

Bugler Update ~ 17:16hrs ~ 22nd January 2024

Current Affairs ~ Volume 52 ~ 22nd January 2024
This Volume 52 at a Glance:

• ‘Long  Runs the Fox’…Tales of Mystery at the Preston Crown Court;

• A Growing Nightmare;

• The Authors of an Audacious Conspiracy;

• The Criminal Acts of Personating & Fraudulent Mis-Representation;

• ‘Fat Boy Burrows’ ~ On the Run?

Go Here.

• Vintage Billy Connelly ©

Go Here.